Monday, July 19, 2010

when two worlds collide ...

I've met other bloggers before (and have a few meetups planned in the coming weeks). I mean, dude, my best friend is a blogger (OK, so maybe I knew her before her blog. Stop trying to catch me on a technicality.) Anyway, I've in the past few months I've gotten to meetup/run with MCM Mama, Shelly, MissZippy and of course, Katye.

Before Friday, all of my blogger encounters gave the other party a mere snapshot of my life. But now, Katye has been to a place few have seen. She was privy to the inner workings of my life and family and the pure chaos that encompasses my days. (And she didn't run away screaming ...)

We did a ton in the three days Katye spent with us and my girls took to her immediately (they were begging her to stay). During her visit, we made a trip to Busch Gardens and G's pool. We ran the street of Richmond and ate a lot of good food. And she even saw a tantrum or two thanks to my resident troublemaker, Doodle. It was a ton of fun and rather than bore you with all of the details, I will just share some of my favorite pictures from the weekend instead. Oh, and if you are wondering what Katye thought of her time with us and the craziness that is my life, check out her posts HERE and HERE.
You wish you had been here, don't you?


Middle Name Marie said...

Looks like a fun weekend!

Anonymous said...

More fun than the weekend I had packing up old clothes in the basement. Donation time!

Allie said...

Well, aren't y'all adorable! Glad you all had fun.

Laura said...

Looks like a great weekend!

Hannah said...

I wish I had been there! With my three girls, too. :) So glad you had a great weekend with Katye. She's great!

Marlene said...

It looks like a ton of fun!

Katie A. said...

Very jealous of all your fun! We need to make a meet up date/race!

racing dawn said...

Summertime with friends is the best! Love the pics!

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

I think that my house may seem CALM and somewhat relaxing when you come to visit. LOL!! Love the girls, soo cute!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

We all wish we had been there.

So great that you got to have a play date with Katye. Soon your girls will want to each have a friend over!

Emz said...


Come to AZ, the weather is so awesome here. I'll await your arrival plans. ;)

RunToTheFinish said...

meeting bloggie buddies is the best! looks like you guys really did have a blast

funderson said...

YES! and I LOVE your freckles!

Anonymous said...

so jealous, sounds like yall had an awesome weekend!

ihaverun said...

I do wish I had been there. What a great, fun weekend!!

Unknown said...

What a great weekend. I had a lazy Sunday and spent most of it sorting through things my oldest has outgrown.

Robyn @ WannabeWriterRunner said...

Why are your kids so adorable? Glad you girls had a fantastic weekend!