Friday, April 30, 2010
so about that mileage base ...
I want to begin by saying that my weekly mileage base is too small to be COMPETITIVE in any distance over a 10k. But it is NOT too small to FINISH longer distances. And there is a distinction in that. Some people see this as COMPETING VS. COMPLETING. And I would like to throw out there that to be "competitive" does not mean that you are in the mix to place, but rather that you be "competitive" versus your past performances and in comparison to your times in other distances. Make sense?
Let's use me as an example. I have a 5K PR of 24:09 and I run 25-30 miles a week. My base is large enough to be competitive at the 5K. If you calculate what I should be running a half marathon in based on my 5K time, I would have a half PR around 1:51. But what is my half PR? 2:01:36.
OK, so let's reverse that calculation. If you calculate what my 5K PR should be based on my current half PR, you come up with a time of 26:07 - a two-minute difference. Reversing the calculation like that shows that I have an adequate base for shorter races, but not necessarily so for longer races. Long story short, it comes down to endurance. I don't have the endurance to hold a comparable pace at a half marathon that I can at a 5K. And how do you build your endurance? YOU LOG MORE MILES. It's as simple as that.
And in case you were wondering (and I know you were), I am looking to build my base to 35-45 miles per week in order to COMPETE in distances up to a half marathon. This same base would allow me to FINISH up to a 30K.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Three Things Thursday ...
1. On Tuesday, I registered Dizzle for Kindergarten. I'm totally excited but kind of sad at the same time. I think I'm just concerned that she's not going to miss me as much as I will miss her. Or even worse, what if I don't miss her as much as I think I am going to?
And speaking of Dizzle, she hit me with this one yesterday. I was watching the end of her dance class (which I never do) and I saw her doing all the same moves as her classmates, but she was doing them while spinning around. She must have gotten really dizzy, because once the music stopped, she fell to the ground. I couldn't stop laughing. When she came out, I asked her why she was spinning. To which she replied ... "I don't know. My brain told me to."
Really? What could I say to that?
2. I have run over 400 miles this year. And I am well on my way to crushing my 1000 mile goal. But, with that said, I learned in my coaching certification course this past weekend that my mileage base is WAY TOO SMALL for me to be proficient at longer distances (i.e. over 10K). Which leaves me with the following choice, either never run anything over a 10K again or up my weekly mileage. One guess at the answer ...
3. Big things are going on at Racing With Babes.
First, I have over 200 followers! Crazy! If I haven't made my way over to say hi, leave me a comment to let me know you are there.
Second, I am hosting a virtual race on the weekend of May 21-23. It's called the Run Like A Mother Virtual Half Marathon and 10k. You can find out more HERE. When it gets closer, I will post a list of all the participants. But for now, I leave you with the prizes. Three people (the fastest 10K, the fastest Half and one person drawn at random) will each win a tube of Nuun and two Gu.
Lastly, don't forget to check out my Tarma Designs giveaway HERE. You have until Monday, May 3 to enter.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Dear P90X ...
I know we've been seeing each other for a whole two weeks now, but I have to tell you, you're coming on kind of strong. I mean, really. You just expect me to drop everything six nights a week to be with you. What about my other loves? Like reality TV? And ice cream? And my husband? Am I just supposed to end things with them? Are we exclusive? Because I didn't get that memo.
And can we just talk for a second about how you are fatiguing me for all of my runs? It's not easy to squeeze in 30 miles a week when you keep coming at me with all of that "this is the X" crap. And don't even get me started on Ab Ripper.
OK, maybe I am overreacting. Maybe you are going to make me a stronger runner. Maybe I'll get abs of steel and biceps to kill for. I mean, isn't that what you promise? Don't worry, I'm not leaving you. At least not for the next 10 weeks, but I swear if you don't deliver, I'm going to write nasty stuff about you on the Internet for all of the free world to read. Consider yourself warned.
Your follower,
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
why running slow makes sense ...
Let's just begin by stating that you do not need to run slower ALL THE TIME. Unless you are working on building your base mileage, you can and should be adding faster runs (i.e. speedwork) into your training routine. Basically, neither slow long runs or fast short runs stand alone.
OK, back to why it works. The ultra simplified reason is that slow long runs increase your endurance and increased endurance is the key to running faster. Basically, slow running allows you to run MORE (often with less chance of injury than fast running) and running more now and having a stronger base helps you to run faster later.
But, there are more benefits than that:
- The thought is that running too hard every day will cause over training. The body needs time to get stronger and adapt to the stresses you place upon it. By slowing down, we aid the body in adapting and recovering.
- Slow running improves your aerobic system, which also improves your ability to run harder paces.
- Running at a slower pace will help improve your capillary system which improves the rate at which blood gets to your muscles when you do run fast.
- Slow running trains your body to use fat as a fuel helping to spare your glycogen stores.
- Slow running simulates race duration, building your mental strength.
- You recover quicker from an "easier" effort, allowing you to have a better quality workout when you do speed up.
Did I convince you to try it? I know, probably not. Slowing down is a hard pill to swallow. But really, what's the worst that can happen?
Monday, April 26, 2010
knowledge overload ...
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Tarma Designs Giveaway
For those of you who don't know, Tarma Designs manufactures a variety of unique, hand-crafted, earth-friendly and fair trade jewelry that celebrates the spirit of life and a love of the outdoors. Their product line includes a variety of styles including pendants, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, wristbands, and bottle openers to choose from. I love their stuff and would go broke if I purchased everything I wanted from their site. You can check out the full product line HERE. And you should, especially since Mother's Day is coming up and we all know those hubbies could use some help (so send them the link). And you probably have a mom. Or a grandma. Or you know an awesome mom. And she'd probably like a nice gift too.
OK. Back to my point. I was given the choice of a piece to giveaway and after much debate I went with the Cast Lotus Necklace.

So, how do you win it? (One entry per comment, please!)
1. Become a follower of this blog and comment to let me know you did (required).
2. Visit Tarma Designs HERE. Then come back and leave me a comment letting me know what other piece you would like to own.
3. Become a Facebook Fan of Tarma Designs HERE and leave me a comment to let me know.
4. Become a Facebook Fan of Racing With Babes HERE and leave me a comment to let me know you did.
5. Repost this giveaway on your blog, Facebook, Twitter. Heck, write about it on the wall of a bathroom stall, just spread the word. And leave me a comment to let me know.
Entries will be accepted until Monday, May 3. Winner will be selected randomly and announced on Tuesday, May 4.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Sugoi Verve Short Review ...
With that being said, when the lovely people at Outside PR sent me a pair of Sugoi Verve Shorts to try out, I was skeptical. Afraid even. The thought of running with thigh bunching made me want to cry. So, I eased myself into testing them.
On day one, I just wore them around the house. And I was impressed. They were super comfortable and cute. Two qualities I look for in workout gear. Since they performed well during the initial wear, I decided to test them while cross training (running in them was still too scary). I had P90X Plyometrics on the schedule. A good test for the shorts due to the amount of jumping and moving I would be doing. And again, the shorts exceeded my expectations. They did not ride up at all and allowed me to move easily in every direction. After that workout, I was convinced that these shorts were awesome (I even went out an bought another pair.) But I was still hesitant to run in them. What if they bunched? What if I had a constant wedgie? What if I loved them more than my skirts?
Finally, after much internal debate I sucked it up and got dressed to run. And when G saw me sans skirt, she nearly had a heart attack in my driveway. Once she regained her composure, she snapped this shot of me.
See, the shorts are super cute.
We had eight miles on the schedule. I figured it was far enough to get a feel for the shorts but short enough that if I couldn't stand them I could make it home relatively quickly.
So, how did it go? Well, can I just say that a quarter mile into the run, I forgot I was wearing shorts all together? Initially, I was overly aware of the difference from my usual running gear, but once we settled into our run, the shorts were great. They didn't ride up or bunch at all. I was seriously impressed. Shocker, right? Now, I won't be abandoning my skirts by any means, but I will definitely be wearing these shorts to cross train and who knows, they might even get pulled out for a run here and there.
If you are in the market for a great pair of running shorts, definitely check these out. You can learn more about them HERE.
* I was not paid for this review, although I was sent the product for free. The opinions stated here are completely my own.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Rock Your Socks Marathon/10K Virtual Race
And I thought I would invite you all to participate in the race as well - Virtually. (That is unless you really want to come to here and run with us.) I know you're interested. Here are the details ...
1st Annual Rock Your Socks Virtual Half Marathon and 10K
WHEN: Friday, May 21, Saturday May 22, or Sunday, May 23
DISTANCE: 10K or Half Marathon
COST: FREE - But I will take donations to the sock collection ...
WHAT YOU SHOULD DO: Comment on this post to let me know you are in! Then send me an email with your name, distance and blog address (if applicable). And don't forget to invite all your friends to join in.
Then on the weekend of May 21-23, pick your course and run your race! When you are done email me the pictures, a link to your race report and your finish time.
WHAT WILL YOU GET?: Every participant will be linked on the Run Like A Mother Half Marathon and 10K Recap. And all racers will be entered to WIN a prize (or two or three, I haven't made up my mind yet).
Sounds like fun, doesn't it? So, are you in?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
what's that word?
Dizzle: "Mom. What's that word that adults say sometimes when they get hurt?"
Me: "Ouch?"
Dizzle: "No. That OTHER word."
Me: (mind spinning) "Um. I don't know Dizzle. Can you give me a hint?"
Dizzle: "Mom. You know."
Me: "No. I don't"
Dizzle: "OK, Mom. The word is frickin. I hear you say that when you get hurt. What does frickin mean?"
Me: (stalling) "Um. Yeah. That's a word that adults use. It means, 'Oh, man. That hurt a lot.' But, it's really not a nice word and if you EVER say that at school they are NEVER going to let you come back. Do you understand me?"
Dizzle: "I know Mommy. But can you make my brain forget to say that word?"
I'm pretty sure I'm going to be getting a note home. Fan-Frickin-Tastic!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
eight miles of stroller pushing (and a winner) ...
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
perfection ...
Monday, April 19, 2010
I could use a nap ...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
open letter to my body ...
I know that we don't have the best history. I treated you poorly for so many years. Overeating. Refusing to do any serious cardio. I abused you. But you never failed me. You put up with anything I threw at you. Without uttering a single peep. And I thank you for sticking with me.
I've tried my best over the past six years to change my ways. To treat you like the idol that you are. I've cut my portion sizes. And learned about moderation. I've gained a love for exercise. And lost a ton of weight. I've run mile after mile. Pounding my joints with each step. I know at times I have been hard on you. But without fail, you have been there for me. Never complaining.
And in the past week, I've asked you to do even more. I've upped my running and added some serious cross training to our days. That cross training is named P90X and the two of you are not yet friends. After all these years of silence, you are finally speaking up. You are angry at P90X for disturbing what we had. You are working harder than you ever have and are undoubtedly feeling the pain. But I promise you, it will be worth it. Three months from now, when we look back on our time with P90X, our thoughts will be filled with admiration and respect and thanks. For you will be a stronger and more fit version of yourself. Nothing bad can come from this.
Oh, and one more thing. I know I it's a lot to ask with the all the cross training and everything, but if you could please just give me the mental and physical strength to make it through the 19-21 miles on our schedule today, I'd really appreciate it. Oh, and be sure to leave me enough juice for tonight's P90X session too!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
and the completely random ...
Paige asked: "What is one new food you have tried that you cannot live without?"
OK, this one is kind of hard. My mom is a caterer, so growing up, we tried a lot of different foods and I have always been one to eat almost anything. As a kid, two of my favorite foods were escargot (snails, in case you didn't know) and frog legs. Seriously.
Although, for a long time, I did not like stinky cheese. Then the summer before college, that all changed. I was working as a waitress and the restaurant I worked at made this Buffalo Chicken Pizza with huge chunks of blue cheese. It was fantastic. I ate it almost every time I went to work. And ever since then I have been obsessed with stinky cheeses (the stronger the better). I can't get enough.
Kerrie T asked: "When are you just going to move to Seattle already?"
Yeah. I expected this question. I don't think we are moving any time soon. However, I have told J that if we EVER move, it's only going to be to the Pacific Northwest. I've never even visited, but there is something about that part of the country that intrigues me. OK, so I'm not moving there, but I am coming out there next year to race. All I need to do is find the race to run and book my flight. Any suggestions?
Stephanie asked: "What is your favorite running website ever?"
Easy. McMillan Running. I am always on there plugging in my times. Finding my training zones. I love that site. DailyMile and Runner's World don't suck either.
Jameson asked: "If you were an animal, which one and why?"
Again, this is another easy one. I'd be a cheetah. And here's why. First of all, I look super hot in cheetah print. Second, cheetahs are beyond fast. And that is exactly how I want to be. And lastly, cheetahs are stunning and powerful animals. I like to think of myself as both of those things.
MCM Mama asked: "When are you coming up here to run a race with me? You know you want to. ;o) I'll even take you out for a beer afterwards."
Soon. My fall race schedule is on the light side and I'd be up for the trip. Did you have a race in mind?
Allie asked: "Is there some secret technique for taking awesome running photos? Because you always looks so cute and I always look like death."
I'm sure you do not look like death. My number one secret is SUNGLASSES. Not only do they keep the sun out of your eyes, but they hide the agony in your photos. It also helps if you perk up when you see a photographer. If you are light on your feet and stand tall as you run past, I promise your pictures will look better. Oh, and posing never hurts.
Judi asked: "I would love to have my own Garmin but I know very little about what is a good one to buy. They vary in prices . . ."
I have the 305 and love it. I purchased mine on Amazon, where I believe you can currently find them in the range of $150-200. Many of my friends have the 405, but have had issues with using their watches during the run (switching screens and the like) and also problems with their watches freezing. All I can say is that the 305 has been great to me. And I'm sure that no matter which model you choose, you will find that it is money well spent.
Friday, April 16, 2010
it hurts to laugh ...
I said to her, "I wonder what that green stuff on the water is. Do you think if I threw you into that water that it would eat you?" To which she replied, "Mom. You're so silly. That's just ALLERGY." And because I was teetering between laughing and crying, I just didn't have the heart to correct her.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
what gets you moving?
You see, yesterday was day one of P90X. It kicked my butt. I thought I was hardcore and then this workout put me in my place. But I am going to stick with it. I just might need a little push, and that's where you all come in. In an attempt to keep me motivated, I am going to put myself out there. I am sharing my before pictures and measurements. And after each phase, I am going to check in here. (Does anyone else see how this could totally blow up in my face?) So, here it goes.
Day 1:
Weight: 152
Body Fat Percentage: 23%
Chest: 35 1/2"
Waist: 30 3/4"
Hips: 37"
Thighs: 22"
Biceps: 11 1/2"
Wow, that was totally liberating and kind of scary. Anyway, as a thank you for helping me attempt to stick to this program, I want to motivate you in return. And I thought, what better way to do that than a giveaway. So, one lucky reader will win two things that keep me moving: FOOD and MUSIC.
The winner will receive a box of 6 Clif Bars - Chocolate Brownie and a $15 iTunes Gift Card. Here's how to enter. (One Comment Per Entry Please)
1. Become a follower of this blog and leave me a comment to let me know you did.
2. Become a fan of the Racing With Babes Facebook Page HERE and leave me a comment to let me know you did.
3. Repost this giveaway on your blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc and leave me a comment to let me know you did.
4. Leave me a comment to let me know what motivates you.
Entries will be accepted until Tuesday, April 20th. Winner will be selected at random and announced on Wednesday, April 21st.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
lessons learned on a preschool morning ...

Monday, April 12, 2010
a RunningSkirts care package ...
Cherry Blossom 10 Miler ...
Sunday, April 11, 2010
running, TMB-style ...
Nicole Joy asked: "Do you think you'll do any more Disney races in the next year or so?"
I can't wait to go back to Disney, for both the vacation aspect and the races. The Princess Half was definitely the best run race I have ever done. Unfortunately, a Disney trip costs a small fortune. So, we will not be going back this year. Or even next year. The plan is to head back in the fall of 2012 and to race the Wine and Dine Half.
Staci Dombroski asked: "If you could do any race, what would it be? Where?
Definitely, the Maui Half Marathon. I have always wanted to visit Hawaii and if I am going to travel that far, then I am definitely going to race. Plus, can you think of a more beautiful run?
Erin G asked: "My question is what did you think was the hardest thing about running when you first started? How did you get over the hurdles?" and MJ asked: "How did you feel after you ran your very first mile? When you were just starting to run, did you ever feel frustrated?"
I definitely think the hardest part about beginning to run was getting past the mental stuff. We are built to run. Any able bodied person can become a runner. I think what separates those who stick with it and those who don't is the ability to fight the negative thoughts. I remember thinking that I was going to die during those first runs. I was constantly convinced that I couldn't make it. That I was going to drop to the road and never get up.
I think what got me past it was that I felt like I had something to prove. To myself and those around me. I wanted to show myself that I really could do anything I put my mind to. So, when I wanted to quit, I would run for 30 seconds longer. And then for 30 seconds more (thankfully, I am a self motivator). Some days were harder than others, but after my first race (which was the first time I ran three miles straight), I finally felt like a runner and I knew that running was something that would define me from then on.
reeebeka asked: "How you cross train?"
Um, yeah. About that. I am not the best about cross-training. For the past three years I have taught Stroller Strides, which is a 60 minute class that mixes cardio and strength training. But as the instructor, you don't always get the best workout. Other than that I don't do much. But, I will be training for a sprint triathlon this summer, so at some point I need to add some cycling and swimming to my routine. And I have also had P90X staring me in the face for the last six months, but I have yet to start it. But I will. Eventually.
Libby asked: "What are your ultimate/lifetime running dreams/goals?"
I'm not really sure. I don't want to qualify for Boston. Or run a marathon in every state. Or even run another marathon ever again. I'd like to become a half specialist, but my favorite distance is actually the 8K. I want to travel to races. I'd love to get an age group win. There really are so many things I'd like to accomplish, but I often think of myself as constantly evolving. I prefer to set smaller goals as a way to getting to where I want to be.
In general, I want to be faster (but who doesn't?) A 23 minute 5K, a 47 minute 10K and a sub 1:50 half are all times I will hit. I don't know when, but I will. I want to build my mileage to 40 mile a week and I'll get there too. I guess my number one running goal is to always have the motivation to be a better runner.
Sarah asked: "When did you first start running? High school track, later as a mommy? What got you started and when did you run your first half marathon or marathon?
I wish I could say I was always a runner. But that's just not the case. I was the kid in high school who would fake an injury to get out of running the timed mile in gym class. And although I've always been an athlete and even competed at the Division I level in college, I NEVER ran. I'm pretty sure my longest run back then was 800 meters, and even that was at a snail's pace.
I first started running after I had Doodle. I had decided that I was going to run a 10K as one of my New Year's resolutions. By the time August had rolled around, I still hadn't attempted working towards that goal. So, I found a walk/run training plan for a 5K, signed up for a race and never looked back. The first time I ever ran three miles without walking was on race day. Afterwards, I needed something to keep me motivated, so I registered for an 8K two months later. By the time I ran that 8K, I had decided to train for a marathon. Because when I decide to do something, I do it big. So, the Monday after Thanksgiving (3 months after I first started running) I began marathon training. 16 weeks later, on Doodle's first birthday, I finished that marathon in a painfully slow time.
Kim asked: "I want to know more about running during your pregnancy. Did your doc (or anyone else) ever give you any crap about it? "
Yes and no. My doctor was pretty much on board. She knew that she couldn't really stop me, so we came to an agreement about my training. Rule number one was to listen to my body. And rule number two was never race all out. Pretty simple, right? I listened to her and she didn't give me a hard time about running.
My mom was the hardest to convince. She did not want me running, convinced I was damaging her unborn granddaughter. Every time I complained about not feeling right, or being achy, she told me to stop running. After a point, I think she gave up too and just let me do what I wanted. But honestly, those people closest to me knew I wasn't going to do anything stupid. More than anything, they were all very supportive, regardless of whether or not they agreed with my running.
Heather asked: "How did you get so comfortable on the treadmill? I cannot handle running on it as I stare at the time and it bugs me. Also, what treadmill do you have and do you watch tv or listen to music?"
Oh, the treadmill. My favorite piece of equipment (it's a six-year old ProForm). How I will miss you when you are gone ...
OK, seriously, I got so comfortable running on the treadmill because I had no other choice. J's job has him traveling a lot. We don't have any family nearby. And pushing a triple stroller while running is nearly impossible. I need to get my runs in and so I am left with the treadmill. I figure I'd rather run in place, than not run at all.
I think that I am helped by the fact that I have a positive attitude about running on the treadmill, too. Just like when you run on the road or trail, if you have negative thoughts while you run, it is going to be painful. I try to look at running on the treadmill as an opportunity, not a punishment. Plus, I don't just run one pace for the whole run. I like to do progression runs, intervals, tempo runs, hill work, whatever. And yes, I do watch TV when I run. Usually with the volume off and the captions on. My iPod only comes out during speedwork.
Tortuga_Runner asked: "How did you and your husband make arrangements so you could fit in your runs?" and Anne asked: "Does your running (the time that it requires) ever cause tension at home?"
Like I have said a million times before, J is super supportive of my running. My training and the time that it takes has never been an issue with us. He knows that I work 24/7 raising our daughters and he understands that I need some me time (plus I think I am pretty good about balancing being a wife, a mother and a runner).
Because I don't have a full-time job, I can be flexible with when I run. So, most of my runs are done when J is working or traveling (not taking away from our time together). I squeeze my runs in during nap time or while the girls are at dance classes or preschool. When J travels or works late, I run on the treadmill once the girls are in bed.
The only exception to this is my long run. I almost always do that run with my friends, leaving J with the girls for a few hours. I usually try to leave before they are awake, so that I don't miss too much family time. But, it's nice for J to spend some time alone with the girls. He doesn't see them much during the week, so when I do my long runs they get to catch up.
deannahensley asked: "What is more important to you, speed or distance?
Definitely speed. Perhaps I shouldn't care so much, but I don't run just to be able to say I ran. I run to be faster than others. I'm kind of competitive like that.
Jill asked: "What's the one running accessory you would go back to get if you forgot it?"Without a doubt, my sunglasses. I almost never run without them. They block the wind, sun and rain from my eyes. Plus, they ALWAYS make for a better race photo.
Badgergirl asked: "Do you run with or without music? If you do, what are some of your favorite tunes to run to?"
I almost NEVER train with music, but I almost ALWAYS race with music. Weird, huh?
As for my playlist, here are some songs from my current rotation ...
All the Right Moves - OneRepublic
Poker Face - Lady Gaga
Misery Business - Paramore
Bad Romance - Lady Gaga
Whatcha Say - Jason Derulo
Fireflies - Owl City
I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas
Crushcrushcrush - Paramore
Naturally - Selena Gomez
See You Again - Miley Cyrus
Saturday, April 10, 2010
a great kickoff ...
I have been looking forward to this weekend since we got into the race (by lottery) in December. It's supposed to be beautiful. I'll be with my friends. Plus, it's a guaranteed PR. And like I mentioned like 20 times this week. I am going to run fast. I just know it.
And I know that this weekend is going to rock because it got an AWESOME kickoff yesterday. I woke up to find out that I won a pair of Keens in a contest on the blog for Run Like A Mother: The Book. You can click HERE to see the post, which features not only my opinion of the best running advice I give others, but also my sock collection.
Pretty cool, huh? I told you this weekend is going to rock.
Friday, April 9, 2010
runner envy?
When I got back, J told me what happened once I ran off. Doodle started crying.
I told you I was brainwashing them. And now, apparently, my three-year-old has "runner envy" ...
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Three Things Thursday (and the winner is) ...

3. I am done running until the Cherry Blossom 10 miler. By some stroke of luck, I did NOT have to use my treadmill at all this week. Last night at 7:30, KT joined me for a quick run around my neighborhood (3.42 in 33:35). Here we are pre-run.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
morning runs ...
And don't forget to enter my giveaway HERE ... entries will be accepted until Midnight tonight!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
ask and you shall receive ...
But there I go again, getting sidetracked. That little recap was not the point of this post. What I meant to do was to fulfill a request that several of you asked about on my RunningSkirt post. Apparently, you all want a glimpse into my sock collection (obsession, whatever you want to call it). So, here you go. My signature socks in all their glory ...
Oh, and speaking of sock donations, the ever-so-sweet Meg from Meg Runs! sent me these ADORABLE ones yesterday. (They arrived like two hours after the group shot, which I wasn't setting up again) ...

So cute, right? I can't wait to rock them! Thanks Meg!
Monday, April 5, 2010
it's taper week ...
But I will do it. Because I want to run with strong legs and a strong mind on race day. I taper because I want to PR. Because I want to give myself the best opportunity to push myself further than I thought.
I head into Sunday's race with a goal time of 1:25 in my head. I've never run a 10 mile race before, so regardless, I will be setting a PR. But I know, if I race like I train (something I have really been working on). I can hit that time. And if everything goes perfectly, I can run even faster. And I have the proof ...
On Friday night, I did a race pace test run. I wanted my legs to feel what 8:30's feel like. And I needed to know I could hold it. So, I jumped on the treadmill for an eight miler. The plan was two miles easy, followed by four miles at race pace, finished with a two mile cool down. But, that's not really what happened. Instead, I did my two mile warm up at a 9:22 pace (kind of my run all day pace). Then I kicked it up to an 8:20 pace (note that this is actually faster than my goal pace). And like I said, I planned on holding that for four. But, after four I felt too good. So, I tried for five. SUCCESS. So, I kicked it up again and finished the last mile in 8:06. It was awesome. My overall pace was 8:34. Just four seconds over my goal pace. Talk about a confidence boost. Yes, I was tired. Yes, I had worked. But, it didn't kill me. And when I woke up the next day, I wanted to lace up and do it all over again (Don't worry. I didn't).
Instead, I took Saturday off and geared up for Sunday's long run. G has finally been released from by the doctor and offered to join me (plus her hubby and kids were out of town, so she had no reason not to). And our buddy, K, joined us at the last minute for what ended up being a series of loops around my neighborhood.
The run was pretty much perfect. We held an easy pace filled with easy conversation. We ended up running just shy of eight miles in 1:16:22 (9:45 overall). Pretty good considering the amount of pictures we took and that we've not yet adjusted to this warmer weather. And speaking of pictures, here are some good ones ...