Saturday, August 14, 2010

1000 mile giveaway ...

Today on my long run (which was also my run for MCM Mama's Virtual Race), I hit 1,000 miles. For the first time EVER! And it is only August 14th! I'm a little bit excited. And I want to share this excitement with you.

So, to commemorate this AWESOME day, I am hooking up one reader with some pretty cool loot.
One randomly selected person will win the following:

3 sample packages of Sports Beans
1 package of Powerbar Energy Gel Blasts
1 package of Cytomax (tropical fruit)
1 Crunchy Peanut Butter Clif Bar
1 GoLite HydroClutch (my personal favorite handheld)
All you have to do to enter is the following: (You MUST COMPLETE BOTH parts)

1. Become a follower AND ask me a question. Any question.

And I will answer them in a series of posts in the next few weeks. Entries will be accepted until Saturday, August 21. The winner will be selected at random and announced on Sunday, August 22.


Unknown said...

I follow you on Google Reader.

What do you eat for breakfast?

Joanne @ MostlyFitMom said...

Already a follower :)

What's your go-to quick and healthy meal (that your kids like) for crazy days, when ordering pizza or hitting the drive-thru sound really appealing?

MCM Mama said...

I'm a follower.

When are you coming up to visit me (can be for a race or just to hang out)?

ajh said...

A faithful follower.

Hmm. A question........ What running accomplishment are you most proud of other than your coaching certification?

Momma On The Run said...

I'm a follower on Google Reader and, Facebook!

If you could give just one bit of advice to a newbie runner what would it be?

Unknown said...

I am a follower!

On no ipod runs, what do you find yourself thinking about most?

Rene' said...

I am a follower:)

What are your feelings on speedwork for a first time marathoner?

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower!

What's your superhero name? What does she dress in? Please share her persona.

mommaof3ontherun said...

I'm a follower.

What's one thing you do as a mom that you said you would never do before becoming a mom?

Unknown said...

I'm a follower.

When you started on this 1000 mile journey, did you expect to be able to finish in mid-August? That's awesome, girl!

Michel said...

ALready a follower...

Have you ever had to wear a cast for an over use training injury? * this is my current situation so I'm curious if others have had to do it!

Unknown said...

I am a follower :)

Wow!! Congrats on one thousand. That is incredible. =)

Average Woman Runner said...

Congrats on 1000 miles! I hope you did the happy dance when you hit that 1000th mile!

As for your giveaway -

I am a follower AND my question for you is:

How do you handle non-running friends/family who do not understand your dedication to running and/or who do not understand why you blog and are unknowingly discouraging? (or maybe this isn't relevant to you?)

Kingston's Mom said...

I'm a follower!

What is the best meal to eat the night before a long run? And do you eat anything the morning of, before you run?

Tara said...

What is your favorite running song?

I'm a FB follower.

Trish said...

I'm a follower.

How do you keep your fitness and motivation up when dealing with an injury. (plantaar faciitis and ITBS)

Monica said...

I'm already a follower.

What is your favorite P90X workout? What is your least favorite?

justme said...

already a follower. what, if anything, have you done to prevent the usual running injuries that can occur when people consistently run? Thanks!

Rae said...

Congrats on 1000 miles!!

I'm a follower!

Question: What is a good pace I should run when doing long runs? I saw on a training plan that I should do over 10 minute miles...should I be doing that? I feel if I run that "slow" I won't be able to run fast in races. What is the pace your run when not racing?

Michelle said...

First - huge congrats on hitting 1000 already!!!

For the giveaway:
I'm already a follower

As a new runner I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate tempo, speedwork and hill repeats into my training - which would you advise to start with and how often?

Anonymous said...

I'm already a follower.

My question is....

If you ran before you became a mom, did you ever have a freak out moment where you thought "omg, my life as a runner is over!?" and if so, how did you overcome that?

Unknown said...

Nice miles lady!!
I am a follower.
What do you typically eat during a day to stay fueled up for all these miles?

Angela said...

Follower already.

Question: Has any of your girls completed in any fun mile runs and if so, did you complete the run with them.?

Pam @ said...

I'm already a follower!

I've seen you mention before that you don't ever stretch. a.) Why not? b.) How do you keep from getting injured???

Janet said...

A follower of course!!

So since we have so many things/connections in common, i.e. our kids (3 almost the same ages), our family ties (yeah we belong to the same crazy nut jobs!) and our giant husbands (seriously..they're huge!) & i know i can ask u anything b/c if i haven't been through it, chances are you do you still find the motivation to stick to your running? Wish i could run, asthma makes it very difficult, but i'm not sure i could find the energy to be so dedicated...i'm humbled by your awesomeness!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower!

So my question is : what's next? I mean, now that you've hit 1000 miles (which I believe was your goal for the year), what are you going to aim for next??

Meggan said...

I am a follower!

Who inspires you the most?

Karen said...

I'm a's my question. Did your kids already have the nicknames you use for them on the blog, or did you create the nicknames for the blog? Do you use those nicknames in real life?

Laurie said...

Wow, great job!! That's some serious mileage.

I'm a follower. Do you ever lose blogging motivation? It seems that you always have such great things to write about and never miss a day. How do you do it?

suzy, said...

1,000 miles! Whoop whoop! Congrats!

I'm a follower, and my question for you -
How important is strength training when training for a 1/2 or full marathon? I can never find time/energy to do it!

Unknown said...

Already a follower!

What's your fav pre race meal?

Casey said...

I am already a follower!

What was the worst run you've ever had?

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I am a follower.

you said that you hit 1000 miles for the first time ever. What do you think changed in you that caused the desire to elvate your running to the level it is now?

Lindsey said...

Holy cow, 1000! I hit 235 today, lol.

I'm a follower.

You've mentioned before that you used to be overweight. Do you have any advice for folks (like me) trying to lose weight?

Unknown said...

I am a follower.

My question is (and I have not read the ones above yet so if it was already asked, I am so sorry)
What do you think about ice baths? Do you do them? I had 16 this morning and I am in pain. I had to rush straight, shower and head out to a baby shower. I did not have time to strech and I am in pain. Would an ice bath help at this point or is it too late?
Let alone my girl parts are on fire. I've been running 6 years and this is the FIRST time I got chaffed. I am dying. I have desitin all over myself. Rough Day...

Anonymous said...


Already follow :)

What's your #1 tip regarding getting back into shape post pregnancy?

Hayley said...

Congrats! And what a perfect post, I had a random question for you already. I was wondering how long you waited to start running again after having your baby (and running through the pregnancy). I am just 1 week postpartum, but I feel good and am antsy to start. Just wanted to hear from someone experienced. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Yeah! Congrats!

I am a follower

What's your power song?

H Love said...

Way to go! I hit 500 today and still hopeful I can catch up!

I am a follower.

What would you do if you couldn't run?

Aimee said...

Woohoo on reaching 1000 miles! You ROCK!

I'm a follower! :)

What is your favorite pre-race, night before meal?

Kellie said...

I'm a follower!

What's your favorite post-race indulgence?

justme said...

i am a follower

what bridge are you running over in your photo header

dr. jen said...

I am a follower.

Any desire to do a triathlon or other type of non-road race (e.g., mud run, adventure race with kayaking/biking/etc)?

S Club Mama said...

I am a follower and you said any question, so here goes:

when I run, it seems the jostling (??) makes my bowels active...I haven't had to go on the side of the road (at least not #2) yet...does that happen to you? Or is my body the only weird one?

dawn @ running the dawn said...

I follow!

I'm curious what has brought you back to full marathon racing? I know that you enjoy and prefer the half marathon races, so just interested to know why add a marathon and 40k?

Anonymous said...

I'm already a follower & CONGRATS!

After looking over the questions and realizing they're all about running, kids & running, pregnancy & running...I thought I'd go in a totally different direction:

If you could sit down to dinner with three people (living or not), who would they be and why?

**I know it's a widely used question, but I thought it would be a nice break from the running ones.**

julie said...

I am a follower.

What is your favorite running quote?

Anne said...
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Anne said...

Definitely a follower!

How do you think you would deal with injury...the kind where you can't run for a while...maybe a long while?

Running Diva Mom said...

Congrats on 1,000 miles!! You are doing great things this year. Woot!

I follow you already :-)

What time do you go to bed, knowing that you have been having to get up early every day for your runs this summer? Do you ever have trouble getting to sleep??

Cathleen said...

I'm a follower.

Where is your favorite place to run in Richmond?

jamie.louise said...

Already a follower

What do you drink/eat/ingest during a run?

OrangeBlossom said...

I'm following you everywhere: Google Reader, Facebook, and Daily Mile =) No, I'm not stalking....

What was your first running injury? Did you run through the pain for a while and then take a break or did you just push through?

Momma Twitch said...

I follow you even though I fell off the face of the earth for a couple months. LOL!

Here's a question: On days that you don't want to run (Which I'm sure are few and far between) how do you get your self going? What do you tell yourself?

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower =)

What is your most embarassing running experience?

Elizabeth said...

A follower

What is your recovery routine?

Valerie Parker said...

Just became a google follower but I've been reading your blog for about a month.

You run so you struggle with injuries?

Jodi H said...

I am already a follower!

What exactly did you think about for 4 plus hours while running today? :)

Shelley said...

I'm a follower! Don't your legs get hot, running in knee socks?

lish said...

I am already a follower! Woot Woot!

I have a question about Stretching!! Do you stretch? Before or After? Do you have a routine??

Shanda said...

I'm a new follower!

What's the most played song on you Ipod?

Paige (The Last Doughnut) said...

I follow on Google Reader.

Do you have any aches and pains that just won't go away??? I sure do!

Runners Fuel said...

I'm a follower.

What is your favorite time of day to run?

Jesser said...

I am a follower! My question: what is your favorite leisure thing to do aside from running. ;)

Nicole said...


I am a follower.

If there's one thing that you want your girls to learn from your running, what would it be?

Sarah K said...

I'm a follower.

What's your favorite restaurant and what do you get there? (double question!)

*~*~* Tracy said...

Congrats on reaching 1000! That is so excellent!

I"m a follower.

When training for a very hilly half marathon, which do you think is more important - hill repeats or fartleks?

The course I typically train on is quite hilly and I'm not a speedy runner 10 m/m.

Canadian runner said...

I am follower of your blog. Congrats on the 100 miles.

Question -- Do you have any none sporty activities that you like to do ?

Zaneta @ Runner's Luck said...

Wow!!! 1000 miles!! congrats girl!

1. I am a follower and my question:

What is the one non-healthy treat that you could eat TONS of?

Susan said...

Yay just became a follower. My question is everyone in your life supportive or your running activities? I struggle with my family not really understanding or supporting my need to run and my desire to eat food that helps my body work better.

Leslie said...

Congrats on 1000 so soon! impressive!

So I have been running for quite awhile now and love it but get frustrated with my results in the races I enter. I wish I was a faster runner!!! So how do you improve in your speed? i know i need to do speedwork but do you have any other advice as well?

Cole said...


I'm already a follower! :)

What was the key to losing weight while running? I seem to plato or even gain while running (I know it's muscle - muscle weighs more than fat and all that) I'm finding it hard to find the balance between eating enough to be competitive and restore my energy and losing weight.

Karen Seal said...

I'm a follower! :0))

My question is:
Which RunningSkirt is your favorite? :0)

Jane said...

I am a follower.

My question is:
Since you have hit 1000 miles this year in Mid August what do you think your goals will be for next year?

MJ said...

I'm a follower.

I have 2 questions, you can pick just one. :)

1 - What are you most afraid of with running? Injury? Embarrassment? Failure?

2 - What is your most embarrassing running story?

Q said...

I'm already a follower!

How many pairs of shoes have you gone through?

Megan said...

I follow.

What keeps you motivated?

LateNight said...

How much weight have you lost running?

LateNight said...

I am a new follower.

abbi said...

I'm a follower...what is your best (and worst) running memory?

abbi said...

I'm a follower...what is your best (and worst) running memory?

Courtney @ I CAN DO THIS said...

Congrats on the amazing mileage feat!

I'm a follower and here's my question:

Being out in the sun so much, what anti-aging precautions do you take besides sunscreen? (eye cream, etc. and what brand?)

Stacie said...

I'm a follower!!!!!

Which race in Washington State would you like to run if you could? BTW, you could totally stay here.

Mallory said...

I'm a follower.

How many miles do you want to run next year?

Cynthia said...

I'm a follower :)

How do you deal with chafing and what products do you recommend for it including any type of clothing. My own problem is chaffing in between the thigh area. Never had a problem with it before but now that its hot out and sweat more it seems to rub more in that area. I've tried a few products but nothing seems to completely help so maybe my next step is to consider trying new shorts or skirt. Any suggestions?


Bethany said...

I am a follower of your blog. :)

What are some must-do's or must-have's at the Disney Princess Half?

Berryfine said...

Yay! Congrats :)

I am a follower.

And I'm always curious about other runner's diets! Eating for training is different than eating just for the sake of eating. I'm just starting to finally get healthy so I'd love to hear what kinds of fuel/food you indulge in!

Unknown said...

I am a folllower

What is harder for you during a long push out physical pain or mental bordem/quitting on you? How do you cope?

Stephanie said...

I am a follower...Are you going to have any more children?

Amy said...

I'm a follower.

What do you do with your kids while you're out running for hours at a time?

Janet said...

I'm already a follower!!

Have you done any long distance coaching with clients since you got your certification?

Becka said...

I'm already a follower.

My question... what type of work do you do that allows you to work from home?

Jeri said...

I'm already a follower. :)

What's been your favorite race you've done so far? And also, what is #1 on your "must do" race list? :)

Marlene said...

Great idea for a giveaway. CONGRATS ON 1000!!! Can't wait to see how high your mileage is for the year.

Of course I am already a follower, and here is my question:

Do you EVER run in a mis-matched outfit?!

Colleen said...

I'm a follower already.

My question is, can you make it 2000 miles before the end of the year? :)

EricaH said...

I am a follower and my questions is two part how many pairs of knee socks do you own and do you where a running sock or liner under them, because I have a couple pairs of knee socks and they are really thin so I find my feet have more room to move around in my shoes.

Congrats on 1,000 miles you rock. :)

GISrunner said...

I'm a follower -

Do you have any advice for slower runners training for their first marathon?

Katie said...

I'm a follower! Have you ever been injured?

track coach and adorable wife said...

I'm a follower, woot woot! What are your favorite type of socks to
A. Run in
B. Wear after

anna said...

I follow your blog!

I will be running my 1st half marathon on Nov 13th and a friend of mine is trying to talk me into signing up for another half just 21 days later... Is that enough time for recovery?
And also, I want to run a full marathon in 2011. What season do you think is best to run a marathon? Spring or Fall?

Catey said...

I am a follower!

My question is about post-pregnancy running since you have run through pregnancy before.... what is the best way to jump back in after baby? How long did you wait?

One Crazy Penguin said...

I'm a follower :)

What's your dream race? Boston?

Liz said...

I'm already a faithful follower. :)

My question would be what is your favorite get-you-motivated-makes-you-push-harder-when-you-feel-like-quitting song on your playlist?

I'm trying to find some new tunes to add to my running playlist. (And if anyone else wants to add their 2 cents, you can add it over at my blog... :)

Jennifer Newman said...

I am following.

I am a newbie runner and I am running a half marathon mid long does it take for running to just be habit? How do you battle humidity? When you run in the morning, do you eat first? What do you eat?

Sorry for so many questions!

LB said...

of course i follow!!!

since you are the "get it done" queen......if you found yourself struggling with time management what would you have to cut out first?

Molly said...

I'm a loyal follower : )

With your girls, your hubs, and all your running often do you do laundry??

Christine Jensen said...

I follow (as Chris)

hmm...question...I am not so great at asking questions...but here goes:

-What motivates you most when it comes to running?

Tara Kieninger said...
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Tara Kieninger said...

I'm a follower!

Have you ever dealt with IT band syndrome? I'm a new runner and this has already bummed and would appreciate any advice if you've experienced it before!

Beachgirlrunning said...

hello! newbie here! Just stumbled on to your blog and you have me cracking up! Love the anecdotes of your kids. Can totally relate with two girls - almost 4 and almost 5 yrs old. Looking forward to hearing more...

My question: Do you have a favorite race that you cannot miss?

I love the Army 10 miler. i think I've done it 6 times. So fun to run with that many people and its so patriotic.

Carly said...

I'm a follower.

What do you feel is the most challenging part about being a runner?

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower, though I've visited your blog a few other times!

What are your top 3 running "gadgets" that you like to have on your runs with you?

Unknown said...

I am already a follower.

My question is..... What running belt/hydration system do you like best??

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower and my question is which pouch/belt do you wear? I'm needing one for a half in December and I'm wanting the most for my money!

UltraMamaC said...

what's your dream race that you have on your list?