This weekend, G hosted her very first virtual race. A half marathon and a half 10K. I chose the half marathon option since my long run scheduled for this week was 14. So, Friday morning at 5:30, G, Denise, Katye and I embarked on our ill-fated run ...
- It was wicked hot. 78 degrees. Major humidity. It was like running through water. I kept thinking we were running too fast, only to look at my watch and see we were running a 10:20 pace.
- Katye wasn't feeling great, so when we passed my house (at the half 10K) mark, she bailed. God, I wish I had joined her.
- I had some serious mental issues between miles 8 and 10. I didn't want to continue on. I was positive I would never be able finish another long distance race (sucky, considering I'm planning on an Ultra) and I really thought I was going to die.
- I didn't die, but I did get a major side stitch around mile 11. And I had about 2 oz of water left. Again, not fun.
- By the time we hit mile 12, I was feeling good again. And I was wondering what I had complained about. I left G and Denise to pick up my extra mile and sent them to the finish. G offered to come. I said no. I shouldn't have. Mile 13.1-14 WAS SO INCREDIBLY PAINFUL. I could have used some support.
- I finished in 2:19:12. It could have been better. But it could have been worse.
- We got some really cute pictures ...
Our Half and Half outfits. (Half one color, half another) ...
Our attempt at a self photo ...
Denise and I around mile 5 ...

This humidity is brutal! I'm so jealous you have ladies to run with! I live in retirement central :/
Love your half and half outfits - looks like you could all be in a running skirt advertisement. :-)
Humidity Sucks the energy right out of you -
Way to tough it out.
Isn't it funny how many times you can go back and forth between "I feel great" and "I feel like crap" in a single run? You'll do great at an ultra - just pick one in the spring or fall so you're not fighting the heat! :-)
Nice job! This humidity is for the birds!
I only did seven yesterday, and there wasn't a dry place left on me. It was a slow seven miles.
love your outfits!!! major props to you guys running in that humidity. NOT FUN! great 'race'!
Nice job making it through despite the humidity! It's really taking the life out of me!!
And I love the outfits...makes me want to go out and buy a running skirt!
you always have the best outfits!! definitely inspiring me!
You've really perfected the 1-arm camera shot haha. Nice job on the run!
You did great getting that done in the weather! I was dying with only 6 miles in the heat/humidity. I actually got lightheaded! Today's run will be after the sunsets so I don't pass out.
I am doubly impressed - one, that you got the run in the humidity and, two, that you were able to coordinate your outfits so well. Way to rock the skirts and socks!
I ran a half this morning in 97% humidity. I feel your pain!
Congrats on the run and your outfits are adorable!
I don't know what the humidity was in my race today but I was soaked! Good for you for sticking with it.
This humidity is the worst! Good job getting through a half!
I'm liking the outfits. Green and gold are Aussie colours!
it sounds miserable! you did it though!
I saw "ultra"...that is all I tell. Iam in the lottery for JFK 50 Miler again, we find out Wednesday. Love to hear your plan!
Sorry for the few rough miles, but congrats on finishing it! More of that "putting your mind" to it stuff!
P.S. I love your skirts! Where did you find them?
Sounds like one tough run! Way to push through.
Ultra?? Have I missed soemthing.. Do tell? You need to move to WA, you will never find it 78 at 5:30 in the morning.
LOVE LOVE the outfits. How you wear those socks on HOT days is beyond me.
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