Miles Planned/Miles Ran: 194/176.51 (I cut 16 miles in one week when I had the stomach flu)
Rest Days Planned/Rest Days Taken: 8/8
Highest Mileage Week: 2/13 - 2/20: 52 miles
Long Runs Planned/Long Runs Completed: 4/3
Current Book: There was no reading this month. Just running. And puking. Not the best combo.
Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Teen Mom 2. That show couldn't get any more absurd, yet I am glued to it EVERY week ...
Current Colors: Pink and Black
Current Drink: Diet Coke. It seems to really settle my upset stomach ...
Current Song: Like a G6 - Far East Movement
Current Triumph: My 1:57:06 Half Marathon PR this past weekend at Princess. I was under the weather, dehydrated and hadn't really eaten in the 24 hours prior, but through mile 7, I was still on pace to break 1:55.

Then I ate a GU, bad choice. I know that sub 1:55 is mine if I can make it to the start line in one piece.
Current Goal: National Marathon is this month. I'm looking to take 30+ minutes off of my current PR (4:49:36)
Current Blessing: Well, last weekend was pretty amazing. But in all seriousness, pretty much everything in my life is a blessing. And I don't take that for granted.
Current Excitement: National Marathon - obviously. And officially committing to running the NYC Marathon with Ethan Zohn and his foundation, Grassroot Soccer. Now for the fundraising ...
2011 Goals - Status Update:
- Clean up my diet - I am tracking my food religiously at SparkPeople and am currently sitting at my happy weight. Eventually, I'll get to my "racing weight."
- Eat no more than 25 cupcakes - As of March 1st - 4 cupcakes eaten
- Pay off our consumer debt by the end of the year - We have paid off over half of our consumer debt and are on track to be credit card debt free in 10 months. Plus, we are on track to have our student loans eliminated by February 2013, five month ahead of our schedule. And 10 years faster than if we let it go to term.
- Spend $0 on clothing - As of March 1st - $0 spent.
- Run 2,000 miles - As of March 1st - 376.47 miles run.
- Run a sub 1:55 half marathon - Next race - 4/16, Dismal Swamp Stomp Half
- Take 30+ minutes off my marathon - Next race - 3/26, National Marathon.
Oh man, Teen Mom is crazy, like a train wreck, you can't look away. When I run on the treadmill, the miles fly by because I'm so mesmerized.
This post was way more fun than I'd expect a stats post to be :)
You're amazing. :-)
wow o Wow!! That's some big training!
I got sucked into Teen Mom 2 as well - sigh. You're awesome. So happy to share in your month end review celebration. So glad your starting off March feeling better.
I really loved this post.. and it makes me admire you even more! Awesome runner.. paying off debt... and just your general awesomeness. :)
pink and black! loveeee it.
i don't know how I forgot or missed that you're doing national. We will HAVE to coordinate ahead of time! I'm pumped to cheer you on in the full!
awesome awesome month! i'll be there at national, cheering you on!
You're nailing the goals so far, and that sub-1:55 half & 30-min marathon PR are YOURS as long as we can keep your stomach happy!
Awesome pics from Disney - punk rock princess rocks!!
awesome 2011 already!
Love the pics....
You are a champ! Nice job on all your goals...I am jealous! Not only have you made good goals, but you are actually on track to acheive jealous!
Great job, as usual! It's sad, I watch Teen Mom, as well.
You inspire me! Love your February recap! On to an amazing March!
A sub-1:55 Half is well within your reach! I've no doubt you'll crush that this year and even be surprised you hadn't done it earlier once you do.
It's funny. You decide to take a GU and it's a bad choice. On my half, I decided against the GU and it turned out to be the bad choice. Next time!
I will be at nation's too! It's the first 1/2 I ever did, pretty pumped to repeat it!
That's awesome that you're a goal getter! You'll crush that full time! I've always wanted to run the Disney Half or Full! It looks like so much fun!!
First I just made a birthday card for my niece - green and pink like this post.
You've had a great month. I think it would be hard to run a race after traveling that far right before the race even if you hadn't gotten ill. I applaud you for pushing through and doing so well.
Love love love your financial goals and successes. (Former banker here) Credit is a slippery slope if not treated properly. You are setting another great example.
You are amazing as always!
Great job! It is hard to be in your awesomeness for too long... but if it rubs off... I am SOOOOO there!
wish my finances looked like that! very impressive!
Great job on your half! I've been reading your blog for months but just realized you're running National- me too!
I am so impressed by your mileage. I have trouble juggling one baby and decent miles. How do you do it?
so excited to read that you are doing New York...what a great experience for a great cause. You rock my friend.
You are such an inspiration to me!!
You rocked February...and you were sick! Way to go!!!
I love how goal driven you are! I can't wait to read about the National Marathon. That is on my bucket list.
You look so cute when you race - I'm jealous! :)
So diet coke totally calms your stomach. I am dying for cola during my half ironman and full ironman races because of that very fact. Hey, whatever works!
I did the Disney marathon in 2001 (wow, that's a long time ago now) and the atmosphere was amazing. Congrats on your PR! Did Doodle give me her stomach bug, too, because I've been sick for a week. LOL. Just kidding.
You are so inspiring! I need to set more goals. Way to go on the cupcake intake! LOL.
I didn't realize you are running National!! You will be in my neck of the woods :) Maybe I can finally meet you. I'm doing the full too!
Great pic in front of Epcot! You absolutely have a 1:55 in you!
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