And if you were wondering if you missed the post where I talked about this opportunity before today, you didn't. There were only two or three people who even knew I applied. SURPRISE!
So, as you can probably guess, between making the Hood to Coast Nuun Team and my Runner's World announcement, yesterday was kind of a big day around here. I am so hot right now ...
Mouth Drama - On Friday, Dizzle lost her front tooth.
It was a long and arduous process with lots and lots of tears. But we survived. (It was rough there for a while).
Now, her other front tooth is hanging by a thread.
I tried to get a good picture of it, but it doesn't photograph well. Trust me though, it's migrating towards the center of her mouth and is starting to stick out instead of down. It's a total snaggletooth. And the only thing sillier looking will be the GINORMOUS gap she'll have once it actually falls out.
In other mouth news, on Tuesday night, Dilly was running around on the hardwood floors in our home with socks on both her hands and her feet. I was in the office (just off the kitchen) when I heard her hit the ground next to the refrigerator. When I went to see what happened, she turned to me and screamed. When she opened her mouth, blood poured out.
Dilly had bitten a gaping hole in her tongue. It was close to needing stitches, but the risks of the sedation were higher than that of waiting to see if it healed on it's own. She's fine, by the way.
Giveaways - If you haven't entered my HUGE NYC Marathon raffle HERE, do it today. I will be selecting my first three winners tomorrow. All it takes to enter is a donation to my fundraising HERE. Go ahead, all the cool kids are doing it.
And now for the winner of the Sportline Heart Rate Monitor and Pedometer. There were 174 entries and thanks to, the winner was #107 ...
Allison @ Just Tri and Finish
Congrats Allison! Please send me an email with your mailing address so I can send you your prize!
Mouth Drama - On Friday, Dizzle lost her front tooth.

Now, her other front tooth is hanging by a thread.

In other mouth news, on Tuesday night, Dilly was running around on the hardwood floors in our home with socks on both her hands and her feet. I was in the office (just off the kitchen) when I heard her hit the ground next to the refrigerator. When I went to see what happened, she turned to me and screamed. When she opened her mouth, blood poured out.

Giveaways - If you haven't entered my HUGE NYC Marathon raffle HERE, do it today. I will be selecting my first three winners tomorrow. All it takes to enter is a donation to my fundraising HERE. Go ahead, all the cool kids are doing it.
And now for the winner of the Sportline Heart Rate Monitor and Pedometer. There were 174 entries and thanks to, the winner was #107 ...
Allison @ Just Tri and Finish
Congrats Allison! Please send me an email with your mailing address so I can send you your prize!
Congrats on all these wonderful events in your life! You are such a superstar :)
Toothless grins are so cute :)
Gah! Poor Dilly!
When I was a kid I lost my top AND bottom front teeth at the same time. i looked ridiculous.
Congratulations again on the Nuun team!!
Wow you have a lot going on! Congrats on everything :)
Congrats! So very excited for you! Poor Dilly. Hope it heals quickly.
Congrats ont he great news!!!
pull that tooth mom!! And ouch! ouch ouch.
congrats again on the relay and runners world. Your life is currently amazing!
abby lost another tooth on monday. Tooth fairy disappointed her with a less than antiipated offering. Ugh!
ouch! That little tongue looks painful. What a trooper!
Congrats on making the nuun team!!! That's awesome!!! And congrats to Allison - I'm jealous hehe :)
yayyyyy nuun team! I CAN'T WAIT until August!!
CONGRATS on making the Nuun team! You're a great fit - you're all going to have a blast!!!
Yay for the Nuun team!!! I so SO wanted to apply, but my kids start school that Monday and just really need me home. You will have SO much fun... I am a relay addict for sure. I can't wait to hear about it.
Poor baby with her tongue... OUCH
i think the lost front teeth are bigger news than the news of the NUUN team and runner's world...and that was big news!! FUN and congrats on the team!! So exciting.
Congrats on all your great news! I was excited for you when I saw your name on the nuun list! : )
YEESH! That picture of Dilly's tongue just made me crings. I KNOW that hurt. Poor child.
If there's one thing that gives me the skin-crawlies it's loose teeth. I was a let-it-hang-by-a-thread kid. I think my parents pulled out more than fell out on their own. It's definitely Colin's job in our house once Spud's start to go. Mainly because he once pulled out 4 (that weren't even loose) on a 2 hour ferry ride simply because he was bored.
Hope Dilly's tongue gets better soon.
Congrats on Hood to Coast! What an amazing experience that will be! :)
Glad the girls are alright! Did the tooth fairy visit? :)
Congrats on the Nuun relay!! That is sooo awesome!!!
My oldest is turning 6 next week and I'm just waiting for the tooth losing to start!
Congratulations on making the HTC Team! You're going to have a BLAST! That is an awesome line-up of ladies!
Cannot wait to follow the journey when ya'll head to Hood-to-Coast! So excited for all your big news.
And Allison... it was her 30th bday yesterday, totally excited she won that big giveaway!
I remember my first tooth loss b/c it was a traumatic even in our house, too. Good luck with that other one!
Congrats on the Nuun Team and the Runner's World photo shoot!! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see what colorful outfit you wore. I tried to get SBS to test my shirts for the article but never heard back. :( Now that you can add model to your list, I may need you to model for my web site!
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