This time around, I knew things were going to go a little differently. To begin with, the race was scheduled for Wednesday, May 5th. A whopping three days before the MAC Half Marathon, which I am attempting to PR at. So, that meant no "hard effort" for me. (I know I'll be thankful for this on Saturday.)
Another hitch came when I woke up to run. Apparently, the outlet in my bedroom isn't working. Which means that my Garmin didn't charge. Unfortunately, I didn't realize this until I had already left the house (without my other watch). So, I was going to have to run blind (KT did step up and track our distance and time.) But not everything was a fail. I did manage to put together one snazzy outfit. Head to toe pink in honor of our cause.
Cute, right? And you can kind of see my P90X abs poking through if you look close enough ...
So, at 6:15 a.m., KT and I headed out for a 3.1 mile out and back. The run itself was rather uneventful. Except for the very end where there was a MONSTER climb. We hit the base of the hill and I realized that KT had mentioned that we were going to run part of the course for our upcoming half (the one that is partnered with my virtual race). And at that moment, I wanted to hit her. Because that monster climb will be at mile 12.9 of our race. Fun times!
Back to my point, the run was an easy one and we finished in 30:52. Not exactly racing for me. But I am super proud that I was able to hold back. Especially knowing it was a race, albeit virtual. Because, as you probably know, I am not exactly known for my ability to "race for fun." Until now ...
Great job at keeping it in check--and in looking great in the process!
Its hard to hold back when you are used to running hard. But it will pay off this weekend! I can't wait to read that race report!
I LOVE the pink! I need to zest up my running wardrobe. Great job holding back on your virtual 5K!!
I could totally see your P90X abs even before reading your mention of it!! Great job, T. As as always, you look so cute.
Love the pink outfit for the cause!
And just a little thank you for your daily inspiration! I don't always get a chance to comment but I always check in.
Good luck this weekend if I don't make it back :). Look forward to your report!
good job taking it easy! Your outfit is super cute!
Look at you all fit in your pink! Hey, if you can't run fast, might as well win with how awesome you look. ;o) the outfit!
Congrats on holding back :)
hi Tonia! I don't know if you remember me but I took the RRCA class with you a couple weeks ago and ever since I have really enjoyed reading your blog! Our pace is almost identical - my PR for the half is 2:00:32...and this weekend I am racing the Pacers Half in Arlington - hoping to go under 2 hours just like you! I learned soo much from our class and am excited to put it into action as I train for MCM this summer/fall. Anyway I just wanted to say hi and tell you how much I am loving your blog and also to tell you GOOD LUCK this weekend! Can't wait to hear all about it and hopefully we will both be celebrating going under 2 hours and will be sure to ENJOY every step of the way, no matter what :o)
You are the cutest! And I totally see those abs... and just think... you have several more weeks left... can you even imagine?
The only way I could beat you in this race is for you to have a silly ole marathon in your midst.
Great job! It's so hard to hold back, even harder than running fast sometimes I think. Love the outfit!
Good for you holding back! Sometimes that's harder than "racing." Great pink outfit!
Awesome and I love the all pink outfit!
man i hate when i find the garmin not charged! love the outfit
cute outfit. Totally jealous of the abs.
Great job on the race! And, I love the outfit! :)
that is a great run for fun! i love the outfit!!!
love your outfit! i can totally see your are awesome! have a great thursday!
Nice Abs, lol! Love the head to toe pink. Too cute, sounds like a fun race!
You didn't need to point them out, I could see (and am jealous!) those P90x Abs! Looking great!
Nice job doing what was right for you. You are going to do great in your half! Although the 5k outfit may be hard to beat.
I saw those abs! Awesome job!
I can definitely see your abs!
love love LOVE the outfit! i wish i had a running skirt but i don't like the way they fit me! you look great! nice job!
CUTE!! I can totally see your P90X abs. I bet you're proud of em. :) Good job holding back!
Love the pink. And I am jealous of your abs. My brother is giving me his P90X, hopefully sooner than later.
great job! Your time for the virtual race is only a little slower than my 5k PR lol!
Awesome abs! LOVE THE PINK!!! Darling :)
You look good in pink!! Congrats on "holding back" :) I love that you are so driven!
Love the outfit! Good job holding back!
all that matters is how cute you look!!!! love the outfit!
Good job holding back! I know it can be hard sometimes. I love all the pink too! :)
Good job at not overdoing it for your upcoming race :) and the outfit is adorable!
I had almost the same outfit on for a race earlier this year. Except I need the socks. Or at least pink shoes.
LOVE LOVE the outfit!! And yes brag about your BIG WIN!!
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