Wednesday, December 7, 2011

dental woes ...

When I was a kid, I always wanted braces. For some odd reason I thought they were cool. Unfortunately, well perhaps fortunately for my parents, I had straight teeth (aside from one slightly turned tooth, which was fixed with a retainer).

The healthy of my teeth is another story.

As a kid, I remember getting fillings in my baby teeth. As a teen, I got a clean slate when all my adult teeth came in. I had zero cavities. Every checkup was a breeze. I gloated about how well I took care of my teeth.

Then I went to college. And I stopped going to the dentist. For like 6 years.

Can you see where this is going?

Finally, after having Dizzle, we moved to Virginia and I found a new dentist. Over the course of two years, I had 14 cavities.

I tried everything. Brushing more. Flossing more. Fluoride treatments. Nothing helped.

I had minimal plaque buildup and healthy gums, but my teeth kept failing me.

Yesterday, I had another five cavities filled (with two more next week). I couldn't feel my face for seven hours. Now I am sore enough to make eating anything that requires chewing a challenge. Oh, and cold isn't exactly my friend right now.

So, I asked my dentist what else I could do. And do you know what she said, "Just keep doing what you're doing. And we'll just keep checking. But, honestly, I just think you have genetically weak teeth."

Are you kidding me? At this rate, I'm not going to have any natural surfaces on my teeth in two years. In fact, if nothing is going to prevent these cavities and subsequent drilling sessions, maybe I should just have them all pulled and replaced with fake teeth. At least those don't get cavities.


carrie said...

hahaha! I can SO relate! Hubs and I went a good 7 years without going to the dentist. Our first visit post lapse, I got a clean slate and he had 8 cavities. My next 6 month visit, I had three cavities. I think turning 30 (as well as the years without a cleaning) is what did us in!!! There could be worse things! Sorry about the temperature sensitivity, it goes away...eventually.

Relentless Forward Commotion said...

I have weak teeth too....and a fear of the dentist. The only time in my life that I have to take anxiety meds is before dental visits! As you can imagine, I too would rather have a fake set of chompers LOL

MCM Mama said...

Ugh! Hope this is it for a while. I think all of us skip the dentist during college. I don't have many cavities, but I keep having problems in one specific tooth. Pretty sure eventually there won't be a tooth left with all the fillings.

Unknown said...

Are you a coffee sipper? A recent story out of Seattle said that dentist found that those sipping coffee with milk or milk and sugar had a higher rate of cavities than the non drinkers.

Running Ricig said...

I wanted braces as a kid (glasses too) and then I got them and didn't want them anymore, lol.

I have this irrational fear that all of my teeth will fall out.

financecupcake said...

My whole family is so anal about dental hygiene (think: we carry floss with us at all times). Ever since I had my little boy three years ago, I've been getting cavities. After going so long without a cavity, it's really frustrating to take excellent care of my teeth and keep needing to have cavities filled.

I dated a guy a few years ago whose brother got fed up with cavities, had all of his teeth pulled, and wore dentures. The guy was 26. It was a long and painful process, but his smile looked great at the end. How do you tell a new girlfriend you wear dentures?

Laura said...

I totally relate and to top it off I am terrified of the dentist. My teeth/gums are so sensitive, they have to put numbing gel on them just to do the cleaning. I went on Monday and it was

Unknown said...

As an adult I've been getting cavities too. Never had a single cavity until after the birth of my first child. Crazy ... wonder if there is something to this?!?

Six Pack Momma said...

I am in the same boat! I completely understand EVERY aspect of this post!! Too bad teeth health wasn't linked to running health then we'd all have wonderful pearly whites!!

Karen said...

Oh my goodness girl - that hurts my teeth just reading about it. I have been lucky as of late but had a mouth full of cavities as a kid. Neither of my sisters had any issues so I was the lucky one in our family. I still have a fear every time I go in there that I am going to be told I need work done. UGH!

Carrie said...

I can totally relate! I never had to get braces, but used to want them as a kid too! I used to unbend a paperclip and curve it around my teeth...yeah, real safe to have a paper clip in your mouth! I didn't have any cavities when I was younger, but in my adult life have had numerous cavities, two root canals, and a molar pulled. Ugh. Here's to wishing you for healthy teeth...

Jessica Karazsia (@irun26at8) said...

Do you still have your wisdom teeth? I had all sorts of issues with cavities and such until I got my wisdom teeth out 3 years ago. I was 33 years old. A little late to get them out, but I have not had a cavity since! I think they just harbored so much bacteria that no matter how much I brushed, rinsed or flossed, I couldn't get to it all.

Unknown said...

Oh, you poor thing! 5 cavities at once is torture. I believe all of my teeth were "filled" by the end of high school, at least you get the new fangled clear fillings, right?

I had braces in college. Talked my parents into it, since I knew I would never have as good of insurance as they did. I was right.

Unknown said...

I never had a cavity before this year. i got a little freaked about the drill. 14 in two years would make me crazy!! Poor girl, I hope you pull out of this phase and strengthen those teeth!

Randi S said...

at least they aren't saying your genetically weak teeth are your own fault. That was my problem with many dentists - so many and so many problems (6 root canals at least) that I feared the dentist. I've found a lovely dentist now and as of last check-up (next one is next week) I had 0 cavities. There is hope!

~* Jenn *~ said...

I can relate, I have had a similar history with my teeth - only I didn't have any until I was a teenager, but since then they seem to be making up for lost time. I actually have two crowns and I am only 28 years old! Its disappointing and makes me feel terrible about myself, but I try to remember that most people won't notice. said...

I think your dentist is totally right, b/c I have only ever had one cavity (as a child) during and after college I went 4 years no dentist, and didnt have any cavities when finally went back. I brush, but honestly only floss like once a week or so. Im so sorry!

when I was a kid i remember straightning out a paper clip to look like braces b/c I thought it was cool. unfortunately, I ended up with braces. twice. so not cool.

Unknown said...

I'm the same way! I actually went about 15 years without going, between the ages of 7 and right before my 21st bday I finally had soo much pain in one tooth that I had to go.

It's been about 2 years since I've been and I need to go again. I've had tons of work and great dentists but I just can't deal with teeth!

Mel -Tall Mom on the Run said...

Right there with you.. I have had more hours in the dental chair than I care to admit. I floss every night, wish I had done that my whole life may have helped a little.. or not?? Who knows.. HUGS!!

alexa said...

Do you use an electric toothbrush ? Over here, it has done *wonders* for my hubby and my 3rd child, who both have really fragile teeth, cavity-wise.

XLMIC said...

My dad had weak teeth, but I luckily inherited my mom's tooth genes. I've yet to have a cavity and I'm almost 50. My kids have not inherited this from me...much to their dismay :( and mine.

Here's hoping it all goes well from here on out!

AMcConn said...

I had braces, u didn't miss anything. Good luck at the dentist next week!!!!

Marlene said...

Ugh! I feel for you. I had two cavities recently for the first time in my adult life and I thought it was the end of the world.

The Boohers said...

My teeth got a lot worse after having babies. Something about vomiting every five minutes, only being able to stand sugar-full gum (and having to chew it all day to prevent even more vomiting), and not brushing my teeth very well due to my overactive gag reflex. Seriously, I'm amazed I still have teeth, but they are definitely not what they used to be. :(

Allen Bates said...

You definitely have to get your teeth cleaned about three times a year. Thanks.

Emilio.M said...

This is one of the reasons why you should always go and get your teeth checked every once and a while.
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Brad G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Getting regular dental check ups will definitely help prevent cavities and proper dental hygiene is also needed as well.
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Mr.Filbert. Hutchison said...

Well, I definitely agree at this age you should really take care of our teeth especially when you don't have proper dental hygiene.
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thom.r said...

Try adding some more calcium in your diet since it can help strengthen teeth as well as your bones. Hope that helps.
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Samuel.Ricafort said...

Six years without going to the dentist sounds like a very long time. I read somewhere that you should go to the dentist at least trice a year.
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Mrs. Mandy Catez said...

I also had a friend of mine who wouldn't go to the dentist to get a check up, one day his tooth hurt so bad that he went to the nearest dental clinic.
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Unknown said...

Brushing with the toothpaste you really love would help you get inspired in taking care of your teeth. Believe me, even dentist tucson az would say that to you.

farnandas said...

As a teen, I got a clean slate when all my adult teeth came in. I had zero cavities. Every checkup was a breeze. I gloated about how well I took care of my teeth.

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