Thursday, July 22, 2010

Three Things Thursday ...

1. Have you ever seen Justin Bieber? And his shaggy hair?
Well, we have long joked that Dilly has "Justin Bieber hair" and we've even been known to call her "Justin Bieber baby."
Now, thanks to some coaxing by Katye and me, Dilly is now also singing like Justin Bieber. You know his song, "Baby"? Yeah, well so does Dilly. She keeps saying, "Baby, baby, baby, oh. Baby, baby, baby, no ..." Perhaps I have a future pop-star on my hands ...

2. Speaking of future careers, I like to think that I encourage my children to live up to their potential. Maybe one day they will all be doctors or rocket scientists or just really great people. But, I am starting to get concerned. Because yesterday, Dizzle told me that when she grows up she is going to be a bunny. Or a witch. She's not really sure.

Well, Dizzle - If you're current behavior is any indication of your future career, I'm leaning towards witch ...

3. And on a completely different note, in case you weren't aware, there is a ton of free stuff to be had via the Internet these days. In the last few weeks alone, I have won two necklaces and two entries to the Rock-N-Roll Chicago Half. Pretty sweet, right?

Are you jealous? Well, don't be. Because you can get in on the action, too. I have a bunch of giveaways listed on my sidebar, including my current giveaway for a Nuu-Muu exercise dress. And unless you have been living in a hole, you probably know that GoLite is hosting a 93 day long giveaway called GoLite Up Your Day.
All you have to do to enter is head over to the GoLite website HERE and sign up for their newsletter. And once you do, you are automatically entered in the daily giveaway, which is announced around noon on their Facebook page HERE. So, what are you waiting for? Go win some free swag ...


LB said...

dilly is way cuter than the bieber!!! you must have my giveaway luck....i was racking up the loot a few weeks ago....its awesome to win isnt it??!!

Silly Girl Running said...

Justin Bieber's hair looks better on Dilly, than it does on him. But that's just my humble opinion. :)

Shannon said...

Such a cutie....Dilly, not Justin :)

Thanks for the giveaway link. Just signed up!

Anonymous said...

I tried that haircut once when I was a teenager. Didn't get the same response. Everyone thought I'd been out in the wind and hadn't straightened in yet.

Looks good on Dilly! Keep up with the singing. They'll remember it when they make their first million.

Marlene said...

Justin Bieber Baby... too cute! I love how Doodle or Dizzle (sorry, I get them mixed up!) is laid out on the floor in the background!

Jennifer P said...

I was thinking that I never win anything and realized that I never win anything because I never enter anything. Thanks for the heads up!

And I am so old and out of it that I don't know the tunes to any of Justin's songs. Now that Raffi fella, he's jiggy.

abbi said...

Very cute hair! Also, too cute that Dizzle says she'll be a bunny when she grows up...haha!

mommaof3ontherun said...

Hi. Nice to see you. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am laughing at the Bieber hair.....hilarious!

Jodi H said...

Justin Bieber Baby--too cute for words! My 8 year old daughter is very intrigued by Bieber. LOL. I saw that you posted on Running Diva Mom's blog about running the RNR Chicago. I too am running and we are both in corral 8!

Molly said...

I just don't get Bieber.

Thanks for linking my giveaway! I was going to enter your dress giveaway but I just won one on another blog and don't want to be greedy!

MarciaG said...

My kiddos ( 2.5 and 6) also have Beiber Fever. I am hoping it does not last too long...and I hope it's not contagious!!

Anonymous said...

I ahve been entering giveaways since January and I ahve never won anything! lol! bummer.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

Your kids are so cute!

An observation: your girls always seem to have their hair loose and you always seem to have your pinned up.

Hey a witch or bunny are great future aspirations! In first grade I KNEW I was going to be a butterfly when I grew up...still working on that.

You are one lucky chic! I need to entry more. I could use some good giveaways! I am stalking running skirts for more skirts. I need to try a smaller size (plus biking sherpa need rewarded for all her efforts) so keep me in mind if you hear of any great deals!!

Pining for Pinterest said...

That is precious!

Aimee said...

Ha youngest son always says he wants to be some sort of an animal, like a cow or tiger, when he grows up! :)

Emz said...

I'm with Laura B......dilly is way cuter than bieber

MCM Mama said...

Totally LOL at Dilly. She's adorable!

LOL at the witch career. Shoo keeps informing me that he's going to be an army when he grows up. ;o)

Sarah E. said...

When I was little, I wanted to be the trolley driver on Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. And now I'm a lawyer. So... I'm sure Dizzle will be just fine!

akjenniekt said...

love the hair :)!

Aron said...

can i be a bunny when i grow up too?!?! ;)

RunToTheFinish said...

i swear when you win one giveaway you are on a karmic roll and win more, it's fun!! I love doing giveaways too

Anabela (Bela) Neves said...

Yes she does have Bieber's hair....LOL She is too cute!

Char said...

I get the bunny - not sure about the witch. My son wanted to be a shot-putter or a pizza-delivery boy.