2. Speaking of Facebook, I was messing around on it yesterday and clicked on "Page Suggestions." When I did, it showed me a list of my Facebook friends who have the most "likes" in common with me. Here's the list ...

3. And if you are Facebook friends with me, you might have noted that I found out my bib number for next weekend's 8K and I COULDN'T BE MORE EXCITED. (I'm totally a numbers person.)
Anyway, my bib number is 15275. Do you see why this is a good number? No? Well, I will explain.
My goal for this race is sub-40. My current PR is 41:58, which means I need to beat my PR by 1:59 to hit my goal.
Well, 152 + 7 = 159 and the race is 5 miles long (OK, it's 4.97, but it's close enough). Basically, this bib number was designed especially for me. And that has to be a good sign.
LMAO at your facebook list. I'll have to check that out on mine.
I voted for you.
Love the bib number, but you are so going to beat your old PR by more than 1:59. Just sayin'
I put up a linky for 3 things thursday on my blog again. Feel free to add yourself.
haha the Bib number, classic! I would have never thought of that. When I get my bib # for my next marathon I'm going to try and figure out if it was meant for me in some cosmic way!
Voted for you!
You kids are adorable in Dilly's big girl bed...these are the things they'll remember.
Good luck on your race!!!!
Awesome bib number... funny about the likes on FB. People think it is strange when I say, oh my friend.... and this is about a blogger who I have never personally met. It is mostly about you and G.
Loving the bib number - I would have never thought to figure that out. Definitely a GREAT sign.
Winks & Smiles,
Love the bib number, but regardless of the number, you are going to ROCK it!!
And the FB list makes me laugh, but doesn't surprise me. It makes me curious about mine!
1. DONE!
2. Too funny about the mutual likes. Happy yo see I made the list. ;)
3. You ARE a numbers person. Wow! Definitely a good sign. :)
Looks like you're winning. The only reason I don't vote is that I HATE Runningskirts and they have the most horrible customer service I've ever seen (they sent me a skirt with a HOLE, I returned it, wrote the reason, and STILL got charged for shipping). Plus, they never replied to the email I sent prior to that. And it's been 8 months.
So, as a matter of principle, I refuse to like them on facebook. But hopefully you don't need my vote, bc you're kicking ass as is :)
I love that you figured that out from your bib number. I simply don't give my numbers enough thought. I wil have to change that!
Obviously I don't think for myself, I just do whatever T is doing. Gee sorry I must be a total stalker!...but I voted!
Pretty funny on the FB stuff.
I'm going to have to start analyzing my big numbers like that...you have this PR in the bag.
They knew you were gunning for that PR so they made that bib especially for you! You're going to rock it by much more than 1:59 though :)
You two are going to win! Such a great costume idea.
Love the bib number!
Believe in the sign!
I love this kind of math!!
Hilarious about the bib number... rock that PR!!!
And funny about FB... I don't think I have many of my blogger friends added on facebook... maybe I need to do more stalking!
i love doing the math with my bib number! that is hilarious about FB! love it
Looks like a great sign for this weekend! Good Luck! oh and I voted for ya on FB.
Hahaha wow! I'm #3 :)
OMG you're hilarious! LOVE the bib number analysis!! Good luck and HAVE FUN!
That's awesome that you were able to come up with something meaningful from that bib number. You don't have too much time on your hands do you? :) Just kidding of course!
I love the bib number analysis. I always try to find meaning in numbers, and I don't even think that one is that much of a stretch.
Hilarious. On both the facebook and your bib number math bonanza. You are going to eat that 8k for breakfast. Can't wait to see you demolish your PR.
Is it weird that I recognize at least half the people on your fb list just from their first names (and know who has which blog)? Maybe I read blogs just a bit too much? :)
Good luck on your race!
Love your bib number! It WAS totally made for you! :)
i love how you always find meaning in your bib numbers! fabulous.
I love your number geeky-ness, I'm all about that bib# too!
Hmmm...did I make that list!? Because everything you like, I usually like, too! LOL!
Have a good Friday!
Love that you have the support of everyone voting for you!! But I must say that I wish right now that I had 500+ bloggers to vote for me....being in 4th place (I'm the Cheshire Cat) is the WORST, cause it's SO close...but just not there!!! I'll just have to read your blog and see the outfit I missed. =)
I LIKE this! Your costume with your sis is perfect.
And awesome bib number! :)
Well, awesome bib number! i never thought to look at them that way!
I have never seen the "like" feature like that on FB, I am going there to look!
Best of luck to you in your race!
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