With that said, the Posse and I had 5-6 miles on the schedule today. When I left my house, it was 75* with 95% humidity. During our run, we couldn't get over how hard it felt. So, I said I was going to come home and find out what the Apparent Temperature was. I was expecting 85*, 90*, maybe more. I was so wrong.
It was a "feels like temperature" of 79. Well, at least according to this chart ...

2. 2 Marathons in 6 Days - Yes, I am fully aware that my plan to run the NYC Marathon on November 7th and the Richmond Marathon on November 12th is COMPLETELY insane. But, I just want to make it clear that I have no intention of "racing" Richmond. NYC is my goal race. Richmond is an opportunity to run MTT with my friends, have fun and NOT worry about time. Plus, it will qualify me for Marathon Maniacs, which I think is kind of cool.
3. My Children - I love my kids. Most days, they love me back. Some days, however, I question how much. For example, a week ago or so, Dizzle said the following to me ...
"Mom, when YOU ARE GONE can Dad marry R's mom so that we can be sisters?"
Um, what Dizzle? WHEN I AM GONE? Am I dead in this scenario? Or did your father just divorce me? And really, why couldn't he be the one that's "GONE"? I mean, really, you'd choose him over me? I could always marry R's dad you know ...
Whatever, I'm over it.
And in other crazy kid antics, yesterday I walked in on Dilly, who had taken her diaper off. When I asked her why, she said, "I needed to see my butt."
Right, Dilly. You just NEEDED to.
15 minutes later, after the diaper had been put back on, I found her naked again. This time however, she was running from one end of the room to the other screaming, "I A NAKED BUTT BABY."
Obviously, I need to better supervise my children.
We missed spring here too. I hate missing out on easing into the warm weather.
No spring here either. It's a sweatfest.
OMG! I LOVE your kids (and your reactions to them), they crack me up!
Spring came for like 1 day to VT, then the heat came all at once.
Naked butt baby?!?!!! hahahahahah
I hear you on the summer weather. It is ugly out there and doesn't feel much better before sunrise. Gross!
We totally skipped right over spring here!
That story about the diaper made me laugh! I went in to get Em the other day in the morning and her diaper was laying outside the crib. When I asked her why she took her diaper off she said,"Mommy it was wet. I don't want a wet bum!" Perhaps it's time to revisit the potty training!
No Spring in NY also. Lots of rain though. Boo.
I love the things kids say...to think, we waited so long for them to *start* talking.
ahh kids, seriously yours have some of the best comments :)
i love that you are doing the marathons so close because I know you can do it and it gets all of us inspired!
Your kids are hilarious - can't wait til my kids start talking more. :)
Yeah, I'm in Wisconsin, and we had no spring either. We went from 40s to 90s. Ths weather is not kind to runners.
bahaha @ your kids. That just made my day.
The heat is completely out of control! Sweating while running is one thing, sweating from breathing is another.
You are crazy. Not for running the marathons close together but for doing all your doing so close to a major injury. But I'm jealous of your super powers Anyway. Oh, and I mean crazy in the Webster kind-of-way not in the new definition Survivor kind-of-way. heeheehee
LBM thinks naked is cool too. He is obessed with "wiggle wiggle." He started saying it when we started potty training. You know to get that last 'drip' to off. Now he strips and runs around shaking his little hips saying, "wiggle wiggle."
I love how you can see past your stupid injury and plan the (to me) unthinkable in November.
Makes me want to shake off my boo boos, quit whining and get my run on.
I'm sure my kids would pick me to be the one to 'be gone' as well. Not fair at all. Call me crazy, I love to run in the heat and humidity. Make me feel like I worked harder!
I love those kind of comments...she is already planning for your demise, LOL!!!!
We used to have the "naked run" when Andy was a baby. before his tub he would run all over the house like a maniac Naked!!! but it was always fun...funny now that it is over I kind of miss those days:(
It is going to be a 100 here today too with really bad thunderstorms. we had absolutely no spring here! YUK!!!!
i love that you are doing nyc and richmond! I'm scared enough doing nyc to philly- 6 days is crazy awesome sauce!
Two marathons in six days: wow! That's insane! :) Then again, I'm not surprised if you'd PR (again!) on the second one! :)
There is no fighting Naked BABIES. You will never win.
My kids call my BFF and her H their step parents. Riiiiight.
I think kids usually pick whichever parent they spend less time with, so if you are a sahm or a wahm, you're in trouble...
I love the kid quotes. Hilarious!!
And I think it is awesome you are doing both marathons... I am totally jealous! I have recovered fast after all three of mine so far and am confident I could do two in a week if I had another one close by. I will be cheering you on big time!!!
And um... yeah... sorry about the heat, but it is SNOWING here right now.
Funniest kids ever, they sound like a handful!! I swear sometimes I'm running in 150 degrees. The thermometer doesn't say it but I can FEEL it!!!
HAHAHAHA I miss your kids! And this NYC/Richmond thing sounds intriguing...
I see your kids are little "BA's", too! LMAO!
Mine had it all planned out who they would live with if me and Husband died. At least you're "gone" and could still be alive.
Winks & Smiles,
Sorry about the heat. It is getting warm here in Missouri as well. I have been doing my runs at 6am to try to stay cool. Still a little to hot.
Isn't it funny how kids think. Those quotes made me laugh.
Have fun on both races. I admire your determination to do them. We are trying to talk a friend into doing a half two weeks after a Marathon and she doesn't think that is enough time to recover for just the half!
Love your blog!
Your kids are hilarious!
Work has been stressful. Thanks so much for the comic relief in number 3! Hysterical.
And I totally agree with #1. Same thing happened here. I have gotten up super early 3 days in a row to avoid the heat and it makes me grumpy.
#3 is the best! Thanks for the giggles!
I felt like we had a longer than normal "spring". It was cold for spring, but I prefered that over the 100* we're having now.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure me and my sisters wanted my mom to marry a man that would let us EACH have a dog... ;)
Ha! Your kid stories made me laugh out loud. Today I was bra shopping, made my purchase and headed to th parking lot, where I discovered my little sticky-handed bandit had grabbed two of the ones I wasn't going to buy from the 'discard' pile and stuffed them into her stroller. That was one embarrassing walk of shame back to the store. Apparently she concurred that I was in need of new undergarments. Seriously...kids.
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