Friday, September 23, 2011

becoming a runner ...

Do you know what I think is the hardest thing about becoming a runner? The long runs? The endless hunger? The blood, sweat and cupcakes?

Well, you can see my answer on my guest post HERE on Strawberries and Tea.

And if finding out my answer isn't enticing enough, Strawberries and Tea is currently hosting a Sunfood Giveaway HERE, where they will choose five (5) winners.

So, go check it out. I mean, really, my awesomeness and free stuff, what are you waiting for?


Marlene said...

Great guest post! So many things I wish someone had told me 5 years ago...

Rach said...

'tis true. For a long time I was afraid to run because I didn't want to hurt was my fear that ended up holding me back!

Christine said...

Great guest post!! Running taught me so much about myself and is my therapy at the same time :)

Anonymous said...

My husband has recently started running... well he ran w/me wayyyyy back when we first starting dating to spend time with me but once we became 'official' he confessed he hated running. He's a procrastinator and his biggest problem is getting out the door! Life gets in the way and it always gets pushed off until tomorrow.