419 and I am in corral 7.
The first thing I thought was corral 7. 7 is my favorite number (and my birth date). Good sign. Then if you add the numbers of my bib you get: 4+1+9=14. 14 is really two 7s. Really good sign. So, I've got three 7s, which is 777. And if you hit that in Vegas, well, you are going to walk away as a winner.
Oh, and then I realized that 4:19 is EXACTLY 30 minutes faster than my current PR. And a 30 minute (or more) PR is my goal. Try to tell me it's not fate ...
2. After I posted that picture from my first marathon (in which I didn't have my signature socks), I was asked about when they were added to my running wardrobe. And the answer is November 14, 2009. I purchased them the night before the 2009 Richmond Marathon and wore them for the race (risky, I know.)

3. I have also received several requests for my marathon outfit. And I promise a picture next week. But for now, I'll let you know that it is an homage to Red Sox Nation, which won SERIOUS points with J ...
I like the bib on the skirt tactic!
Woo hoo Let's hear it for Red Sox Nation!!!! Seven is my fav too...I was #14 all growing up! Good luck indeed!
Awesome bib number!!! Definitely a sign. Go get it!!
Can't wait to see your outfit! :-)
oooh. how did you find out the bib number? i want to see my info for the half!
and thank you for obliging my outfit requests:)
That bib and corral are truly good omens!
Yay for the Red Sox and for some reason I feel that you are going to be faster than you think...r u going to have the contest again?
#1-Like!! I love it when the numbers align.
That's a lot of number work. Reminds me of the movie "23."
Either way, best of luck!
I have so much faith in you that you will kill that 4:19!!
Anything with a "4" = a killer race in my book. I LOVE a 4 in my race #!!!!
I Love all the number stuff and am super excited for you (and I really think you are going to KILL your PR) HOWEVER... just as I was starting think we were kindred spirits... you drop the bomb that you are a BOSTON RED SOX FAN??? Oh man. So sad. I am a New Yorker. Yankee blood runs through my veins. :)
I will still be cheering you on, but I am going to have to ignore the outfit. :)
I dig the Sox.. even though I don't care for baseball. Also, you have inspired me on the knee socks thing. I really dug them in Disney.
Sounds like all is aligning to suggest you shall have a great race.
I love the number dissection. Sounds like you're setting yourself up for a great race!
As for the Red Sox Nation - really? I bleed blue with the Yankees, and have since birth.
You are the numbers queen! BUT...
Did you notice the race date? Well, 3.26.11 is 3+2+6 = 11 Which is 2 11s. Ever done a little research in the appearance of multiple numbers in your life? Many believe that when you have multiple or repeating numbers showing up in your life it meants various things but generally it is said to be God showing you that you are currently on the right path. I'd said, that National IS you race!
...gee I can't type/spell to save my life today! I need more sleep!
Those socks are AWESOME!
Love the socks! I just bought my first pair of knee socks and so far, so good. I wore them yesterday though with my running skirt and i was HOT! I mean temperature hot. Wonder if in the hot St. Louis temps I'll have to switch back to short socks???
Love that you answered my question (and probably everyone else's) as far as when the socks showed up!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
GO SOX!! Can't wait to see the outfit!
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