Anyway, the perfect plan was in place. I was going to join SpeeDee and her friend Amy. G and Kc were going to be our "bike escorts." L and IronJ were going to jump in along the way. We were going to see all of Richmond, on foot.
But then, at 6 a.m., I woke up to an email from SpeeDee. She was sick and wasn't going to make it. Amy bailed. So, it was just me and my "bike escorts" and a route that I didn't know at all. All of these scenerios were playing in my head. What if G and Kc had to cut it short and I was left all alone? What if the 38 lines of directions weren't enough to get me back to my car? What if I can't make it the whole 20? What if we miss IronJ along the way? Will she be stranded forever?
I had no choice but to show up and find out. When I arrived at the start, G and Kc were already waiting for me ...

Finally, 3:09:59 after we started, we once again arrived at our cars. Our "bike escorts" had survived their first 3+ hour ride and I had another great 20 miler under my belt. And to think I thought it could all go horribly wrong ...
Nice! I'm so jealous of your running entourage :)
Love it! Sometimes it is almost better for plans to go harry. and I am super jealous of your biking entourage. you did look totally bada**!
Love it! Sometimes it is almost better for plans to go harry. and I am super jealous of your biking entourage. you did look totally bada**!
Love it! Sometimes it is almost better for plans to go harry. and I am super jealous of your biking entourage. you did look totally bada**!
20 miles with a posse sounds like a hell of a lot more fun than all the lonely 20 milers I've done.
Great job! BTW, when you guys start figuring out your plans for that weekend, keep me in the loop. I'd be happy to host a pasta party (or whatever you want to eat) at my house, but I'm a bit of a metro or drive from the start.
you've got some great friends, there! beautiful scenery too. way to go on the 20!
you are going to kill this race!
You're right: you look pretty bad a##! :)
YAY!! I'm way jealous of peeps to run with. I run with ground hogs. :)
There's not a single thing about this that I don't love.
Congrats on yet another successful 20!
I am jealous of your bodyguards! :)
I want a bike detail... seriously GBA. Great run... and miles 20-23 are said to be hilly at National. Thankfully, I will be stopping at 13.1 :)
Wow, that looks beautiful! Are there cars on that road? Congrats on the run, you guys look GREAT!
Bike escorts, whaattt? Just like the celebrities do it :) Great time for your 20 miles, awesome!
congrats on the 20M, the bike escorts made me giggle. :)
WOW What a fun long run. I would welcome the posse on my long runs. You got some great pictures.
I bet you did look badass with bike escorts! Sounds like a great run!
SWEET!! I love that you had body guards.. Awesome new Blog Header...
bodyguards and all, you are awesome! you're going to stomp all over national.
Nice! I think I need to get me some of those body guards. :-)
Hi! I'm new to your blog, and blogging in general. So, nice to meet you! I'm Lisa. I'm from the East Coast originally, so I'm loving your pictures of the Richmond area!! Your run sounds awesome, and how cool to have a bike escort crew! Looking forward to reading more!
Biking sherpas are so great to have! I hope mine gets off her (widening) behind.
I love your new header photo. Looks like a nice place to run. Glad you got your long run done.
i love the new header! please send your bike escorts up my way...i could way use them for my next long run!
You totally can claim bas@$$ status with your very own patrol! Sounds like your 20 miles were much more challenging than my flat route! This will totally help you in your race!!!
I like the new header!
I wish I had my freinds from Manila here. Your post reminded me of them. What they used to do for me back home =)
I should have my husband bike escort me on my next long run.
You did awesome!
I like the new header!
Way to go not giving in to fear and knocking that 20 miler out. I don't really fear getting lost as much as I should. But with an escort like that, what have you got to lose?!
I see you had the hydration pack again. Any complaints after 20 miles?
This looks like so much fun! I cannot WAIT until my oldest is old enough to bike alongside me during long runs!
Great job T and your body guards!! ;) I love it... i hope you pretended you were kara goucher or a famous actor... I can't think of any famous actor that is a super cool runner. :)
So glad it all worked out. Love the pics and the new header.
Winks & Smiles,
There is nothing more bada$$ than bike escorts. Or 20 milers! Way to go and you looked fab - natch!
How wonderful that you can say 20 miles of fun! I always look forward to my 20 milers too but it has been a long time! Like the new header!
I am so jealous! Im at the 20-22 mile part of my marathon training. My running partner and my schedules are NOT evening out to run together. None of my other friends run nearly that distance. 20 miles is SO much better with someone else!
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