Date: 9/17/11
Temperature: 55 degrees
Official Time: 22:04 (7:07 pace), 2:05 minute PR
Place in Age Group (25-29): 1/12
Place in Gender: 3/123
Overall Place: 23/234
As of Friday afternoon, this race was NOT on my schedule. Since I am currently in the middle of marathon training, it can be hard to fit in a 5K. But, due to the fact that a couple of my runs went over mileage earlier in the week, I only needed 5 miles on Saturday. I knew Earth Momma Mer was running a 5K and in the morning and I also knew the weather was going to be perfect for running fast. So, at 8 p.m. on Friday, I decided to race. The next morning, I woke up and headed over to the event to register, ran a one mile warmup and raced my tail off.
The Good:
The Course: The mostly flat course started with a slight downhill into a residential neighborhood that I have been fortunate enough to run in before. I had a rough idea of what to expect, including the quarter mile climb back to the finish.
My Pace: My goal for this race was to run around 7:30 per mile for the duration of the race. I had run a 7:41 pace for 4.14 miles at Hood to Coast, on little sleep and food, so it seemed simple enough. Right around the one mile mark, I glimpsed down at my watch and saw that I was at a 7:10 pace and that there were only 3 or 4 women ahead of me. At that point I decided that instead of watching the clock, I would listen to my body. If I felt like I could push it, I would. If I needed to back off, I'd do that. As long as no one with a ponytail passed me, it was all good.
The strategy worked. I hit my goal and I didn't check my watch until the finish.
My Placing: 3rd woman overall. 1st in the 25-29 age group. Pretty much the coolest thing ever.
The Outfit: I have to admit that when I got to the start in my new Lululemon skirt and purple SwiftSocks, the other people at the front of the pack looked at me like, "This is a joke, right? She can't possibly run fast enough to be standing with us." (Note the dude in the orange cap giving us the crazy eyes)

My Finishing Kick: When I turned the corner into the finishing chute, I could see that the clock still read, 21:xx. A sub-22 was within my grasp, I kicked it into overdrive and my last .1 was at a 5:36 pace. That is just insane.
The Weather: 55 degrees. Overcast. Light winds. A runner's heaven.
The Bad:
Tired Legs: Since I didn't decide to run this race until 8 p.m. the night before, I hadn't had a rest day in the 5 days prior. And I was just 24 hours off a quick 9 miler. I had run 34 miles in the four days. I have to wonder if fresh legs would have made a difference between 22:04 and sub-22.
The Ugly:
Let's be honest, there was no ugly.
I have to ask ... win anything cool? :)
And of course, congrats and all, but you totally know you're a rock star (and you are).
WOO HOO!!!! So awesome!!! Congrats on rocking it! :)
Nice job! Awesome PR!!!
Well, yeah, you are my hero. NICE!
That guy giving you a dirty look in the picture is priceless. Way to kick some a**!
You are my hero! This is AWESOME! What an incredible PR... congratus on an amazing race!
LOL - yes - fashion and speed are not mutually exclusive :) Congratulations - how exciting !!!
"This is a joke, right? She can't possibly run fast enough to be standing with us." Best comment ever. It's so true, too. I do find that there are that small group of elitists that pre-judge and then are surprised. That's the best! Great job and congrats!!!
Beth (the athena triathlete!)
in-freaking-credible! way to go!
Great job! Never underestimate a woman running in a skirt!
Who doesn't love a 5k PR in the middle of marathon training? Distance and speed, what a combination!
Great job!
Way to get it, lady!! Did you win anything awesome??
haha... that's awesome!! you rocked out that outfit AND the race!! :)
That is awesome! I'm itching for a new race t-shirt myself!
Congratulations! That is really well done! You rocked that race big time!
Congrats! Great job!!
I am not surprised at all. Your running is inspiring! Great job!
Nice job on the PR! That is a smasher! Love the new skirt, I was going to get that one but it sold out online by the time I made up my mind. I love Lululemon :)
WOW! you're on fire!
your outfit looks super cute and super fast!! way to go!!!
Amazing! Simply Amazing! Way to go!!
Congrats on an awesome new PR and a fantastic race! The skirt is really cute! I have heard good things about them but haven't invested in one yet. Still disappointed that my last skirt purchase was a failure!
I think you were pumped because a TMB groupie introduced herself to you. (cough, cough). :P It was great to meet you! BTW, I'm pretty sure I know the dude in the orange hat, and if it is indeed him, that look is not unusual for him. Congrats on a GREAT race!!
You are freakin' ah-MAZE-ing!
Congrats on the awesome PR!
awesome! congrats on your PR, age group win {totally awesomesauce} and gender place! you ROCK :)
AWESOME! I can't even fathom ever getting 3rd, much less FIRST in an age group. Maybe when I'm 80 :D
Nicely done, my friend, nicely done!
Two words: BAD-ASS!
Winks & Smiles,
that is such an awesome PR!!!! and you definitely rocked the skirt, as usual :o)
This is so freakin' awesome!!!!!! Congrats :)
Holy rockin' PR! Nice job T! I think you got some speed!
rockSTAR!! go speedracer!
You are finding some serious speed, girl! Way to show 'em how it's done and congrats on a HUGE PR!
GREAT job!! super speed darlin. and you looked great!! I get those looks ALL THE TIME, pretty sure it is because I am super-sized..
WAY TO GO!!!! That's an epic PR for any race, but two minutes off of a 5k? That's insane! Great job.
Holy cow!! that is one awesome PR!! Congrats, T.
You just get faster and faster and faster. You, my friend, are awesomesauce. Carve me out a date for October.
I.JUST.READ.THIS...and OH MY WORD, CONGRATS!!! You beat your best 5K time by over TWO MINUTES???? You're insane, TMB! Now I totally want to run like you even more. Congrats again, Miss "1st in her AG!"
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