Hitting the streets with my crew (doesn't that sound bada**) always helps the miles fly by. And in recent months, it has given me the confidence to shoot for my uber-marathon goal. G, KC and I are shooting for a sub-four race (as in 3:59:59). And considering that my average pace for the 166 miles I have run in 2011 is 9:10 (just one second slower than goal race pace), well, let's just say my doubt at this point is almost non-existent.
2. Have you ever wondered what an 8:07 pace looks like? I always thought it looked something like this ...

3. My passion for pace carries over into my non-running life. I like having a fast paced life. J and I bought a house, got married and were pregnant with our first child within four months. I'm sure some people think that we rush into things. I don't see it that way. I look at it as living life to the fullest. Why put off till tomorrow what you can do today? Basically, I'm not good with feeling stagnant. I like to be moving forward. Making progress. Doing something. Improving. Even when I am relaxing, I'm not. I'm plotting my next move. Or my next twenty moves. I kind of wish I could live more in the moment.
absolutely 0 doubt you all won't hit that goal! especially since all three of you will be out there for each other. can't wait to watch that photo worth finish!
I'm sure you will reach that goal no problem!!! I agree with you on keeping a fast pace life. Even though I haven't moved quite as fast as you...I always feel life is rapidly ticking along!
Tonia- you aren't just going to meet that goal....you are going to crush it! I took run slower when running inside on the treadmill but not when running on the indoor track. I'm blaming that on the act of running in place on the treadmill! LOL
Great pace and you will get your sub 4 hour marathon, you are soo close already!!
Great pace and you will get your sub 4 hour marathon, you are soo close already!!
Great pace and you will get your sub 4 hour marathon, you are soo close already!!
I guarantee you guys will get a sub 4 hour marathon. Thanks again for the call last night. I feel very at ease with the transition from race to beginning training life again. I love NCIS also...I just want Ziva and Tony to get together already....
You'll get that sub-4: easy peasy! :)
You are going to rock that marathon! Absolutely!
So funny that you are so go, go, go! We are so very different. ;o) Guess that's why I like you.
you sound like us!! We moved back to Va from Myrtle Beach, closed on our house the next day, got married 2 days later, got preggo wedding night, and went to MD the next day for the wedding party!!! I am not in school or anything at the moment and it is driving me crazy!! Being a mommy, taking care of the house, and training for races is not enough apparently!!!
Oh how I long to run outside more than once or twice a week. Spring will come.
You are simply trying to make everyone else feel better by playing the "slightly doubtful" card. You know that you have speed in you! I'm just worried that at your age you still have a load of years to be working on improving that pace...I think in 10 years you'll be running a 3 hour marathon with your determination! I don't think there is anything you can't do if you want to do it.
I think you'll be running a 3:50 marathon this time. And finish feeling like you had more to give. My prediction.
a picture is worth a thousand words...that photo chain is amazing.
YEAH BABY, I knew that goal would be coming soon! You are FLYING this year!
I am exactly the same way. I have to be planning, something, always.
I bet you rock that marathon :D
Sub 4? OH YEAH!
i know that you are going to get a sub 4. Hoping that I am still going to be there to see it:)
I think you will reach your goal! Hubby and I move fast too. Met and 2 months later were engaged, 5 months after meeting bought a house, 9 months after meeting got married and then got pregnant on our honeymoon then 15 months later had another child, then 19 months later another child and 21 months later another. We move fast but we love it and wouldn't trade it for anyhting.
yay for sub-four!!!! you can do it woman!
You will totally hit your goal! Can't wait to hear about it!
I am the same as you - I always feel like I should be doing something. I've always called it a productivity complex.
My best friend is the definition of someone who is able to enjoy simple relaxation. I on the other hand have to be strapped down and my mind is still racing with plans, ideas, and thoughts. It's just who we are! And that's why we dream BIG!
I think the quest to live in the moment more is always on the top of my list of things I'm working towards. So hard to do!
Wow, that's how I look in a running skirt running 8:07?????
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