Wednesday, June 23, 2010

why my children are going to give me a heart attack ...

Yesterday morning, when I was trying to go to the bathroom ALONE, Dizzle and Doodle stormed in and declared that they needed to brush their teeth because the dentist told them to. Funny? We went to the dentist in May and you are just getting the memo now?

I looked at them and said, "Can't you see that I am going to the bathroom? Fine. Whatever. Go brush your teeth. Just get out of here." When I finished, I heard the girls in their bathroom down the hall. I told them to brush and then come downstairs as soon as they were done. And then I left. I went downstairs, sat down and tried to finish my coffee.

About two minutes later, I hear ear-piercing screams. Dizzle is yelling, "MOM! COME HERE! HURRY! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" All I can think is someone is dead. They have found a razor and are bleeding to death or they drank all the toilet cleaner. I jump up and sprint up the stairs. When I get there both girls are crying and screaming. I look at Dizzle. And yell (so they can hear me over their screams), "What's wrong?"

"Doodle can't turn off the sink! She might waste water!"

Wait? What? Here I am thinking you are on the verge of death and you are just afraid that you're not being Eco-friendly? Seriously?

Yes, this is my life. Be jealous. Very jealous.


Michelle said...

Your girls are funny! Some day you will look back on this and laugh...

Carly said...


Hunnybee said...

Are children not grand? I swear I can feel the gray hairs popping up after a rough day with mine.

Laura said... least you are making us laugh :)

gba_gf said...

OMG! SO HILARIOUS! Dizzle belongs in our family sometimes... she would fit right in.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! That brings a whole new meaning to being green....

Keri said...

Hahahha so dramatic!

kat said...

Kids what can you do but love them.

Rene' said...

love it, it sounds just like my house. wait until the third one gets in on the action:)

Lynette said...

Lol! That's great!

Erica said...

ahahahah I have no other words!

Anonymous said...

Some things remind me I'm glad I have dogs...this isn't one of them! Too funny!

busyrunningmama said...

Hilarious! Reminds me of my house....
With boys age 7 and 9, they are always up to something!!
Enjoy every moment, even if on the verge of a heart attack!! LOL!!

Marlene said...

Way to jump start your morning!

S Club Mama said...

that's really funny! :)

Unknown said...

Too funny...your stories crack me up...oh the wonders of being a Mommy!

Heather said...

Thanks, that made me laugh!!

Jill said...

You kids stories, ROCK. They crack me up. Plus I can totally identify with most of them. Kids can be so funny.

Megan said...

Wait does this mean that sometimes you get to pee by yourself? I'm jealous

Unknown said...

First of all, I think Mrs. Mer has rubbed off on them in a major way!!

Second, I LOVE D&D!! Dizzle has ALWAYS cracked me up from the 1st day I met her at SS.

ajh said...

You and your girls will be glad you are keeping track of all these wonderful remarks they make!

Kitzzy said...

I don't mean to laugh, but that is adorable. Funny how kids blow things out of proportion, yet listen to you about what matters (being eco-friendly)

Anonymous said...

hilarious! just precious

MCM Mama said...

OH, that is just hilarious!!!

Aimee said...

Ha ha..that's hilarious! Gotta love kids! :)

Anonymous said...

"quick! mama's trying to pee. Lets bombard her with every inane need/want/desire we can think of!"

Char said...

That was so funny. I was drinking my tea and almost choked. One of my boys did a similar thing (many years ago). We'd just dropped his brother off at kindy and I'd put him in the car and forgotten to do up his belt. When I started to drive off he had a major melt-down because he wasn't safe.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I am jealous...very very jealous.

have fun on your get away!

Karen Seal said...

LOL! That's too funny (although maybe not to you at the time! lol)!

Unknown said...

LMAO! Classic.

Winks & Smiles,

wendy said...

LOL! I am jealous : )

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious!
Has your heart rate come down yet? :)

ihaverun said...

LOVE it! I so needed to read this today. Sometimes it's nice to be reminded we are not along in the insanity of motherhood!

Jill said...

Oh...I remember those days! Too, too funny!