Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: It's On ...

Yup, that happened ...


Johann said...

Awesome! Lots of fun for sure.

Kurt @ Becoming An Ironman said...

You're going to love it!!

I'm looking at Cedar Point for 2014! So I expect a full report. ;)

Nikki! said...


The Kidless Kronicles

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Woot Woot!!!

Rene' said...

So exciting!!!!

newsie15 said...

I drive by that area every time I make a Michigan trip to see the in-laws! Safe travels and good luck!

Anonymous said...

Congrats - very exciting for you! If you need any 140.6 pointers, let me know!

Jodi H said...

Congrats! I live about 40 minutes from there. I have had other friends do it and they love the course. Good luck!!

H Love said...

Sooooo exciting!

Pam @ said...

And I hear the roller coasters there are GREAT! :)

Molly said...


Michelle said...

Very exciting!!

Jeff Vanis said...

Awesome! Congrats

Unknown said...

Whoop!! I'm 98% sure I'll be there too! Can't wait!!

Birdie said...

I am so excited for you!! Cedar Point was my first 140.6 and I love love LOVED it!! It's going to be a great season!