Friday, March 1, 2013

February Rewind ...

Miles Run: 63.92 miles.

Bike Miles Rode: 79.9 miles. All on the trainer.

Swim Meters Completed: 12400 meters or 7.7 miles.

Rest Days Taken: 10. Taking a week off before 140.6 training began was probably the best decision I made all month.

Highest Run Mileage Week: 2/18-2/24: 20.6 miles

Highest Bike Mileage Week: 2/18-2/24: 34.4 miles

Highest Swim Volume Week: 2/18-2/24 and 2/25-2/28: 5000m or 3.1 miles

Long Runs Completed (10+ miles): 3. All two hour runs - My longest since the Seaside Half Marathon in October (otherwise known as the worst race of my life).

Current Book: Right now, I am reading Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat by May. But I also finished a few other books in February. (Note: For those of you who have asked, if it's on this or any of my lists, I would recommend the book. If I don't like the story or the book doesn't grasp my attention, I don't bother finishing it, thus it wouldn't be listed here.) 

  • The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Chbosky
  • Before I Fall by Oliver
  • Blind Spot by Ellen
  • Crossed by Condie
  • Days of Blood and Starlight by Taylor
  • Cleaning House: a mom's 12-month experiment to rid her home of youth entitlement by Wyma
  • The Host by Meyer
  • Pandemonium by Oliver
Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Jumpin' Jack Doritos. I probably haven't eaten Doritos in 10 years, but I saw this throwback flavor (which was my favorite as a kid) at the store the other day and I had to have them.

Current Colors: Charcoal Gray, Yellow and Pink
Current Drink: Hot tea with a touch of sugar. It's freaking cold here right now.

Current Song: Carry On - Fun.

Current Triumph: As much as it is killing me to do, I am eating 2800-3800 calories a day. I'm deathly afraid to get on the scale and other than the fact that I am constantly questioning the whole process, I do feel great and my workouts have been killer.

Current Goal: Be a better me. Each and every day. And tackle my 2013 To Do List head on.

Current Blessing: Health, happiness and love. I've got all three.

Current Excitement: I swam 12x100m @ 20 second intervals yesterday with an average lap time of 1:45. That's 12 seconds per 100m faster that I have ever swam ANY 100m. Not to mention a set of 12. It was kind of a big deal. And maybe I won't be the last one out of the water at Rev3 Cedar Point.

2013 To Do List:

  • 140.6. That is all. - Registered.
  • Make time for strength training. Don't let training loads eliminate strength workouts completely. And stick to strength training in a group, it keeps you accountable. - Yeah I kind of sucked at this in February. Only one true strength training session.
  • Switch to time-based/HR training. Despite my knowledge of training paces, I have a hard time sticking to them. I'm hoping this will help me train more effectively. - 59 days in and adjusting quite well.
  • Log 4,500 cumulative run, bike and swim miles. Up 485 from 2012. - As of March 1st, 328.54 miles logged.
  • Race a 10K with a finish time much faster than your very dated current PR of 53:17. I never managed to register for a 10K in 2012 and I'm not sure where it will fit in this year, but it's on my radar. - No progress on this one.
  • Set a new PR in the Half Marathon, currently 1:57:06. I totally blew this one in 2012 and will likely only have one good shot at it in 2013.- Registered for Flying Pirate Half in April.
  • Run a 5K with Dizzle and Doodle, even if that means tricking them into it. - The kids have been running quite a bit recently. Probably going to aim for the fall.
  • Eat like a gluten-free athlete. After struggling with health issues much of 2012, removing the gluten has been key in alleviating the symptoms. Don't be swayed by the lure of wheat. Or cake.- On point, like usual.
  • Find the race day (and training) nutrition plan that works for me.- Eventually ...
  • Consume no more than 18 desserts from Shyndigz. This number worked well in 2012 and helped me cut back on my serious cake addiction. Plus, their gluten-free menu is limited, so I shouldn't be tempted as often. - As of March 1st, 5 desserts consumed. I may have eaten more than one piece from my own birthday cake.
  • Drink at least 100oz of water per day.- Oh, heck yeah!
  • Only say yes to the projects you REALLY want to work on. An honest no is much better than a halfhearted yes. - Check.
  • Stick to our budget. We've lived credit card (and credit card debt) free for five months. No reason to go back now. - Double Check.
  • Ignore your impulses. Take time to process the true value of the things you are filling your space/life with. - Yes and no. Although TigerBlood rocks my socks, I am in the market for a sweet Quintana Roo ...
  • Figure out what to do with my hair. Keep the mohawk or grow it out. I'm taking opinions on this one.- I totally ate my words on this one. Thought I'd let it grow, but I had it trimmed last week. Oops!
  • Continue to balance family life, training and now, work.- Check.
  • Prioritize and be a good example for the people in your life. - Like quadruple check!
  • Help and support J and the kids in reaching their goals. We are a team and that must always be the primary focus of our lives. No one should have to sacrifice so that someone else can reach their goal. If a balance can't be found, it's not worth pursuing.- I would never waiver on this one!


    Nikki! said...

    I wish I could stop reading a book. But once I start, I have to finish. No matter how long it takes me. Seems silly to waste precious time reading something I am not enjoying. I am just finishing up Life of Pi. And I am very glad I read the book rather than seeing the movie.

    The Kidless Kronicles

    fancy nancy said...

    I remember back in the day I went to a nutritionist and she told me to eat about 1000 more calories. It scared the crud out of me but low and behold it worked! You rocked February!!

    Unknown said...

    Ah, Seaside. At least we all looked fabulous.

    All I can think about next month is the hope that we can swing by Shyndigz on our way out of or into town. I follow them on FB, because of you, and wish I lived on the east coast every weekend.

    Nice job on your goals, as usual.

    giraffy said...

    I'm trying to fathom that many calories in a HEALTHY way, and am struggling. I'd love to see you post what you eat to meet that number!

    Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat was GREAT. I loved it.

    Unknown said...

    Look at you - becoming all fast in the pool! :) Love it! Looks like a great month Tonia!

    Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

    So excited for your 140.6 journey!! What an amazing feat!! And, glad to hear you are fueling your body for all the work you are putting in! :)

    Karen said...

    I really need to read more. I used to read all the time but just don't anymore. I need to make this a goal... Doritos sucked me in with their throwback flavors too! I had not eaten anything processed in like 6 weeks and saw them. I felt so sick and it was such a waste. The bright side is I won't want them next time! Ha ha.

    Anonymous said...

    That was very smart to take the week off before IM training started. Now you are hungry for hours and hours in the pool, on the bike or running :)