Friday, January 16, 2009

we used to be funny ...

Once upon a time, funny things happened in our house. So funny, in fact, that at times I thought I might pee my pants. But that was long ago. Before getting ready to move. Before the endless cardboard boxes. Before Dizzle broke her arm (that's right, it was broken after all). Before I woke up and realized that Dilly is scheduled to be in here in 12 days. That's right. 12 days.

To say we've been a little occupied recently would be an understatement. In fact, I'm pretty sure that all of this craziness has led me to stop seeing the humor in our everyday lives, which is sad, because my kids really do some hysterical things. I just haven't taken the time to notice or recap them for the for the entire world to take part in either.

I promise one day we will return to our former glory. And you? Well, you will be on the floor laughing so hard you can't breathe. Just as soon as we finish packing. And unpacking. And have a baby. And figure out a schedule with three kids under four. And I eat a full meal without interruption. Oh, wait. That's never going to happen ...

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