Date: 11/12/11
Temperature: upper 30's @ start, sunny
Official Time: 4:12:52 (9:39 pace)
Garmin Time: 4:12:55 for 26.42 miles (9:34 pace), 2:56 PR
Place in Age Group (25-29): 98/281
Place in Gender: 562/1647
Overall Place: 1716/3787
The Good:
Pre-race Fun - From bagels on Friday morning ...

The Outfits - G, Pixie Green and I looked epic. As always.

The Course - I love this course. It's scenic and beautiful and the downhill finish is enough of a reason to run it over and over. But as a member of the Marathon Training Team (MTT), I ran the course so often that I knew it like the back of my hand. Talk about an advantage on race day. No surprises. No mental games. Just 26.2 miles and me.
Sub-2 Half - From the start, my goal for this race was to run with whoever I started with for as long as possible and then just finish, even if I walked the rest. I lost G pretty much in the first 10 feet of the race, but I was running with Jess and her sister Jodi (they both ran MCM two weeks prior).

We just decided to run whatever felt good. And somehow, as we approached the half marathon mark, we noticed that we were just going to break two hours (we crossed in 1:59:20) and that alone made the race a success for me.
PR Baby - Not exactly sure how it happened, but 6 days after running the NYC Marathon and missing a PR by 8 seconds, I finished this race with a 2:56 PR. It was awesome. However, I kind of wish my plan of "run a strong first half and then have fun with the second half", wasn't the plan I executed. When I caught G at mile 15.5, I decided I was just going to stick with her. Then she left me. And then I caught her again. It wasn't until mile 23 or so, that I realized that even with my eased pace in the second half, that a PR was going to happen for sure. Maybe I should have picked it up sooner.
The Last 2 Miles - Once I realized a PR was in the bag, I was re-energized. Add that to the fact that most of the last two miles are downhill and I was feeling unstoppable. Seriously. This is me at mile 25.5, looks like it could have been mile 1.5.

Un-GU'd - Although I started the race with four GUs attached to my race belt, all but one of them fell off while I was shedding layers in the early miles. Total Spi-Belt fail.
Photo-Op - As a member of MTT, we were scheduled to take a team picture at 7 a.m., one hour prior to the race start. Most days, that would be no big deal, but it was cold on Saturday. I arrived at 6:30 a.m. and by the time the race started, I couldn't feel any of my toes. And the worst part, you can't see me (or anyone I know) in the picture anyway.
The Ugly:
Wind - As you approached mile 24, a place I like to refer to as the "Lombardy Suckfest", runners were greeted with headwinds so strong that they threw you back a little. Not the time in the race to have a physical barrier like that.
Congrats on being awesome! It is amazing what good training a strong body and NO pressure can do for your race day.
Congratulations on a new PR and a super strong race!! I think "no pressure" was JUST what you needed. Outstanding!
Way to go!! Congrats!! I love that feeling of being re-engergized! You have given me some hope for my second half in two weeks this weekend! Is that another Lululemon skirt I spy?!
Congrats on the PR - seriously, who does that after running a marathon 6 days before? YOU DO!
Truly incredible. You're awesome. Congrats on 2 awesome races a week apart - wow!!!!
Sounds like a pretty awesome weekend! Congrats again on the PR!!
Rock on girl! Congrats on the PR, you totally rocked it!!!
The wind this weekend was ridiculous! The fact that you PRed by so much in that, is seriously impressive! Especially after NYC the week before. You're my hero.
So awesome, T! Congratulations!
I had so much fun. And I am totally signing up for enxt year!
Great job, my friend!
Still in awe of what you accomplished. Way to go.(and you guys looked fab u lous!)
congratulations! enjoy some recovery cupcakes!
Cutest.outfit.ever. Congrats on a great race and a PR!
I've said it many times...and I shall say it again. You are incredible! CONGRATS you are amazing!
Congrats on your PR! You guys make running a marathon look easy.
wow - congrats on the PR! You are amazing! And yes, the outfit was EPIC...
A PR just 7 days after running a marathon is just insane. Well done!
i swear running with no pressure makes for magical races! congrats on the PR and 2 races!! wohoo
Must know where you got that skirt!! I love it! Oh and awesome job on the races...that is amazing and as a new runner, I am truly inspired by all the accomplishments.
Amazing race! So great that you were able to turn around and run another marathon so soon!!!
Two weekends - two PRs = AWESOME!
So, a random question. I have run back to back weekends several times and take a conservative approach. But you PR'd. Does this mean you have a sub four in you? I think it does!
AWESOME!! Congrats on the great marathon!
Congrats on the PR! Its crazy that you could run that well only a few days after another marathon!!!
YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!
Amazing!! Simply amazing!!!
AMAZING!!! Not only were you able to run a marathon 6 (!) days after NYC, you also PR'ed!! You are my hero :)
Very impressive to get a PR in a second marathon in a week!
Congratulations on the PR!
I looked for you guys in the starting corrals after I saw Michele off at the half start. I never saw you though! But, like I told G, that's okay... next time! I just registered for Shamrock. :)
Congrats, T!!! You are a rockstar! 2 awesome races back to back! Nice work!
two marathons in 6 days and a PR? Congratulations! That skirt is too cute BTW.
Where did you get that skirt? It is the cutest!
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