It's no secret that I love Nuun.
I drink it throughout the day, while I train and when I recover.
And now that it's 90 degrees with 100% humidity here in Virginia, I love it even more.
And now that it's 90 degrees with 100% humidity here in Virginia, I love it even more.
I currently have a tube in my purse, in my car and two in my kitchen cabinet. Not to mention the four boxes I have in my pantry.
Nuun Active Hydration rocks my world. Here's just part of the reason why:
- Packed with electrolytes, light flavor, no sugars or carbs, and portable, Nuun Active Hydration is the perfect sports drink.
- The electrolytes found in Nuun will help alleviate cramps, help muscles function, communicate and burn energy efficiently.
- Nuun Active Hydration comes in 11 flavors: Banana, Orange, Lemon Lime, Strawberry Lemonade, Fruit Punch, Kona Cola, Lemon Tea, Tri-Berry, Grape, Tropical and Citrus Fruit. (Banana and Lemon Tea are my favorites. I could tell you were wondering.)
Not only does Nuun have their Active Hydration line, they also produce U Natural Hydration and Nuun All Day, which was released last week.
So, in honor of the unofficial start of summer and the high temperatures many of us are dealing with, I am giving away a tube of Nuun Active Hydration and a 21 oz Nuun Water Bottle to TWO WINNERS.
Entering is easy. Here's what to do:
Answer this question: What do you do to maintain your fitness when the temperatures rise?
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I can't wait to try these new flavor combos: blueberry pomegranate, tangerine lime, raspberry grape and grapefruit orange |
So, in honor of the unofficial start of summer and the high temperatures many of us are dealing with, I am giving away a tube of Nuun Active Hydration and a 21 oz Nuun Water Bottle to TWO WINNERS.
Entering is easy. Here's what to do:
Answer this question: What do you do to maintain your fitness when the temperatures rise?
Good Luck!
Official Rules:
- One entry per comment.
- Only entries submitted correctly will be counted.
- Contest will run from 5/29 until 11:59 p.m. on 6/4.
- Winners will be randomly selected and announced on 6/5.
When the temperature rises, I do more cross-training in the pool as well as slow my running pace down to maintain my fitness. I have learned that hydration is key in the HOTlanta summers!!!
When it gets hot, I run earlier and wear less clothes. Running barefoot on the beach with my feet in the surf is my favorite solution, but I only get to do that for a week or two.
Last summer I continued to run in the heat (with my Nuun in hand, of course). I'm on the injured list this year so running is out. I've been cross training on my bike in the early mornings or late evenings and also making use of my gyms lap pool.
Fortunately, the heat is only here for a short time in Maine. However, I usually run after dinner when it is cooler to avoid the mid-day sun.
And drink a lot!
I get up early to work out before it gets too hot--although last summer, there were some nights it only hot down to 80 degrees. I also do a lot of water exercises at the pool.
I schedule my runs for early morning or if all else fails, the dreadmill
I get in the pool more and get my workouts in in the early morning or after dark.
I get up earlier and earlier! Losing the sleep is easy when I'm working so hard to be the best that I can be!
Drink more Nuun, and workout earlier in the day.
I started running in August 2010 - taking the Women Only Learn to Run at the Running Room. Our runs were in early evening (6:30pm)
but during the biggest heat wave we'd had in years ...
34C+ temperatures at night with coastal humidity! I knew I would die. I didn't.
I kept at it and last summer committed to longer distances and training for a 10k.
I knew I needed solid hydration. I stopped in at the local store and browsed all the options and
loved the idea of the dissolving tablet. So, Nuun it was.
Since then, I have run 2 half-marathons (February at -19C and May at +27C)
and am training for another one next month. Nuun is ALWAYS in my hydration pack.
It is my number one solid go to...
during the long days teaching at college, post-morning swim, during and after my long runs, and in
my camelbak on long rides.
I am so excited to try the new All Day Hydration and add it to
my growing collection
When it gets too hot, as I live in Houston, I will run on a treadmill. I trained for a half completely on a treadmill one summer!
When it starts getting hot I try to run early in the morning. If I can't beat the heat I sometimes take advantage of the treadmill at the Y on my lunch hour. There are days when I will brave the heat and just slow my pace and make sure I carry plenty of water. While it's tough during the run it feels so good after!
Oh how I wish the temperatures rose enough in Oregon to make it hot!! But, when it does (in late July) then I run early in the morning or hit up the gym w/ AC. I chug my lemon water throughout the day and make sure I splash around in the plastic kiddy pool with my little people :)
I try to switch around workouts to be smart and train when it is cooler or adjust my speed or distance. Heat is tough on me so I try to hyrdrate extra too!
How do I stay cool and still workout when it's HOT?
1. Drink Nuun
2. Run really early or really late ( safe of course with lights and a buddy)
3. Treadmill, treadmill, treadmill,
4. Run anyway but I keep it short and I hydrate.
5. Run to the nearby lake and jump in.
Number 5 does pose a problem with running home but sometimes I just don't care.
I do the same things I always do, just with more water ... or Nuun. Also the treadmill setup gets an extra fan. ;)
Luckily I live in Santa Cruz, CA so our weather is pretty perfect all year round!! But if it were to get especially hot, I would make sure to stay hydrated before and after runs, and try to run as early in the morning as possible!
When it gets hot, I start to do more and more of my runs in the morning. During the winter sometimes it only once or twice a week, but in the summer, I usually run all but one run in the morning. Then I spend all day re-hydrating!
I carry water with me on a run. Like, for the first time ever, I carried water in a half marathon. In Virginia, when it was 75 degrees and a billion percent humidity.
I start my runs earlier, in hopes of finishing before the sun gets too high, and carry water for even the shortest runs to ensure I'm always well hydrated. I also start using electrolyte pills for really long runs.
I run early, and carry hydration. Some Nuun in my handheld
Hydration! Run early in the morning. It doesn't get too got or humid here, but when it does I make sure to have water or nuun with me!
When summer heat and humidity take hold, I run earlier in the morning, or later in the evening, and I hydrate like it's my job. I keep my runs shorter, and if a longer run is on the training schedule, I make sure to get out early, bring water, or plan my stops along my route.
I do the same things just try to go earlier in the day to avoid the tough heat!
Planning ahead to accommodate both my work schedule, my mom schedule and the weather. Everything gets harder in the summer.
When the summer heat kicks in I try to schedule my workouts earlier in the day (5 am). If that doesn't work then I use the treadmill or head to the pool for some cross-training. Hydration is key, so I also carry a water bottle with me at all times :)
I try to schedule my runs in the morning before work or if all else fails I use the treadmill and put a few fans on me to cool me down
When the temps rise I'm so tempted to just stay indoors but in order to keep my fitness level progressing, I usually run early in the morning. I also slow my pace (which is already turtle pace so I slow down to snail pace). I've found a loop that I can run so I can drink lots of water as I run and that helps too.
I just get up earlier in the morning!
Usually run at night & try hard to hydrate during the day.
Get up earlier before the temps rise! Worst case I default to the dreadmill, but I love that even with temps in the 90s here, the mornings stay nice and cool...perfect for early runs!
I try to exercise very early in the morning, and of course, drink lots of water.
totes need to win this!
When the temps go up, it's fine, it's the humidity that kills me. I still run like a maniac, but I'm less strict about if I count running in my mileage. I take things a little easier on myself.
I get up earlier to run, or try to sneak it in at the end of the day (depends on the work schedule). I usually double-fist with water (and now Nuun, since I discovered it this spring!). This year, it might mean doing more indoor runs, though, since we bought a treadmill over the winter.
Don't you just love Virginia Summers? I try to run early in the morning and at the beach when possible. If not, I pick a shady route
I'm also in love with Nuun. I carry it with me on every run.
I've been known to run at 4:30am when it's the coolest, to dump ice cubes down my sports bra to cool off, and drink water, water, water!!!! I also slow down my already slow pace to a near crawl in an attempt to keep my heart rate down.
It's brutal out there!
When the temperature rises, I get up earlier to get my workout in before the heat and humidity move in or I wait until the evening when it is dark. If all else fails, hit the pool with the kiddos and try to get some laps in. :)
I am a newbie so now that it is getting hot I have either been running when it is cooler out or inside on a treadmill. Plus I make sure that I drink plenty of water.
When it gets hot and I want to stay outdoors, I try and wake up earlier and make sure I am hydrated. Otherwise, I can stick indoors but that just gets boring!
I start my long runs super early!
When I have to run in higher than normal temperatures (since it's almost always above 80 degrees where I live) I am careful to pre-hydrate in the days ahead, properly hydrate during a run including electrolyte replacement with Nuun and/or Heed, and if it's scorching hot I also use ice bandanas on the back of my neck to keep my core temperature down.
I get up to run at 4:30am. Not my favorite, but I can't handle extreme heat. If that isn't an option, or I don't make it out of bed, I just plan to run slower than usual and bring hydration even if the run is short.
I keep running, but I go a lot slower and I'll get up earlier. And I carry water on every run, even the short ones.
Well last year I kind of wussed out and DIDN'T maintain my fitness when it got so hot out. I ran sporadically but nothing like what I should have. But I learned my lesson! This year I'm running whether I like it or not, albeit much slower. And I also have a spin bike now that I didn't have last summer! I have a feeling it'll be seeing a lot of me this summer.
I drink insane amounts of water and nuun. Winning this giveaway would be awesome, in the current clear water bottle I use my favorite nuun flavor, lemon tea, looks like pee. I get mocked at work all the time for it, like I'm drinking pee. That blue nuun bottle would really help me out!
When the weather gets hot, I ride my bike to the lake, swim, and then ride home.
When it gets real hot I take in more sodium in my drinks and make sure to drink a lot of fluids. It doesn't get that hot too often where I am though.
When it starts getting hot in Utah I do my runs early in the morning. If I happen to start later than planned I will run through neighborhoods and try to find as many sprinklers to run through as I can!
Hydrate more and run after dark on the treadmill during the week or early morning on weekends.
I get up earlier to run or ride my bike which doesn't bother so much in the heat.
I go out early in the morning or I head to the gym where the A/C is on :)
I bike more often around town. To run errands. Return books to the library. Buy small items at the store. Instead of burning gas on the car, I burn my own energy and do as much as I can via bike.
I run really early in the morning or really late at night!
Yippie! I'll be giving some away soon too! Two winners..same win! win win situation! :) xoxo
I run first thing I'm the morning so its not too hot and I don't have an excuse to not get my workout in. I also drink extra fluids to stay super hydrated,
I get up early and run or ride. I bring more liquids to keep hydrated.
I live in WA state so there aren't many too hot to run days, but when the possibility of high temps or blech humidity threatens, I just wait till 8 or 9 pm. If that doesn't work into my sched, I run the shade, & walk the areas of no shade. Mostly I'm just glad I live in the Pac NW and not the east coast ;) we just don't get the incessant humidity like you all!
With higher temperatures I start running even earlier and make sure to hydrate well the day before as well as during the run. I haven't tried nuun yet and would LOVE to win this giveaway!
When the temperature soars, I get up earlier and run on the greenway where it's shady.
I take water on all runs or make sure that I'll have access to drinking fountains. I also run earlier or later in the evening.
When I can, I love to add lap swim into the rotation too.
I keep on doing what I normally do, albeit at a slower pace. If I am scheduled to do a long run I leave earlier in the morning and try to plan a course that goes through shady areas. I will also plan a stop at a convenience store to cool off. I conscientiously drink more water when I am not working out to keep my hydration levels up.
During the warmer temps I increase my water and tend to workout inside more often.
As the temps rise, I make sure to stay properly hydrated. I drink water and/or Nuun throughout the day and also make sure I bring water with me on my runs. I also slow my pace a bit until my body acclimates to the heat.
I run early in the day and also slow down my pace.
When it gets hot I make sure to keep water or nuun with me all the time, and on double workout days, I take one workout indoors so I'm not out in the heat twice!
I run early, wear less clothes and drink my Nuun through out the day.
Run earlier, run slower, drink more, and not be afraid to skip a workout if it's unsafe because of temps.
I like to run outside when it's hot. I won't when it gets up in the 100s though. I can't stand being cold, so I guess that's why I like it. Definitely carry a handheld water bottle though. I've been wanting to try Nuun for awhile!
I make sure I bring enough liquids, dress to stay cool and go with what my body tells me. I work nights, so sometimes it is hard to get up early for a workout or go late (because I am behind my desk at that point.) I have no time other than when the sun is beating down on me. So I use those tips, plus try to stay in the shade while exercising.
I can be a real whimp when it gets hot. So I to keep training through it I have to be smart about it. Here's my personal survival guide.
- Get out and run/ bike extra early before the heat picks up.
- Hydrate hydrate hydrate
- If it's just too dang hot swim instead or ride my bike on the trainer inside with fans and AC blasting
- Hydrate some more
Hope I win. Lurve me some nuun especially when it starts to roast outside.
When the temperature rises, I head out earlier in the morning for my runs. If the humidity is also high, I'll stay inside and run on the treadmill (I dehydrate quickly, so I need to pay attention to my body!).
I enjoy the hot weather, but if it's really really hot, I'll run on the treadmill in the AC and I always make sure to stay hydrated. After a hot workout I make a recovery smoothie :)
Cross train in the gym, amd I just added a bike trainer in the basement.
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