1. We are headed to Rhode Island today to visit J's family and to attend our friend's wedding. I'm super pumped. Not only will J and I get a date night, but TMB, the one armed wonder, will have some serious backup. No diaper changing for me
(just try to imagine how challenging changing a poopy diaper with one hand is). And at least for the wedding, I am going to dress like a functioning member of society. Maybe I'll take a picture ...
2. Speaking of pictures, check out this one ...

Guess my shoulder didn't take the entire brunt of my crash. It hurts like crazy and is at the exact height of my daughters' heads when they try to hug me. I have screamed more than once when they've touched me this week. I think they are kind of scared to come around me now.
3. I have zero appetite. I'm not sure if it is the pain or the medication doing it to me, but nothing looks/sounds appealing and I am borderline pukeish all the time. I'm not liking this one bit. Plus, when I do eat, it takes a century because I have to feed myself with my non-dominant hand. It's actually quite comical to see. I'm pretty sure Dilly is more effective at getting food in her mouth than I am. I could really use a bib.
OUCH!!! Hope some major healing happens soon and that your appetite comes back. Have a great weekend and enjoy the assistance!
Wow that is an amazing bruise, hope you have a great time at the wedding and lots of sympathy.
1. Definitely take a picture.
2. Holy crap, that looks/sounds awful!!!
3. Using your non-dominant hand is good for keeping your brain young (just a fun little tidbit!).
I really hope you heal quickly!!
Oh my gosh, that makes me hurt! Hope that heals quickly!
Ouch!!! I feel so bad for you!! I hope you are on the mend very quickly! Have a blast in Little Rhodey! That is my neck of the woods!
Your body is totally not used to resting, so I think that may be part of the reason you're not hungry. Eat healthy (finger) foods. :)
YOUCH that looks painful!!!
Have a safe trip this weekend and enjoy the wedding - hope you can get your dinner into your mouth. :)
(I remember all too well not having use of my dominant hand!)
Ouch!! Maybe Dilly could help feed you. Have a great trip, hope the weather is good in RI.
oh you poor thing. :(
Wow, that's an impressive bruise! Good for you for taking a picture of it... I'd do the same thing! Hope you recover quickly.
OW. Poor you :(
(3) I wonder if you might have a little PTSD? My Dad had a similar reaction to food for the week following a car crash he was in. Take it slow...
Oh man...that looks just awful. My hubs is left handed and broke his left shoulder. I had to be really creative to come up with food he could eat. Let's just say that me cutting his steak for him did not go over well and that was the end of that until he was healed.
ooo yeah, that's gotta kill! ouch! I hope you enjoy your weekend!!!
Holy OUCH!!!!!!
Have a fabulous weekend! Your side looks so painful! I'm glad you are on the mend!
With all the healing your body is doing (and about to under go more) you need to eat, even if it's sloppy.
That photo make my stomach hurt. You must have been going really fast. I am so glad you are getting some help this weekend. Enjoy a little break.
OUCH!! That looks so painful.
It really look painful.
That bruise is EPIC. You should frame a picture of that thing.
I always feel pukeish on pain meds, always. It made the 2 weeks following 3 c-sections interesting.
Ouch mama, that's a bad one. :(
I cannot imagine changing a poopy diaper with one hand - I have one twin who is a peaceful cooperative diaper man, and the other is like trying to wrestle an angry alligator... there would be no hope for me!
OUCH!!!! I hope the surgery goes well and you recover quickly. You're such an inspiration!
OUCH!! enjoy your weekend and hopefully you heal quickly!!
Ugh that hurts :( you poor thing. Hope you are feeling better soon!
Pain medication totally takes my appetite away, and borderline nauseous, and a borderline crazy person. It makes me totally loopy. That bruise is intense! Wear that badge with pride! :)
I am so sorry, T! It looks awful.
Girl!!!! That is terrible!!! Hope you heal soon!
Owie! When I saw that in small size I thought you got a tattoo of a lotus flower (a very large one), but in real size it definitely just looks painful and miserable. I hope it heals soon!
Ouch! I really hope that looks worse than it feels. So sorry. Have a nice trip though!
Ouch! Have a great time at the wedding, & hope you get your appetite back soon.
Oh gosh that looks horrible! I hope you heal quickly!
I am seriously cringing at the bruise! Man, chica I am sooo sorry!
Love reading all your tweets from the car - you crack me up!
Enjoy the little vacay with the fam and enjoy your date night - you two deserve it!!
Ouch!! And I can't imagine changing a poopy diaper with one hand. It is hard enough with two!!
Hope your appetite returns in time to enjoy the wedding cake. Or maybe not if you are still off sugar =)
OUCH! Have fun at the wedding.
I think you should try to make sure to eat something when you take your pain meds - it will likely help you not feel pukey!!! I feel so badly for you. If you're not eating much be sure you're getting your nutrients through something like Ensure or Slim Fast. Hang in there. ((hugs)) - but they are cyber hugs so they don't hurt :) Have a great wedding weekend away!
poopy diapers with one hand is the worst!!! I've got Jack trained now so he will help me and grab his feet!
Hope you're feeling better soon!
Wow, that is a beauty! Pain medication does that to my appetite too and sometimes makes me nauseus.
Ouch!!! That is one huge bruise!
Ouch! :(
Wow oh wow that is one narley bruise.. Crazy ouch
Oi, that looks painful. Wishing you a speedy recovery! Love the x-rays, BTW. That's one nice broken clavicle you've got there. :)
Have a great time in Rhodey--I'm a Rhodey Girl so I'm partial! And I hope you are feeling better soon--I can't imagine a bruise that bad!
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