Case in point - P90X. I have had it sitting in my house since October. And from the very moment it arrived, I have had a reason not to start it. First, it was marathon training. Then, it was injury recovery. Then, it was my quest for speed. But really, I was just afraid that I would start it and wouldn't be able to find the time to keep with it. And I'm not really the quitting type. When I tackle something, I want to finish it.
So, I knew if I was ever going to start this 90 day experiment, I had to change my running schedule. I was going to have to plan each run and make sure I got it done in the time allotted. And today's run (and the girl's school trip) showed me that I can fit it all in and a lot of other things too. Day 1 of P90X is TODAY, thanks to the lessons I learned yesterday morning ...
1. I learned that I should be utilizing the time immediately after preschool drop off to run. No going home and maybe squeezing in a run before pickup. The area around the school is beautiful. Just look at these pictures.

It is perfect for running with Dilly in the BOB. Yesterday, I had an hour and fifteen minutes before I had to be back for the trip. So, I grabbed the stroller and ran from the school. 51 minutes later I had 5.5 miles under my belt, and it was only 10 a.m. Here we are after it was over.
2. I learned that I should be taking advantage of nap time to run more often. I used to do this all the time. But, for some reason I stopped. Yesterday's run reminded me of all the times during the day that I could be running. And how easy it can be to fit your runs in, if you just plan accordingly. I can easily get three to six miles in (plus a shower) during Dilly's naps. Dizzle and Doodle can watch a movie or read some books while I run and we all stay happy.
3. I learned that it is getting much easier to take the girls places ALONE. During their trip to the gardens yesterday, I saw just how well behaved Dizzle and Doodle can be. How if I let them do their thing, they will listen to me and stay together. Sure, Dilly throws a little hitch in the plan, since she runs off if you put her down. But, she's usually pretty chill in the stroller or in the carrier. It's getting less stressful for me and more fun for them. Just look at the fun we had ...
I'd say yesterday was rather productive ...
Good for you for stepping outside your comfort zone! I find that the less time I have, the more efficiently I use the time I do have and the more productive I am. The more idle time I have, the less I end up doing...go figure! That garden area and roads by the school are beautiful!
Great pictures!
Most of my weekly runs are during nap times. Sometimes I sacrifice doing other things that I should be doing like cleaning the house, but I figure my sanity is more important.
You amaze me fitting it all in with 3 kids! Awesome!
Looks like you're making excellent use of your time! Great pic of you and your girls. :)
can't wait to hear how 90 works out! I've wanted to try it forever but yeah me and commitment aren't the best of friends. Please keep us updated! And geez you have some gorgeous girls. Seriously, Dizzle is you.
Good for you!!! I hope you give us plenty of details concerning your P90X adventures while continuing to run. I started Insanity this week but did not want to tell anyone (blog) for fear of not being able to do exactly what you said: run during allotted times in order to fit it all into a day. It's easier knowing that there is someone out there who's "in the trenches" with you. I hope this means I'm not crazy for undertaking so much at one time. Thanks for posting this.
is that Lewis Ginter (sp?) I want to plan a trip there soon it looks fun for the kiddos! You are super productive!
Aww very cute pictures! And love the pretty flowers, yay for spring!
Excited to hear how you like P90x, have been considering trying it...just never have.
Great tips! I am taking notes :) I have until October, but I am scouring ebay and Craig's list for a gently used deal on a BOB!
Great job on the time management. I am a scheduler to the hilt and use every minute possible. Doesn't leave much downtime, but it's productive and that's a great feeling!
I totally do things like this too... keep in mind that P90X can be difficult while maintaining a running schedule. We are in week #7 of P90X.
P90X is no joke! My husband is currently in week three of it and I sometimes spectate his workouts. Insane! Truth be told, I'd love to jump in with him, but I am deep in the throes of marathon training. I have done the ab ripper a couple times and did the yoga with him last week. It was definitely a love/hate relationship with that Tony Horton.
Good for you being the perfect multi-tasking queen!
I totally agree about not utilizing all my time! P90x is hard the first week but I found I got used to it and have been able to keep running a fair amount. I have gotten faster and my core is stronger so my running is better now! Totally worth the effort and I am only starting week 3.
Your girls are just adorable :)
The older the kids get the more fun it is to take them out into the world. I take my 4 boys out and it is always an adventure!
good job! I run either after my hubby gets home from work or during nap time. It's hard because my kids don't usually nap at the same time. I'd like to nap during the baby's nap time but it could be anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours. LOL
Gorgeous photos! Good job fitting it all in. Sometimes I feel really guilty whining about my schedule when I only have ONE child!
I can't wait to here about P90X, I've been wanting to try it. And good for you getting out there and making time for your runs. I know I come up with excuses all the time and I don't even have kids.
your family is adorable! It looks like you have a BOB dualie. Do you have a single too? I just ordered a dualie, but I have a single. I'm not sure if I should hold onto it for later. Do you like the dualie? Thanks for entering my giveaway. :)
You are truly a running mamma! Good job on fitting it all in :) Your girls are adorable, love the pretty pics :)
Eagerly awaiting the P90X blog post. i just got a BOB and am so excited to be able to go out with both of my kids. Plus it has a big under carriage so my fit it in runs means running to the grocery store & back.
Loving this post. What a photo! [around kids school]. jealous for sure.
Toying with purchasing p90x. looks "worth it" for sure.
I used to run after I dropped off my little girl at preschool too. You have inspired me to get back into that routine now that the weather is getting better!
I'm looking forward to finding out what you think of P90X.
Great job Mom! I'm waiting for
p90x to arrive at my door (anyday now). Anxious to hear what you think.
I love your pictures and you always seem amazing to me with all you fit in. You are great at working out how to run and stay fit! How far you drive home from preschool? If it is far it makes sense to run from schools at least some days! Give yourself lots of credit for all you do.
I envy your ability to be so organized. I struggle every day to find balance between kids, husband, running, friends and running a household. Great pictures :)
Looks like so much fun with your girls! I'm so jealous, I would love to be home more with my B. :)
Not sure where I've been but I've never heard of P90X! From all of the comments it looks like everyone knows what it is! :) and it sounds like a lot of work!
It feels good to be productive but after a few days of it I usually crash! :) I am always ready for the weekend! I love being a stay at home mom though.
Such cute girls you have!
Some great pics there. And looking at the area near the school, you should definitely take advantage of that!
So many people say "I don't have time", but really most of us do - we're just not looking close enough.
I just came back from a 1 mile run to get the mail at work. Sure it was only 1 mile, but it's 1 mile I wouldn't have run otherwise. It maybe took me 4 minutes longer to run there than it does to drive. Maybe! And at lunch I have to go to the bank so I'm going to run there too (2.4 miles return). Little places we can squeeze it in.
You ARE super organized! Great job starting P90x! I still haven't started that back up. Maybe you will inspire me to use it for my 2 days xcross training goal?!
As a potential SHAM can you tell me what your typical day is like? And I am talking schedule. I actually make a list most days of half hour increments and fill them in with what I need/want to do. How do you fill that time with being at "home" all day with kiddos? How do you avoid falling into the "I can do that later since I have ALL day" syndrome? Gee I should just ask all the SAHMs this via a post. Thanks. Still trying to decide about the move. I appreciate your advice.
such great ways to fit running in. i love how you do it all. not sure how it all works but you make it look easy :)
great post - it's true that there are so many ways to fit runs just need to get after it! I fall into the trap of wasting away extra hours with things like cleaning when, honestly, who care?!
Wonderful pics, too!
I love all the pictures! It looks like you all had a great time!
And, your post is so true! Yesterday, I decided to take advantage of my youngest son's nap time and rode my bike outside on the trainer while my oldest played in the sandbox. It was great!
That does look like a beautiful run to the school!
Good luck fitting in P90X. It's so demanding! I applaud anyone who can do that and still run a few days a week!
I don't have kids (yet) to worry about but I do know what you mean about all the time throughout the day that I could run. When it comes down to it I definitely have 40min-1hour to do a run everyday and the excuses are just that- excuses.
I'm glad that you had a good, productive day yesterday:). I hope the P90x goes well!
What a pretty run around the girls school. I am glad that you are able to take advantage of it. I am anxious to hear your thoughts on P90X. I need to do some cross training, and am thinking about this.
And yes, we need to find a small race to meet up at!!
That was definitely a productive day! You are quite the inspiration...if you can manage to fit in runs, I'd say I have no excuse (seeing as my baby is 20 years old :)). Good luck with the P90X looking forward to seeing how it goes. Not that I have any doubts you'll rock that, like you do everything else you take on!
I totally could have written the beginning of your post. I am also very type A. My husband has P90x and I thought I'd dig right into it after having my first baby - but I felt that it wasn't worth it if I wasn't going to do the 6 workouts per week. Your post also gives me hope that I'll be able to balance my time better - especially when I get ready to start marathon training in July. The baby will be about 8 months by then and right now he's not on any set nap schedule, but he does sleep once I put him in the jogging stroller. Thanks for this post!! Keep on inspiring me :)
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