So, I was all set. Uber-cute outfit picked out. Mental game on point. And despite running 24 miles in the two days prior, I felt strong. I was going to crush my PR (24:09). But then, it snowed.
And for the first time in a VERY long time, I wasn't a "runner first, logical thinker second." J didn't want me to drive to the race (honestly, the roads were bad) and I actually listened to him - taking my first DNS EVER.
I was totally bummed. I wanted, no, NEEDED to know how fast I could run. So, I put on my uber-cute outfit and hit the treadmill for my own Christmas 5K.
I set the treadmill incline to 1%. I hit the button for the pace I was hoping to run (7:30) and I was off. The first mile was comfortable, so I pushed it a little. But still, mile two seemed to fly by, so I sped up again. And when I finished, the display looked like this ...
Woot, Woot!!! that's an awesome time and you did it in your cute outfit to boot!!! Yeah for you!!!!!!!
Go speed racer, go! That's just awesome!!!!!!!
You're such a rock star! What a great run and a great idea to make it happen anyway. Fun!
Winks & Smiles,
Nice speedy 5k! Congrats on a new PR.
But will we have to wait for the next race to see that super cute outfit? You know we come here for fashion direction along with the running stuff. ;-)
that's awesome! congrats! You are super speedy
Great job on the PR - you need to give the super cute outfit its due!
Awesome PR! Keep up the good work!!
whoohooo thats awesome!
your progress is amazing and seriously makes me realize I need to keep pushing myself! way to go
Your speed is definitely untapped. You've been building mileage and not focussing on speed. Now you have that huge base so pushing yourself to go faster is that much easier.
Way to go, Speedy!
Awesome! I've always found running fast on the treadmill more difficult than running fast on roads so just wait until you get to unleash that speed outside!
WOAH! You're on FIRE! I wish I had some of that speed in me!
That is smokin' fast!!! Awesome time, and glad you pushed it out on the tread since you had that DNS.
DANG WOMAN!! You are a speed demon. You definitely have some untapped speed I am loving it! P.S. Buy my plane ticket and I will be there in a heart beat to cook for you!
Fantastic "race"! Way to push your limits!
Nice job speedy! I love how you did your own 5k on the treadmill in your cute outfit! :)
wowza, nice job!
Sweet! Way to end the year with a PR!!!
Woman! Way to go! I love it when Mothers of Many kick ass. You are awesome. So awesome!
WOW! That's awesome! Congrats!!! :0)
Of course I am RIGHT.. :) Been telling you this for some time my friend.. You rock!!
Wow, that is a huge PR!! Congrats!!!
Ummmm yeah you are speedy! Nice job!
Woooohoooo! Disney turned you into a speed monster! :)
That is awesome! Wanna share any secrets??? Seriously - I'd love to build a little speed - what did you do?
you are a speed goddess. i will bow down to you in the hopes of speeding up myself.
Everyone has a little bit of power in them they never tap into. Keep pushing and you'll be under 20 minutes in no time.
You were FLYING on that treadmill! Congrats!!!! Seriously speedy.
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