Um, of course. I loved the stickers (HERE) I received when I worked with BuildASign and I have been complaining for MONTHS that we needed a new family portrait printed. It seemed like the perfect partnership. (Note: The most recent family photo displayed in our home was from 2007. Dilly's not even in it.)
And with that, I got started. Easy Canvas Prints allows you to transform your digital photos into canvas prints in just four easy steps. And the best part is that you can customize your canvas with a variety of styles and effects.
I decided to transform this picture from our Disney vacation in December. Don't we look cute?

First, you choose your canvas size up to 40" x 40" and your wrap thickness, either .75" or 1.5". I went with a 16" x 20" canvas with a 1.5" wrap.
Second, you upload your photo. Easy peasy. The site will even let you know whether or not your photo quality is high enough to make a good print.
Third, you choose your border. I opted for the mirror image, but you can also select an image wrap or a border color.
A few days later, this arrived at my door (yes, I hung it up immediately.)
I think it turned out fantastic and I absolutely love it. Plus, I'm pretty sure that once the rest of my family sees it, they are going to want one of their own. You (and they) can check out Easy Canvas Prints HERE ...
Note: I received one canvas print free of charge. The opinions, however, are all my own.
That looks really awesome. So cool.
Awww, I love it!
(And I bet Dilly's happy!)
Aww.. adorable!! It looks great!
Super cute!!
I have to agree, it's a very cute family portrait.
Beautiful family! :)
Love it.
That's awesome and the picture is great!
Great picture! I was just looking for a deal on gallery wrap, so I will check it out!
We have one canvas print but I have been meaning to get a more recent one. Love the picture of you all!!
I thought of you yesterday. I was looking on the website Chowdaheads, all things boston sports, and it had a shirt that said, I might live in _____ but I keep my sox in Boston!
Wow that is really cool!!
That is awesome! What a great product. The picture is great. You have a beautiful family!
What a beutiful family. That turned out amazing..
That did turn out great!
Now I'd just have to get all of my family in the same room for a photo. yeah someday that will happen.
That's beautiful!!! Excellent choice on the image.
Fantastic picture! So cute. :)
The picture looks GREAT on your wall. Compliments to Easy Canvas Prints!!
If I had the $$, I'd totally do it!
This is completely unrelated to the post - but I totally just channeled you on the treadmill & rocked out to my version of NCIS - Law & Order SVU. It's so much better when you have a TV show you can really get into!
That is such a great concept. Technology never ceases to amaze me.
I'd love to do something like this with our pictures.
Looks fabulous! You and your family are beautiful--so joyful!
this looks sooo cute! Your youngest and oldest totally look alike, I love it!! I just did this and got mine today. So fun.
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