Last night, it was Dizzle's turn to have the notebook. The children's assignment was to finish a sentence and draw a picture. The sentence was:
The _____ is on the _______.
Most of them were pretty standard, but then I turned the page and stumbled on this gem. It was so funny, I couldn't help but share ...

Absolutely classic ...
Oh my GOSH!!! That is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time! I think those parents need to lock their bedroom door ;)
Lock their bedroom door?? They are outside enjoying the sunshine! lol That is why I love the little kids!
This is why I love working with kids!!! They have the funniest interpretation of things! Love it!
Oh. My. Lmao!!
That is really funny! that pic could go viral! my dear blog site, domain was taken by a computer this week. AHH! So...I have a new name:, so am trying to tell all bloggy peeps/followers/ etc. if you could 'follow' me there. THX!!!
I so needed that laugh.
Winks & Smiles,
P.S. Got a giveaway going on and another one I'm posting later today. :-)
hahaha. LOVE this! so cute.
Ok that was FUNNY! What's funnier is me looking at it trying to figure it out LOL!!!!!!
Awesome. That just made my morning.
Dude that is awesome. And totally something I can see Trouble doing.
That's one to laminate and put on the fridge!! awesome!
Laughed out loud, classic!
oh my goodness! I wonder what those parents thought when their child took the book home.
OMG!!! That is hilarious! Now, if it were my kid, I would be mortified.
Kids are hilarious!
So funny!
But at least the mom looks like she is so happy she is cheering with pompoms!
Funniest thing I've seen this week. I LOVE IT!
Bwahahaha! Seriously, did you get a call from the principal?
Hahaha! Love It!!!
OMG I had just taken a drink of water when I saw the pic and almost spit it out everywhere too funny!
oh man. That's great.
way to go MoM!
ps - thanks for not taking a picture of barf lately - it's been a while since i've been able to return. :-)
CLASSIC!! You MUST save that one to share in years to come :-)
OMG!! That is amazing!! :) LOL!
I have to echo everyone else ... Oh my gosh!!
I am trying soooo hard to muffle my laughter since I am at work and pretending to be busy. That was just what I needed to give me a boost today. Too funny!
That's too funny! I teach 5th grade and we're studying Colonial America right now. You'd be surprised how many of my students have spelled Virginia like a specific part of female anatomy. Oops!
This like that show up on this site some times:
I absolutely love it!
sometimes your stories make me actually want to have children for the pure entertainment value!
Great laugh at that one!
Ha ha. I bet the teachers had a big laugh over that one.
That is a keeper!
Children are priceless!!
HAHAHAHAHA!! I actually laughed out loud and startled Goober. Oops!
Priceless :) I love kids.
hahahaha, that is phenominal!
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