Monday, May 31, 2010
I couldn't take the guilt ...
runner's guilt ...
It's even worse on days like today when J is home. I feel this incessant need to go on a run. I feel like if I don't, I am wasting the opportunity. Especially, considering that the majority of the time, I am fighting to get my runs in. But, my legs are dead. After racing on Saturday and a rather challenging eight miles in the heat yesterday (and don't forget about P90X), my legs are shot. I know I should take the day off. I know that it's OK to "waste the opportunity." But I just don't think I can do it. I can hear my Newtons calling my name. They want to get out there too. I mean, seriously, what's a few miles between friends?
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sunday Sampler ...

Saturday, May 29, 2010
Autism 5K recap ...
Friday, May 28, 2010
what do you want to do on summer vacation?
- run
- swim
- bike
- go to Busch Gardens
- take a kid-free vacation (totally happening in less than a month!)
- visit my mom and J's parents
- relax
I had hoped that the girls would have wish lists that matched up with mine. But when I asked them yesterday what they hoped to do this summer, here's what they told me ...
Dilly (age 1):
- dada
- mama
- nana
- nose
- muah
- shoe
- AHHHHHHH! (I think that's code for get me out of here!)
Dizzle (age 5):
- go to the beach
- go to Grandma and Grandpa's
- go to Mimi's
- go to Great-Grandma's
- play with you and Dilly (but apparently not Doodle)
Doodle (age 3):
- go to the slushie place (Sonic)
- go to Target
- go to the playground
- go to the Singing Dog Store (Tom Leonard's - a grocery store)
- go to the shirt store (I have no clue about this one)
- go to the slushy place. When we gonna go? It's summer vacation already. Let's go.
Obviously, my children have their priorities in line. Dilly wants to say the six words that she knows and to scream. Dizzle wants to spend time with her family. And Doodle wants to drink slushies and spend Daddy's money. You know, on second glance, their lists don't look half bad ...
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Three Things Thursday ...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
preschool, I will miss you ...
I got choked up. It was so cute. Well, at least until Dizzle replied. She turned to Doodle, rolled her eyes and said in her snarky tone, "Oh. I am definitely graduating."
Speaking of preschool, tomorrow is the last day of the year and I am genuinely sad. For no other reason than I get SO.MUCH.DONE during those four hours. I run. I catch up on all my errands. I run. I clean up my house. I run. Wait, did I mention I run?
Over the past few weeks, G and I have built up our mid-week long run to 9 miles. It's a glorious 9 miles that I spend chatting with one of my very best friends without the interruption of our children (Dilly, although there, is surprisingly quiet and well behaved). From 9:30 until 11, we put one foot in front of the other. And unless we can figure out a way to bring along our six children that wouldn't kill us (i.e. pushing a triple stroller) or drive us crazy, our mid-morning runs are OVER until September.
Which means that we will be running SUPER EARLY. And if you didn't know, I'm not a fan of early. But, we have no choice. Knowing this, we tested this new run time this morning. I met G at 5:45 a.m., in a location central to both of our houses, for eight miles. It hurt to get out of bed. With less than six hours of sleep, I wasn't really ready to run. But I did it. And I survived. In fact, it really wasn't that bad once I got moving. And I was quite energized afterwards. Well, at least until 2 p.m., when I hit a wall. I needed a nap hardcore. But, my kids don't nap. Which means, neither do I. I'm thinking I'm going to be tired a lot this summer. So, when does school start again?
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
how they rocked their socks ...
Rock Your Socks Official Race Results ...
For all the winners, please email me your contact info and I will mail you your prizes ASAP!
Monday, May 24, 2010
awards galore ...
Anyway, to accept this award, I must divulge seven facts about myself. So, here it goes ...
1. I just got the save the date for my 10 year high school reunion this week. It's November 27th and I am really psyched about it. I'm 99.9999999% sure that not a single person I grew up with would have ever expected me to turn out the way I did. I'd like to go back and show them they had me pegged wrong. I also really want to see who I was wrong (or right) about.
2. Speaking of school, I had horrible attendance. I was home schooled twice, once in 7th grade and once in 9th, due to a broken pelvis and mono, respectively. Each time, I missed three months of school. Things didn't get much better when I returned. I was a classic overachiever and didn't really need to sit in class to learn the material, so I didn't want to sit in class and be bored. Because of that, I missed 72 days (almost all excused) of my senior year. I still got straight A's. And my parents were cool with the whole situation.
3. In high school, weight training was a large part of my daily routine as a shot putter. At one point, I could bench press 200 pounds. I was strong. And big. I could probably have lifted more than most of the guys at my school, which probably contributed to the way I was perceived back then.
4. Another thing that probably messed with people's perception of me was that I HATE being late. For anything. In high school, I was never late to a single class. I darted through the halls like a woman on a mission. I was so focused that I was often told I looked mean. (I'm so not.) Now, I generally arrive 10-15 early for everything. I always give myself a cushion. If I don't get somewhere early, something MAJOR has probably happened.
5. Now that I think about it, my appearance also contributed to the way I was perceived. I NEVER cared about how I looked. I wore soccer shorts, a tee shirt and sandals pretty much everyday. I was a mess. But I just wasn't concerned about putting effort into my style. I thought as I matured that this aspect of my personality had changed, but I was wrong. I recently realized that my soccer shorts and tee shirts have been replaced with running skirts or shorts and race tees. I guess you can't really escape who you are.
6. I am highly allergic to poison ivy. I don't even need to touch it. I just need to be in the general area to break out in a rash. One time in the fifth grade, I had such a bad reaction that my eyes were swollen shut and my fingers were covered and swollen so badly that I couldn't really touch anything. I ended up needing a cortisone shot to reduce the inflammation. It was horrible.
7. In the last month, I have stopped eating fried foods. I thought it would be really hard to do, but I am finding it much easier than expected. But I know that at some point, I am really going to want french fries and my will power will be tested ...
OK, so I am supposed to tag 15 more people, but I really don't have time for it right now. So, if you have the word RUN in your blog title, consider yourself tagged ...
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Get off the Effin' Road ...
mile 2: 9:33 - 151 vs. 9:03 - 161
mile 3: 9:40 - 158 vs. 9:00 - 167
mile 4: 9:53 - 160 vs. 8:52 - 171
mile 5: 9:42 - 160 vs. 8:52 - 175
mile 6: 9:56 - 159 vs. 8:56 - 177
mile 7: 9:55 - 160 vs. 8:48 - 180
mile 8: 9:43 - 160 vs. 9:04 - 182
mile 9: 9:18 - 164 vs. 9:12 - 183
mile 10: 9:17 - 166 vs. 9:26 - 183
mile 11: 9:15 - 168 vs. 9:45 - 183
mile 12: 9:08 - 172 vs. 10:36 - 181
mile 13: 8:41 - 175 vs. 11:48 - 176
mile 13.1: 0:51 - 177 vs. 1:00 - 180
Interesting ...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
my teammates ...
Friday, May 21, 2010
Fast Five For Friday ...
- Convenient, pain-free "natural healing" solution to many of the common aches and pains associated with poor lower limb alignment.
- Orthaheel technology is clinically proven to reduce excess pronation, a contributing factor to "flat feet."
- Podiatrist-designed, biomechanical Tri-planar Motion Control footbed with a deep heel cup helps stabilize, support and realign the feet back to their natural position.
- Lightweight, flexible medium-density EVA midsole absorbs shock, reducing stress on feet, ankles and knees.
If you are interested in learning more, you can check out the Orthaheel website HERE.
5. This is the LAST reminder about my Rock Your Socks Half Marathon and 10k. So, if you "registered" remember to run your race anytime between now and Sunday. When you are done, email me your race time, pictures and a link to your recap at Be sure to get me your info before Monday, May 24 at 5 p.m. EST to be included in the official race results and prize drawings. If you have any questions, email me! Good luck!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
a snapshot at five ...

Five years ago today, I became a mother. And in that instant, you changed my world in a way that I could never have imagined. I thank you for that. You have taught me lessons in parenting and a multitude of things about myself. I love you endlessly for everything you are and everything you will be. And today, on your fifth birthday, I want to give you a glimpse of who you are at this very moment.
1. You love all things girly. This is a shock to me. I'm so not that way. And although you can get dirty with the best of them, you much prefer to it while wearing a dress.
2. You are extremely strong-willed. This is less of a shock to me. You want what you want and will do most anything to make it happen. I love this about you. And I hate this about you. We often butt heads because neither of us want to give in.
3. You love being active. And are always looking for a competition. Whether it is dance, soccer, running or just goofing around in the yard, you are constantly on the move and are always ready to race.
4. You have erratic eating habits. Some days you are a bottomless pit. And other days, you eat nothing. Even if I make you exactly what you ask for. You love pizza, mac and cheese and fruit. You hate all things green. I pray that this changes.
5. You have an incredibly long attention span. If you find an activity you like, you are easily occupied for hours. You love to draw and paint and just be creative. You are passionate about it. And I love it.
6. You think you can outsmart me. But you can't. Your sneaky behaviors and pestering of your sisters does not go unnoticed. I am keeping tally. It will all come back to bite you one day. Consider yourself warned.
7. You love being my "twin." I know this won't last forever. One day, you will think I am uncool and will want nothing to do with me. So, I eat this up while I can.
8. You are drama, drama, drama. The littlest thing is like the end of the world to you. You think that whining will get you your way. I hope that you learn quickly that this is never going to fly. You might as well cut the drama now and save us all the trouble.
9. You are a daredevil. You will ride the biggest roller coasters and try almost anything. I love your sense of adventure.
10. At the same time, you are the biggest wimp. You freak out over bugs and water in your face. You cry if you think you are going to miss out on something. Dizzle, suck it up. You can handle more than you think.
11. You are crazy intelligent. Maybe a little bit too intelligent. It's getting hard to "sneak" things past you. And I don't like it.
12. You are beautiful both inside and out. You have more love than you know what to do with. I hope you stay that way forever.
13. You are just plain silly. Everything is a joke with you. You are constantly acting like a goofball. And when we add your sisters to the mix, things are just crazy.
14. You NEVER stop talking. Ever. Some days, I just want to put earplugs in.
15. You are loyal and caring and loving. You are a true friend and someone I am lucky to have in my life. I love you more that I will ever be able to express. And I am so proud to be your mom.
Happy 5th Birthday Dizzle!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
mean kids ...
But sometimes, my children challenge me. Heck. They are just plain mean. All of their anger and frustration get taken out on me. And by the end of the day, I've had enough. Yesterday was one of those days.
In the last 24 hours, I have ...
... been slapped.
... been bitten.
... been told, "I don't want to see you. Get Daddy!" (on more than one occasion).
... been unable to get my three-year old out of her locked bedroom (yes, she really locked herself in because she was mad at me).
... said, "I love you," only to be told, "I love Daddy."
... been flat out ignored.
... been peed on.
... been asked, "When I turn five, am I going to look OLD like you?"
Basically, it was an AWESOME day. And like any mature adult, I felt the need to dish back a little to my children. So, when I was given the opportunity to join in on Dizzle's soccer practice last night, I took it. And unlike the other parents, who "let their children win," I played Alpha Dog and put my children in their places. I showed them who's the boss and left it all on the field. (I even accidentally whacked Doodle in the head). I know, real grown up of me.
Sweaty Bands Winner ...
Congrats! Send me an email with your contact information and I will get your Sweaty Bands out to you right away.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
it started as a choice ...
I honestly believe that everyone can be an athlete. It's just easier not to be. It's easy to put it off until tomorrow. It's easy to eat what's most convenient, even it's not the best fuel for your body. It's easy to quit. To keep yourself from pushing past your limits. It's easy not to try.
But where does that get you? Probably not a place you want to be. It's easy to spiral downward and lose yourself. But if you don't make yourself a priority, no one else will.
You can be active. And healthy. And everything that you want to be. How do I know? Because I did it. And I continue to do it everyday. I changed my eating. I started exercising. I lost the weight (a whopping 70 pounds). I began running. I made myself a priority. I learned that to be the best mother and wife that I can be, I had to be the best me I could be.
Getting healthy started as a choice. It evolved into a lifestyle. It wasn't easy. Nothing worth anything ever is. But it's something I will never regret.
Monday, May 17, 2010
J, the half marathoner ...
J and I woke up at 4:30. We got out of bed, gathered our things and got dressed in our coordinated lime, white and black outfits. This is us right before walking out the door (I did get a shot of J smiling, but I think this is funnier) ...
As for me, the race was awesome. Here's why:
1. It was really nice to run without pressure.
2. I got to take it easy (my average heart rate was 130 compared to last week's half where it was 180).
3. I was able to support J 100%, which I loved.
4. The race helped me set a new weekly mileage PR. I finished the week with 41.89 miles.
5. I also broke 500 miles for the year during the race. I am currently at 511.16 miles.
6. And I became eligible for Half Fanatic status. Sweet!