1. Dizzle, Doodle and Dilly all have fevers. And runny noses. And congestion. And wicked coughs. It's really not fun.
(I've got the congestion and runny nose, too). And being the prepared mother that I am, I had ZERO Motrin or Tylenol or anything in the house when illness struck. I thought that maybe the girls could man up and make it until J got home from work, but by 10 a.m. yesterday morning, I knew that wasn't going to happen. Everyone was whiny. And Dilly was a cling-on. I couldn't do anything but hold her. Which makes taking care of everyone else kind of hard.
2. While the girls had me trapped in the house yesterday, it was a beautiful 72 degrees and sunny outside. A freakishly warm winter day. A perfect day for a run. But, like I said, we were in the middle of Feverfest 2011, so I'm sure you can guess how that turned out ...
3. I am ALWAYS cold. Seriously, just take a look at what I was wearing INSIDE my house yesterday.

Yes, that is a hoodie. And a ski cap. And there are two more shirts under the hoodie. And if we are being honest here, I was seconds away from throwing on a sweatshirt. I don't know what it is but, I really have a hard time regulating my body temperature or something. Or maybe I just prefer warmth. I could handle 90 degree temperatures EVERYDAY.
I am ALWAYS cold, too!! Even in the dead of summer I will be cold unless I am in direct sunlight :) I hope the girls feel better soon!
Since the massive weight loss, I still have trouble regulating me temps. I was unable to run yesterday either, but thankfully not due to FeverFest, but WorkFest (hence why my blog has not been really updated lately.)
It ends this week... YAY! Praying everyone is healthy again real soon!
I am so sick of being cold! We have a -25 degree wind chill this morning, and the heater in the school where I teach isn't working. Lovely.
Hope you and your girls feel better soon!
I am always cold too! I hope everyone feels better soon!
I think at this point in the winter if the thermostat read 72 degrees I would go running in a bathing suit! I hope your little lovies are feeling better soon! My little one had the same thing!
So sad that you've got sick kiddos! Hope they're feeling better soon. I always have a hard time regulating my body temp after a long run, and I definitely prefer warmth over cold - unless it's Texas in the SUMMER... no matter how many times I tell him, Hubby just doesn't understand. I DO NOT want to go to Texas in the SUMMER!
oddly, even though it is super cold outside today (-9 as i type) i'm pretty comfy in the house. i do okay with cold in the morning, but get chilly in the afternoon. i'm convinced that it has something to do with metabolism or something like that
That is just crazy, all of those cloths! I would be in a wife-beater and shorts! HA
Sorry about the sickness... we have had it going around too. Miserable! Last week I felt pretty cruddy and it was so strange... when I would run my sinuses would clear out and I could breathe pretty well, but within a half hour of being done running, it would come back with a vengeance. I hope you all are feeling better soon!
And I am always freezing after 9pm or so, no matter what the temperature is. :)
I hear ya! When I went into town yesterday I had a sweather(big) coat, hat gloves and the heat in my van was set at 71!!!!
I'm like you, I could take 90 degree weather EVERYday!! :) hopefully the little ones get better soon!
HATE when the babies are sick! Hope everyone gets better soon. :)
I am also ALWAYS cold. The other day I came home from work and didn't remove my hat the entire evening. The fam thought I was a weirdo but it kept me warm. :)
i hear ya, same way in our house. doesn't make sense that i have WAY more clothes on IN the house than outside of the house!
I can't regulate my body temperature either. If I'm home, I'm wearing layers and sweats and sitting under a giant blanket. People at work actually bought me a blanket for my desk because I kept trying to jack up the heat.
sorry everyone is sick! living in Mississippi, I can thandle the heat, tis the HUMIDITY that makes it unbearable. YUCK! Hope everyone feels better.
AMEN on #3.
but you may need to remind me of this in July.
I could certainly not deal with 90 degrees every day, especially if there was any ounce of humidity involved. It's no wonder I've stayed in New England. haha
Hope the girls (and you) feel better soon!!!
I'm a complete freak of nature when it comes to my body temperature. I'm freezing my arse off right now, and it's 72 degrees in here. But I ran in 60 degrees last Saturday and thought I was going to die from heat stroke.
I'm just a backwards kind of gal.
I'm always cold, too. I wear a huge comfy sweatshirt with 2 shirts underneath all day long. At night, I radiate, though and get nice and hot. It doesn't bother me, though, just the hubs!
I seriously dislike the cold. Intense dislike. I'm dreading the Princess starting line. I'm wearing my ski jacket, in my office, right now. It was 53 outside.
Hope the girls feel better soon!
Love the color of your hoodie! Too cute.
I am usually hot. Like throw off the covers drenched hot. Don't snuggle with me more than 5 minutes or I'm burning up, hot! I wish it was a sign of a fast metabolism!
I hope the kids are getting better now. It's nice that they cling-on since it doesn't last long but it is a schedule breaker on a busy day.
Hope you all feel better soon...
Hey isn't that the hoodie you wear to bed in Hotels?? MWA MWA MWA
Bummer about the Motrin, we can never seem to find ours when we really need it. Hope you get the gunk out ASAP..
That is amazing to have such nice weather, it was been sunny here but in the 40's.. BRRRR
I too am always cold, especially my hands and feet, I will warp up in my hubby or a blanket at home..
Love the picture, makes me want to give you a big hug!!
You are adorable in your hoodi! And, I got your sticker yesterday!! Thank you!!
Hope the girls get better soon!!!
I am always cold, too, man. I have fleece house socks and blankets everywhere.
I'm ALWAYS bundled up at home in sweat pants and a hoodie. And yet I am not a fan of the heat either. I am difficult to please...
I hope the girls feel better soon!
Aww..I'm sorry your little ones are sick! I hope they get better soon!
I have a really hard time regulating my temperature too! It drives my husband crazy!!
Ever had your thyroid checked? Temp regulation is a function of the thyroid. Just an idea.
I am the same way! I have a Snuggie and heated recliner that are my best friend. I too LOVE my treadmill and choose it over bad weather all winter long.
My sweet kids all had fevers and runny noses this week and they were major cling ons. Made for a long week without my husband. And the furnace wasn't working so it was a constant 60 degrees in here. uggh.
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