Wednesday, July 7, 2010

P90X - The Final Results ...

I AM SO DONE. P90X is over. Yay! (sorry, Tony Horton. I love you and all, but I'm kind of happy not to have a date with you six nights a week. Just saying.) Anyway, a lot of you have asked if the program is worth it. And I can honestly say - YES. The program is expensive. And time consuming. And challenging. But IT WORKS (and I didn't follow the nutrition plan). I am stronger, leaner and more flexible than ever. I don't think I could be more satisified. And even though, I am taking a break from Tony, I do plan on using the program to cross-train on my non-running days. So, do you want to see the results? Yeah, I know you do.


"Post Baby Belly": Day 1 - 33 1/2", Day 90 - 31" CHANGE: -2 1/2"
Waist: Day 1 - 30 3/4", Day 90 - 29" CHANGE: -1 3/4"
Bust: Day 1 - 35 1/2", Day 90 - 34" CHANGE: -1 1/2"
Hips: Day 1 - 37", Day 90 - 35" CHANGE: -2"
Right Arm: Day 1 - 11 1/2", Day 90 - 11 1/2" CHANGE: 0"
Left Arm: Day 1 - 11 1/2", Day 90 - 11 3/4" CHANGE: +1/4"
Right Thigh: Day 1 - 22", Day 90 - 21 1/4" CHANGE: -3/4"
Left Thigh: Day 1 - 22", Day 90 - 21" CHANGE: -1"
Body Fat: Day 1 - 23%, Day 90 - 21% CHANGE: -2%
Weight: Day 1 - 152, Day 90 - 150 CHANGE: -2 lbs

Total Loss: 10", 2 lbs, 2% Body Fat

But the real proof is in the pictures ...
(Day 1 followed by Day 90)


Michele said...

Wow, you look great!
Thank you for posting your results and thoughts on P90X, I've been considering trying it but am apprehensive about the price and time commitment.
I just started a Jillian Michaels video, I'm sure it's nothing compared to P90X but it'll have to do for now.
Great job!

Carly said...

Way to go! You look awesome. I'm totally jealous. :-)

Anne said...

Looking great T!! Great job staying disciplined through the whole thing! :)

Teamarcia said...

Great results! Kudos to you for sticking with it!

Vikki said...

You look great! I think I may have to breakdown and try P90X after I finish Insanity.

Karen Seal said...

Lookin great, girl! You had great results with the program! Congrats!!! :0)

dawn @ running the dawn said...

absolute hotness! so proud of you for sticking to it and following it all to the end. you are literally the first person i've know that has done it for all 90 days. amazing!

Sarah K said...

That's amazing commitment. Your abs look awesome!

Sarah K said...

That's amazing commitment. Your abs look awesome!

Anabela (Bela) Neves said...

WOOHOO you look fabulous!

Anonymous said...

You look great! Love your paint colors behind you too! What are they?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all of your help. I made it through my first week. I'm amazed at how fast the videos (except for the yoga one) go by. He keeps you moving around so much and then before you know it, it's over. It does take a lot of time and commitment. I just schedule it into my day. I'll be posting my results for the first phase in a few. Thanks again.

abbi said...

Great to look up P90X (never heard of it, am I living under a rock or something?).

S Club Mama said...

great job! That's really amazing that you stuck through it for that long. You look fantastic (not that you were so shabby to begin with or anything though).

Emily said...

This is AMAZING! you make me a believer in the program. Awesome job on the months of training!

suzy, said...

Awesome! This program is so hard, takes total commitment, but the results speak volumes! My hubs has been doing P90 for 4 months trying to get ready to take the plunge into P90x - the results already are just amazing! He too has a love/hate relationship with Tony :) Great job girl!

Deanna said...

Wow, great job! You can totally see the change in your photos. I have the P90X as well but only use it for cross training. I give you lots of credit for sticking with the whole program. Great results. Thanks for being "real" and posting your numbers and photos.


Marlene said...

Has it been 90 days already? Way to go, girl! You are looking LEAN & MEAN!

Anonymous said...

thats awesome, way to go!

Kerrie said...

Nice! Hard work pays off!

Kate said...

what a great testimony to staying committed to something! way to go on the lbs and inches lost. you really do look fantastic and so fit!

gmontalvo13 said...

you look fabulous! that is awesome! i've tried several times and i can never seem to make it past 5 days! :)

EZEthan said...

wow... great results... and you didn't even follow the diet?!? You must have at least been watching what you eat, right?!?

Jill said...

That is amazing. You look great and I love seeing the stats. Way to stick with it.

Aimee said...

Woohoo! You look awesome! Way to stick with it! :)

H Love said...

Hot Mama! Way to put in the time!

Katye said...

you look amazing! Althought your before pictures are pretty darn hott and fit as well! I'll admit, I've been slacking in my PX90 commitments. This inspired me to step it up and stick to schedule!

Robyn said...

Wow, congrats! I guess you really get results if you put the time and effort in, which you totally did. Are you going to keep doing it to maintain?

Average Woman Runner said...

Awesome! I've been hearing about P90X but so far haven't heard from anyone who has actually done the whole program. Lookin' good!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I really am amazed that you were able to run and stick to the schedule with your life and kiddos! I know when I tried to do that I failed! I got so run down that I got sick, that's what made me take a break and not start back.

You are inspiring! You look even more amazing. I am sure you will encourage loads of runners as a coach.

nora said...

nice job!

Nicole said...

Amazing! You're such a superstar!

RunToTheFinish said...

now that is an infomercial I would believe!! I am starting to do Insanity...holy heck it's hard core and makes me want to go back to P90X :)

Anonymous said...

wow! you look great tonia! did you say you did not change your diet at all?

Trish said...

Dang girl, you look awesome!! Congrats on finishing!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome job! You look great!! :)

April said...

Wow! Good for you! Way to stick it out. You are def an inspiration!

Melissa said...

You look amazing (both before and after!)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm a believer! Your abs look awesome!

Curious - If you didn't have the videos and only had written instructions on how to do the moves and how many reps, do you think you could've stuck with it? Was it necessary to have him coaching you along onscreen?

RunHapi13 said...

You look fantastic, but you did before look happy...don't miss Tony too much!

Jill said...

You look great, I'd say it was a great success :).

MCM Mama said...

Amazing! I'm so impressed.

Anonymous said...

Wowsers! Those pictures alone are a ringing endorsement for their product!

racing dawn said...

Wow is right! Great results and just the fact that you kept with P90X for 90 days is crazy. I've owned the dvds for like 2 years and only stuck with it for 3 weeks. I'm inspired to try again! Thanks....

Unknown said...

Very sharp results! I'd love to give this a try and I'd do it the same way you did - without the diet part. I should have planned sooner so that I could start over the summer and keep it up in the fall. Then, again, maybe fall is a better time to start, with outdoors running getting sloppy....
Glad you had such great success.

Unknown said...

Very sharp results! I'd love to give this a try and I'd do it the same way you did - without the diet part. I should have planned sooner so that I could start over the summer and keep it up in the fall. Then, again, maybe fall is a better time to start, with outdoors running getting sloppy....
Glad you had such great success.

Lindsay said...

Okay, you look awesome! I have never tried p90x you tempt me though!!!

Unknown said...

Looking good!! Great job in getting it done!

Julie D. said...