Monday, February 28, 2011

Disney Princess Half Marathon Recap ...

If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you probably already know that I had a blast this past weekend. Disney truly treated us like princesses and I will fill you in on all of that tomorrow. But first, my race recap.

Location: Orlando, FL
Date: 2/27/11
Temperature: A balmy 61 degrees at the start
Official Time: 1:57:06 (8:57 pace) for 13.1 miles
Garmin Time: 1:57:07 (8:51 pace) for 13.21 miles
Place in Age Group: 142/2365
Overall Place: 638/13091

The Good:

The Course/Atmosphere: I love this course. To begin with, it's simply magical. You start just outside of Epcot and run through the Disney property to the Magic Kingdom through Cinderella's castle and back through Epcot. When you add the scenery of this route with the on-course entertainment, atmosphere and support, and this course is hard to beat. Plus, Orlando is flat and with the exception of one hill at mile 12, so is this course. If you are looking for a fast time, this could be your race.

The VIP/Media Tent: As part of the Disney Princess Media Event, several other bloggers and I had access to the Media Tent before and after the race. No lines for the bathroom. No need for bag check. A post-race brunch. Talk about being spoiled. I'm not sure that any other race experience will ever compare.

The Outfits: Disney race participants are known for their rather inventive race apparel. From princesses to witches to frogs, you will see it all at the Disney Princess Half. Heather and I even saw someone running in a string bikini. We, on the other hand, were a little less adventurous, but fun, nevertheless.

A New PR: In 2010, I finished this course in 2:01:36. This year, I crossed the line in 1:57:06, a 4:30 course PR and a 56 second half marathon PR. While not what I was shooting for, a time I am very proud of considering the fact that less than 12 hours before the race I was vomiting at the expo and living on crackers and water (thanks Doodle for sharing your stomach bug!)

Celebrity Sightings: We were fortunate enough to hang out with Jeff Galloway (yes, that Jeff Galloway) post-race. He is a wealth of knowledge and perhaps the most approachable person I have ever met. And he makes one mean Jack Sparrow. I was truly honored to have had that opportunity.We also got to spend time with Ethan and Jenna from Survivor. And thanks to that encounter, it looks like I will be running the NYC Marathon with Ethan and his foundation, Grassroot Soccer.

The Bad:

The temperature: It was a humid 61 degrees at the start. A good 10 degrees warmer than I would have preferred and 30 degrees warmer than I am used to running in. In my last few weeks of training, I have done 16 mile runs with no water. That was so not the case during the race. I was drinking from my handheld by mile 2.

The Early Wake-up: Disney races are EARLY. We boarded a shuttle for the race at 3:50 a.m. By the time I finished the race just before 8 a.m., I felt like I had been up for an eternity.

The Ugly:

Vomit: Did I mention that whole stomach bug thing? Yeah. Because that really sucked.


Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous! I think that would be the funnest race to run! You did awesome, especially considering you were throwing up before hand!

Marlene said...

I love this report! Looks like the "goods" outweight the "bads" but that stomach bug is just cruel. Can't believe you went on to not only RUN but PR.


kimert said...

It is my dream to do a Disney race. One of these days!!

Kudos to you for making it through with the bug just 12 short hours before. WOW. You are a rockstar! COngrats on the PR!! Love the pics.

Jen Feeny said...

OMG girl you poor thing! Way to go out there and crush a PR on a hot day after having the flu! You are a warrior... a punk rock adorable warrior! :)

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

So many things in this post to covet! I will be doing some serious praying for being so jealous. Meeting Jeff Galloway! Meeting Jenna and Ethan from Survivor, WOW! Being able to say, 'oh yeah, I'll run the NYC Marathon' at the drop of a hat. Sigh. I'd do a little vomiting for all that. What an amazing experince! (and the vomiting just shows how determined you are. as if we didn't already know that.)

Runners Fuel said...

Gerat job (even though you had a bug)!!!

Amanda@runninghood said...

You're so stinkin' cute in those socks! :) Way to go despite that bug. :( YOu look so happy! Congrats!

Unknown said...

love the race, the outfit, the PR.....congrats!

Stephanie said...

Sweet! Great race report.

I so WANT to go & be a princess!

Emily said...

crazy awesome! congrats on the PR in the midst of battling the stomach flu. just imagine what you'll do healthy!

Anonymous said...

Awesome job!! I have run there many times. I did their 15k all 3 yrs till they shut it down, also Disney was my first marathon.

Jen said...

AWESOME recap.... and how will you be able to run another race with being in the VIP tent? Spoiled!

Amber said...

Congratulations on your PR. I hate humidity! Do the Disneyland 1/2 California will rock your socks.

Kurt @ Becoming An Ironman said...

Despite the bad AND the ugly, you still did great. A PR in conditions you weren't training in is awesome!

And at least you've brought Doodle up correctly; she knows to share. Now it's time to specify what things it's ok to keep to yourself. haha

Emz said...


PR. love that!

Unknown said...

Aw, looks like you guys had a great time! :) Yuck about the stomach bug (hope you are feeling better) but you still ran a great race... and heck, PRed! Awesome!

Rose @ Eat, Drink, and Be Meiri said...

I can't believe you went from a stomach bug to a PR. You are INCREDIBLE!

One Crazy Penguin said...

Congrats on the PR!!!!

Bummed that I didn't spot you though. It was impossible with *so* many people though.

Rachel said...

Seriously.. you rocked it. I would have never known you were sick, if you hadn't said anything! Sad I had to leave early, but I definitely had a fantastic time with everyone. You are an inspiration to run after being sick, and to PR? Wowza!

Karen said...

What a great experience! I was lucky enough to meet Jeff Galloway during the Goofy in January. You are so right - he is so genuine and approachable. I passed he and his wife during the marathon. I loved the fact that she was keeping tracking of the time, shouting out when to walk/run sort of coaching him along :)

Unknown said...

Congrats on your PR!

Anabela (Bela) Neves said...

Glad you had a great race. I had my race from HELL! I run this race with a fever/hot flashes and chills, yup not good. I hated the whole 13.1 miles.....I guess that means I just have to run it again ;)

Julie D. said...

NICE! congrats on the PR! What is it with you and stomach bugs and races? didn't you deal with something like this at your last marathon?! Hardcore, to get it done with stomach bug! Congrats. That race sounds like too much fun. got to put it on my 'list'!

Stefanie D. said...

YAY! You did so awesome!! It looks like such a fun race! I love your socks. Might have to get me some. :) Congrats on your PR!

S Club Mama said...

Wow! That's such an amazing race. I'd love to run this half with my sisters someday...just expensive :S

Pam @ said...

Very cool.

Jeff Galloway is going to be at the HM I'm doing in Murray KY in April, too. And I think he's doing some kind of seminar at the expo the night before.

Michelle said...

Huge congrats on the PR...and fighting a stomach bug no less!! All-in-all it sounds like an awesome weekend!

Aron said...

CONGRATS on the PR even with the stomach flu - GAH! way to tough it out!

Katie said...

i'm going say huge congrats on the PR anyway, especially with the stomach flu! holy cow are you a tough girl!

Stephanie said...

Ethan is so amazing! What an awesome experience. Great time...ESPECIALLY for a stomach bug! Woohoo!!

Twila said...

Nice run! and that is really cool about New York with Ethan. Sounds like a good weekend minus some vomit.

Cynthia said...

Congrats on your PR! Your outfit is completely AWESOME!!

April said...

sorry you got sick! But that is a fantastic time! Great recap and pictures! I WILL run that race someday!

Becka said...

Congrats on the PR!

Lisa said...

Way to go, girl!!! Look at your smile! You seem so happy! So glad it was an awesome (minus the stomach bug - uggg). Great job on the PR!

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

This sounds magical!!(minus the sickies). So glad you recovered and were able to run AND PR!!

Terri said...

I really enjoyed the Disney marathon, so I'll bet this one was a great race! Nice job on the pace, too!

Meredith said...

Love the report! So excited about your race! And crossing my fingers that hubs brings his computer home tonight so I can see the pictures (I'm on the broken one right now :( )

Unknown said...


Winks & Smiles,

ajh said...

Yeah for the PR! Sorry for the too warm temp and the vomiting! Yuck, you did awesome that soon after being sick.

Non Sequitur Chica said...

Congrats on your PR- especially considering that you were sick! I'm using Galloway's method for my upcoming quarter marathon in April so it is so cool that you got to meet him!

Bethany + Ryan said...

Simply amazing! Vomit and all u still kicked a$$! Amazing!! It is my dream to run the princess half! I LOVE disney races! Awesome job! Congrats!

Molly said...

UGH over the puking! you'd never know it by your PR and photos!

and I just got super excited about your NYC you have an idea of what my Mystery Marathon is????

Meredith said...

Love love love the pictures!! Looks like so much fun!

Average Woman Runner said...

Nice! Congrats on the great race & getting into the NYC marathon. Looking forward to that re-cap...months from now :)

Zoë said...

WOW! Sounds like a blast, TMB! Congrats on an awesome half PR!! You rock! And, how cool is that that you are running with Ethan in the NYC Marathon??? Wow! Great pics! Hope your tummy (and Doodle's) feels better now.

Carly said...

The stomach bug sounds awful, but congrats on a great finish!

Unknown said...

A PR when you're sick? Take that damn stomach bug!!

Laurie said...

Despite the puking it all sounds amazing! Way to get a PR while being sick, you rock!

Anonymous said...

wasn't it GREAT! i was super impressed with the whole disney experience. i can't wait to have a little girl (some day, far far away) so i can take her to the bibbity bobbity boutique. we totally would've gone if they had dresses in our sizes. =)
way to go on the course PR, vomiting and all. what a champ!

Fruit Fly said...

Fabulous picture of you and Ethan! (swoong!!)

Congrats on your PR! I am even more in awe of your PR because of the weather. I know I was seriously struggling because of it, but it was completely amazing!!