But that second run was different. Yes, it was windy. And yes, it was my second run in four hours. And yes, Dilly isn't the lightest child around. But, on a normal day, my running isn't really affected by those things. I could not move. I felt like I was shuffling. It took all of my will to keep going. And it really didn't help that Dilly yelled, "Stop running, please," during the ENTIRE run. We finished with a 9:28 pace, which left me feeling completely drained. I figured it was just a bad run but ...
2. At 7 p.m., I started vomiting. I felt "off" ever since that second run. I thought I was dehydrated or needed more food. Guess not. I probably should have known that I was getting sick when the thought of eating one of my birthday cupcakes ...

3. But, thankfully, I have an AWESOME little sister who stepped up in my time of need. You see, J was scheduled to leave for Colorado early this morning and I knew I wasn't going to feel up to taking care of the girls. So, at 7:30 last night, I called Angie Pants (who lives 3 hours away in Baltimore) to see if she could take off work and come help me out. Fortunately, she could. She drove down late last night and is currently taking Dizzle to school. I owe her big.
Hope you feel better soon!
Oh man I know how this feels! I hope the rest of the household stays clean! Get well soon!
Wow, sounds like a nasty bug! Hope you feel better soon. (And thanks for the cupcake pic. I'm trying to RESIST!)
Angie to the rescue!
That's awesome that she's able to help you guys out so much. Hopefully you're already feeling better and starting to debate whether it's safe to start in on the cupcakes. haha
I think if I tried to run 12 miles right now, I'd end up throwing up myself.
So sorry to hear you're feeling awful.
That's so sweet of your sister! Bet you would do the same for her. :)
Feel better!
yikes feel better! I've been sick a lot this winter and it is the worst! I feel for you.
Yay for sisters! Hope you feel better soon.
OH my!! I personally think having a sick tummy is the WORST!!! Yay for Angie!! What a friend
I hope you feel better soon. Your sister is awesome. You do owe her BIG!
Oh no!! That sounds absolutely awful. Glad you have some help so you can hopefully rest up and get better! Ick. Hang in there!!! Hope you can enjoy one of those cupcakes soon. :)
I have heard that this bug is bad......we have missed it at this point, but saying that I am sure that we will get hit pretty soon. on the other hand, yay for sisters!!!!
Oh yuck. Sorry to hear that you're sick. That's the pits. What a nice sister! Hang in there and get well soon!
oh gross. those cupcakes look delicious but evil. feel better soon girl!
I hope you get to feeling better, and your sister rocks!!
bleeeeeeeeeeech! Feel better soon.
wow, I am so sorry. I hope you feel better soon
Thos cupcakes look awesome! I hope you feel better soon! You have such a sweet little sis!
ugh hope you feel better soon so you can eat those amazing looking cupcakes! yay for your sister - that is awesome!
wow...I think that is good for the super sister award! feel better!
Hope it passes soon- a stomach bug is going around down here in GA, they say it only lasts 12 hours though, hope yours is the same!
I hope you feel better soon!
YAY for sisters.
I thank God every day for my sisters.
get well soon.
and send me the remaining cupcakes [I mean have your sister do it]. ;)
get better lady!!!
man that is one dedicated Auntie! I hope you start feeling better soon (aka a 24 hour flu instead of the week long thing). hydrate hydrate hydrate!
Oh buddy I HOPE you feel better..
Hmmmmm interesting that your last post is called "Baby in your Belly" and you are then talking about vomiting... Hmmmm...
Hehehehe just trying to spread Bloggy rumors, shame on me.
Feel better ASAP.. Off to Text you in hopes to make you SMILE>.
I sure hope it passes quickly. Hubbs is sick too. What is being spread down there in VA?
You have amazing family! Kudos to your sister for going above and beyond when you needed her!
Rest up friend.
So I'm new to your blog and you have a great blog!
Sorry to hear that you are sick! Hope you get feeling better ASAP!
Happy Birthday and hope you can dig into those cupcakes soon.
You poor thing! So glad your sister was able to come down and help out. Hope it passes quickly!
Feel better T!
Oh, feel better, Tonia! You poor thing! It's the worst when us mamas are sick and have to try and stay sane and on top of things. You just rest and thank goodness you have help on the way! Yay! Feel good and a really speedy recovery to ya!
ps-those cupcakes look AMAZING. You MUST be really sick.
Um, by the way, I was signed in as my husband Steven, but this is ammie. LOL.
Sisters are awesome. I hope you feel better soon. =(
wow- this flu (i'm guessing?) is really flying around!
hope you feel better soon!
I hope you feel better soon!
Sounds like you have one awesome sister!!
Those cupcakes look yummy!!
Thank goodness for sisters. Hope you're feeling better soon.
Uggh I just got over that and am down 2+ pounds - not fun! Hope you feel better soon!!
Your sister rocks. Hope you feel better!
Ugh - feel better!
Feel better and then eat thoes cupcakes girl! They look AMAZING!
Bummer. Hope you feel better soon! And those cupcakes look divine!
What a great sister! Feel better soon!
So sorry you are sick! Not fun with little ones. Hope you get feeling better and don't share it =)
Those cupcakes are look killer good. Get better JUST so you can eat those.
And how awesome is your sister. Glad you have someone to help. It's never fun to be sick when the hubs isn't around!
Oh no! Hope you feel better soon! My husband had a tummy thing on Saturday which kicked his arse big time...but it lasted less than 24 hours so I hope you are as lucky. Your birthday cupcakes look delish- my daughter wandered in as I was reading and said, "ooh Mommy look at those tasty cupcakes!"
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