Non-Training Mileage Boost - For the first time in a very long time, I am not training for anything. My next running race isn't until
Hood to Coast in August and my next triathlon is a
sprint in September.
Of course, that doesn't mean I am floating along without direction. That's just not my style. Instead, I am currently working off a training plan that could probably have me ready to race a 70.3 in about 4 weeks. I mean, it only makes sense. You never know when someone is going to throw a free race entry at you. And I'd hate to have to pass something like that up.
With that said, there is one minor downfall to my current training style.
I keep adding workouts whenever I feel like it.
"Oh, the kids are in bed and you're going to watch TV? Why not watch TV from the trainer?"
"Oh, you have 30 minutes before anyone gets out of bed? Why not do some strength training?"
"What? No one is yelling at you while you're running on the treadmill? Why not double your mileage?"
And that, right there, is how I ended up logging an extra 20 miles on the bike and 3 miles on my run in the last two days. Yes, I know I have a problem.
Health Obsessed - Apparently, I'm not the only one with a love of fitness and healthy living in our house. Dizzle, Doodle and Dilly have jumped on that train too.
Need proof? Hmm, where to begin?
1. Every time Dilly finishes a glass of milk she says, "I drank all my milk so I can have strong muscles!"
2. We constantly find the girls using our free weights. Here's Dizzle doing
some shoulder presses in front of a mirror while I run on the
And, on more than one occasion, we have found Dilly sitting on the couch holding two pound dumbbells over her head in an attempt to "get big muscles."
3. I get asked about 865 times a day if we can go on a run or if we can run on the treadmill. And all three girls, including three year old Dilly, ran a mile on Monday and I had to literally drag them inside so that they would stop doing loops around our cul-de-sac.
4. My kids are afraid to say the "F" word. No, not that "F" word - FAT. Our conversations go a little something like this.
"Mom, don't eat all of that cake or you might get F-A-T" *cue scared face*
"Yes, if you eat too much cake all the time you might get fat. But you can have it sometimes."
"Oh, good. Because you really like cake."
5. "Can you help me with some stretches?" is a normal question in our house.
J and the girls stretching ... |
6. The girls try to play catch with a six-pound medicine ball.
7. Swim caps, goggles, running skirts and tall socks have become casual wear around here.
I guess we could have worse obsessions ...
Summer Vacation - Now that it's May, I am anxiously awaiting the end of the school year. For some odd reason, I am really looking forward to having all three kids home all the time
(we keep our Summer unscheduled. No camps. No classes. No anything). Or maybe it's just the sheer level of insanity that May has in store for us that makes me long for it to be over.
Either way, I'm sure that two weeks into break, I am probably going to feel completely different, especially considering the lack of volume control that my children have.
How about you? Are you looking forward to or dreading Summer vacation? How do you plan to keep your kids occupied?