If you ever step out of your house, for any reason whatsoever, you would be safer if you wore a RoadID. It speaks for you, when you can't speak for yourself. And that is just one reason why I love mine. But there are plenty more ...
I love my RoadID because it allows me to run worry-free.
I love my RoadID because it doesn't clash with my outfits.
I love my RoadID because I believe in the owners' mission - to educate all outdoor enthusiasts about the vital importance of ID.
I love my RoadID because it doesn't chafe me.
I love my RoadID because it's design allows for choices. Like which color band will I wear today? Purple, yellow, blue, green, black ...
I love my RoadID because it comes with top notch customer service. Something that is often hard to find.
I love my RoadID because life happens. And there is nothing you can do to stop it. So, why do you love your RoadID?
I keep saying I am going to get one and I haven't. Keep bugging me to do it! I love your second reason!
Hmm, never really thought of just wearing it for everyday reasons... great idea!
And that one is PRETTY!
I love mine because it is pink and cute and it really does give me a sense of calm when I am running. My friend and I almost got hit the other day and all I kept thinking is I am glad that I have my ID on.
P.S. my three year old wants a purple one like yours, she said it is prettier than my pink one. Girls!!!!!
I had been thinking about getting one and I don't know why I put it off. Since reading your blog and you posting about them, I did buy one and its on its way now! Thank you for reminding us runners that saftey comes first!
Ok this is getting weird. I think we're Stepford wives. First the floral skirt, now the purple Road ID (love it). Just the knee highs and you have a running twin!
I keep meaning to get one because I live out in the middle of nowhere and run country roads. Thanks for reminding me to look into it.
My husband and I both have one. I love it because it makes me feel just a little bit safer when I go out for a run or bike ride by myself. No matter how safe you are, it's usually the other people that you have to worry about. You never know what can happen.
I do loe my RoadID, but not enough to color coordinate!
I love my road id too. I have an anklet in pink
I love that not clashing is one of the things you love about it! ;o)
Just ordered a pink one. Thanks!!
I definitely got to get me one of these. awesome blog
I love my blue Road ID and my oldest had a dog tag style Road ID that he wears all the time now!
I have one just like yours! Love it!
Thank you so much for reminding me! I am going to order that one I won right now. I was thinking of going with until I heard purple was faster : )
I need to get one. I ahve been saying that for over a year. gah. Money is tight or I would have all kinds of running gadgets!
there should be no excuse for me NOT to have one ... but I keep putting it off, terrible I know!!
I love the purple band!
i too love my road id it is one of my favorite accessories. :)
I just got one and have another on the way. I wish hubby would wear one but he refuses. My oldest is begging for one; it will be a birthday present in November if he still wants one.
I love mine. I've been wearing it for at least 2 years. Ordered one for my dad last year after he passed out from high blood pressure. He wears his everywhere he goes. My 6 year old wants one too. When I take him out for a walk, he insists on wearing mine. He thinks he has to have it on when he works out. Too cute!! I'm thinking about ordering one for him and his little brother to wear when we go to the zoo and seaworld this summer.
I bought one as a gift for my BF. He commutes by bike to work and it made me feel better knowing my phone # was on it. And his allergies! A few months later, I bought my own. :)
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