Dizzle: If you've ever seen Dizzle, you know that she is a miniature version of me. She loves this fact (I'm sure she won't in about 10 years) and she CONSTANTLY rubs it in Doodle's face. Yesterday, Dizzle came up to me and said ...
"Mom, we are twins. But we are NOCTURNAL twins, because we don't have the same birthday."
That's right, Dizzle. We are nocturnal twins. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Doodle: On a daily basis, I tell my children that I am a vampire, as I have extremely sharp and pointy canine teeth (also known as fangs). Doodle has recently realized that she too has similar canine teeth. Because of this, she now believes she is part vampire. Yesterday, she said to me ...
"Mom, when did we go to Vampire World? Was it like when I was zero? Cuz that's when I got my vampire teeth, right?"
Sure, Doodle. We frequent Vampire World ALL.THE.TIME. That's totally how you got your fangs. It wasn't genetics or anything.
Dilly: On Sunday, I found Dilly watching TV like this.

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Kids are the best!! Great post...
Make it a great day!
LMAO! Over the weekend, I told Shoo to stop being a Bull in a china shop. He looked at me, all confused, and asked me why I called him a BOWL in a china shop. LOL
haha! Great way to start my day :)
OMG Dilly!!! I love the logic of children.
As always, your girls are priceless!!
Uhm...Dilly? Why?
Hilarious kid!
I love your family, they crack me up. I kind of want to babysit.
Oh my! I have always thought Dilly kinda looks like Boo from Monsters, inc. and that last pic totally confirms it! Your kids are too cute!
Hiiiiilarious! Kids are the best!
Your girls ate hilarious!
Gotta love 'em! This stuff is going to be so funny for the girls to look back on.
Ha! Your kids are hilarious! Nocturnal twins... love it. I just had someone ask me if my twins were maternal or paternal.. haha.
Kids are so much fun. Mine drive me nuts sometimes, but I love being with them and seeing them grow and learn.
They say the funniest things!
I was stealing something off my son's plate, he is 5, and he said "NO DAD! I don't want you to be fat again!" Wow... talk about humble pie.
That is fantastic!! Love her creative tv watching!
So much fun to watch kids' thought process come spilling out!
that picture is amazing, i laughed for 5 minutes. bwahahahaha. i'm going to start watching TV like that and see if anyone notices.
Omigosh your daughters never cease to crack me up! Kids have such wonderful views of the world!!
last picture....too funny
that is the kind of things my youngest son does!!!
Oh my word. That's hilarious. I think thats the best way to watch tv.
Kids are awesome! I love the pic of you and your nocturnal twin. Priceless!
Your family is awesome!
Love this!
OMG! instant laughter! You totally need to save the pic of Dilly in the "show you later" file for when she's 15! I can already hear the "that's NOT me"!!! LOL!
Your girls are awesome!
Nocturnal twins... I love it!
bahah your kids crack me up. really. I hope I have funny kids like that one day.
I do not know how I missed this post, but I did...
I spent a solid 5 minutes just now laughing hysterically at that last photo.
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