Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: Cause and Effect

On Monday, this ...

Led to this ...

And this ...

Which led to $1900 of damage to our SUV, a demolished lamp post, 
and the perfect example of cause and effect.


Running Ricig said...

oh man! That is the worst! Glad you guys are all ok, but bummer about the car.

Johann said...

That is crazy! Luckily no one got injured.

carrie said...

WOW! Good thing no one got hurt!

Meredith said...

Wow! What did the girls think of that??

5 Miles Past Empty said...

Booo. =/ I hope you get everything back in order ASAP.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, that's a serious tree! Good thing nobody got hurt.

Jason said...

Wow! Glad that the people in your life are ok though. Cars and lamp posts are replaceable.

Julie D. said...

oh no!! so sorry!! what a bummer about your car. glad it didn't get your house!

Sara said...

Wow! I am just glad you are okay. The weather has been horrible here too. Stay safe and hope you can get the damage fixed sooner rather than later.

Paulette said...

Wow no good - glad you are all ok! Those photos are scary.