Friday, July 30, 2010

important race information ...

This time tomorrow morning, I will be on a plane making my way to Chicago. And 48 hours from now, I should be about two miles in to the Rock N Roll Chicago Half Marathon. But, there are a few important things I need to fill you in on before any of that happens.

1. I know you have been in suspense all week as you waited for my answer to this question HERE. The vast majority of you felt that I should go with C (run all my miles and pray for a PR). While a few people, who obviously don't get how competitive I am, suggested B (use the race as a fun run). And now the time has come for you to find out my decision. Drum roll please ...

I went with C. I knew that I would be disappointed if I didn't run all of my miles this week. And I know deep down that "running for fun" just isn't my style. So, I packed in 27 miles in my four runs this week, will be taking off today and tomorrow and am praying for a kick a** race on Sunday.

2. For those of you who are also running (or spectating) this race, please say hi. To aid you in locating me, I am providing you with a snapshot of my race outfit.

Katye will be sporting it too. So, if you see two tallish women running together wearing this combo, introduce yourself. I promise I don't bite. Most of the time.

And if you happen to be looking for me at the expo, I am 99.9999% sure that I will be wearing this shirt.

It's bright yellow. You can't miss it. You probably won't be able to miss the bags full of running skirts I'll be carrying either ...

3. If you are feeling really stalkerish, go ahead and track me. I'm not promising anything exciting or super fast, but if you have nothing else better to do, go right ahead and follow my every move. My bib number is 8818 ...

4. Oh, and most importantly, don't forget to wish me luck. It would be rude not to ...


abbi said...

Have a fabulous race and good luck with option C (that was my pick too!).

LB said...

LOVE the race outfit!!!! have fun!!!

Carly said...

Good luck! You're going to do great! :-)

Jessica (Pace of Me) said...

GoOd LuCk!!!! So happy you chose C and I can't wait to hear all about it. I know you will rock it and be sure to have fun every step of the way! I'll be cheering for you on my long run on Sunday :o)

Anonymous said...

Kick butt chicky! You'll look fabo!

Anne said...

You are going to look gorgeous!
Good luck...kick ass :)

Unknown said...

Have a great race! Love the outfit.

mommaof3ontherun said...

Have a good time and good luck!

Katye said...

ok seriously I was planning on wearing that shirt too hahaha don't worry I won't

bobbi said...

I'm looking forward to meeting you (and I LOVE your race outfits)!

Anonymous said...

Good luck, you running fashionista!

Aimee said...

Love the yellow shirt and race outfit! Good luck! You are going to ROCK!

Michel said...

Good luck Sunday! I am racing as well but I will be waaaaaaaaaay in the back of the pack!! If I see your bright dot flash ahead of me I'll know it's you!

Lynette said...

Good luck! You're going to do great =)

Pining for Pinterest said...

I would hate to be rude soooooo..... Good luck!!! I can't wait to hear about it :)

ajh said...

Absolutely want to wish you luck! Love the skirt you will be wearing and the whole outfit of course! I also love the Nike shirt! They have so many great shirts. Maybe I need to go look at their website right now since I won't be at any race Expo for a long time. I hope you share what you buy! Good luck meeting your goal.

Allie said...

Good luck, you guys are going to look adorable, as always. :)

Shannon said...

Good luck! You're going to do great! Love the outfit :)

Christine Jensen said...

Good luck! You are going to be awesome (and I LOVE the outfit)

chloƫ. said...

Good luck! I LOVE your race outfit! :]

Marlene said...

Awesome outfit! Good luck and have fun!!

Rae said...

Good luck! I'm so excited for you! Love the race outfit and the yellow shirt!

Anonymous said...

I hope the weather is fabulous for the run! GOOD LUCK!!

Hunnybee said...

Good Luck! I'm tempted to be all stalker-ish and follow you, but I love seeing the updates.

Sarah K said...

Cute outfit!
Good luck and have fun!

Heather said...

Love that outfit!! Good luck!

Rene' said...

i love your outfit! i have the same skirt and love it with a yellow shirt.
good luck this weekend.

Running Diva Mom said...

Good luck -- You guys will be adorable -- Hopefully I'll be able to spot ya! GOOD LUCK!

S Club Mama said...

good luck! have lots of fun. you're going to look great!

Willow River Piecemakers said...

GOOD LUCK! Hope you have a fantastic race, how could you not with such a great outfit! - can't wait to hear all about it!

ptg said...

I picked C too!

Good luck on the race - love the outfit. Who are the compression socks by?

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

Not a suprise that you are going for broke in your half. I am sure that you will get that PR and look great doing it.

Run strong...luck has nothing to do with it.

Unknown said...

Good Luck! I bet you will PR!

Unknown said...

GOOD LUCK GOOD LUCK! Dying to know where you got the Nike shirt and the pink compression socks! Very "fast" outfit. Can't wait to read how you did.

Michelle said...

Love the outfit! You'll do great this weekend and look fab doing it :)

Included you guys in my Friday Shout-Outs! Good luck!

Katie A. said...

You are smart! Rest today and tomorrow will def give you the fresh legs you will need to race your heart out!
I LOVE that Nike shirt! Now I have to get one! Good luck girlie!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for wearing the bright yellow. It'll be easy to spot you at the airport lol

Meredith said...

Good luck! I'm sure you will ROCK it!

racing dawn said...

Good luck! Seriously, you have the cutest running outfits! So fun... Knew you'd pick C all along... :)

dawn @ running the dawn said...

I feel it. This is YOUR race!!!! Get out there and kill it. Can't wait to hear all about it

Becka said...

The outfit is FABULOUS!! Best of luck to you!! (PS, I get super super hot when I run, do you find your feet/legs get hot wearing socks the knee hi socks?)

ihaverun said...

Good luck and have fun!! You will do awesome. PR - here you come!

Unknown said...

Your outfit looks great. Now, go rock the skirt.

Have fun at the expo; my heart rate is up just thinking about it:)

Have fun.

Anonymous said...

Good luck! Can't wait for the racing report!

Kellie said...

Good Luck this weekend! I love the race outfit by the way! I just ran a half in the middle of my marathon training and I didn't taper or fall off on my weekly workouts either - and I almost PR-ed it! I think you will be fine chosing option C :)

Kayla said...

Love the outfit! I was hoping to spectate the race this weekend, but I have to work :( Good luck!! Enjoy Chicago!

MCM Mama said...

You'll definitely stand out in the crowd! ;o)

Good luck! Hope you get that PR!

track coach and adorable wife said...

Dig the skirt, covet the socks! Good luck!

Non Sequitur Chica said...

Good luck (especially with your PR)! I have friends that have run that race and it's a lot of fun (from what they tell me). :-)

Kristin said...

Good luck! I love the orange shirt (am obsessed with orange lately). Have fun!

Kristin said...

Good luck! I love the orange shirt (am obsessed with orange lately). Have fun!

One Crazy Penguin said...

Good luck! I'm sure you'll do amazing :)

Jeri said...

good luck! w/that many 8's in your bib # you're bound to do AWESOME. I <3 8. :) love the bright yellow shirt.

Jamie said...

Is it weird if I print pictures of your outfits to aid me in finding you either at the expo or the race? Love the weekend outfits for sure! I will be on the lookout for ya! Good luck and more importantly have a kickass time in Chicago! It's one fun city :)

busyrunningmama said...

Good Luck! I know you will rock it!,

Unknown said...

I don't want to be rude or anything so Best of luck to you and Kayte both :)

Kristen said...

GOOD LUCK! You are inspiring me...I have my first half scheduled (registered, too!) in October...did my longest run ever of 11 miles this morning. Have a great race!

Holly - Run Like the Wind (or Shuffle Like an Old Lady) said...

Good luck!!! Love the outfits!!

suzy, said...

Hope you had a great race! Can't wait to hear a recap and see some pics.