Yesterday morning,
G, KC and I met for our first preschool run of the school year. It was blistering hot. We had to push a double stroller despite only having one kid with us. And my shoulder is weak, not really up to pushing a stroller, so G and KC had to pick up the slack. But other than that, we crushed it. Our seventh
(and final) mile was our fastest at an 8:20. Talk about awesomesauce.

When we were about 4 miles into the run, Dilly started making a fuss that she wanted to get out of the stroller and run. I told her she could when we got back. So, when the Garmin beeped at 7 miles. We stopped and Dilly got out of the stroller to make her running debut, a .1 mile jog back to our house.
I handed the camera to our photographer and gave her a pep talk.

And then we were off.

She insisted on holding my hand.

But she ran the whole way.

It was an awesome thing to share with her. She was so proud and talked about it all day.
Later, when I tucked her into bed, we had this conversation:
Me: Dilly, I had an awesome day with you.
Dilly: Who did we run with?
Me: Miss
G and Miss KC.
Dilly: Why?
Me: Because we like to run. Did you run with Mommy?
Dilly: Yes, I did.
Me: Was it awesome?:
Dilly: Yes, it was. I drinked
And with that, I just laughed. I thought we had created her first running memory, but all she cared about was drinking
Nuun. Go figure.
So cute!
Too cute! Go Dilly!!!
Hope you get some cool mornings soon. It has been freezing here! Like, 40 degrees!
Love!!!! This are my favorite moments as a mom! Go Dilly Go!
I think this will be one of my all time favorite posts. Gotta love that silly Dilly!
your photographer is awesome... can I get her number?
hahah! That's awesome. You guys are too cute.
Adorable! Some days I think I want to have one more, just to see if I could have a little girl. Then I remember how old I am...
That is so cool! The best part of MY own runs is the Nuun I get to drink. ;)
Aww so sweet! What a cool little kid. :)
First so great that she waited like she was asked to. Second super great that she wanted to hold hands. Finally, awesome-sauce (as you say) that she thought running was no big deal compared to getting to drink Nuun! That shows that she is already a runner, it's no big deal - she just ran.
Go Dilly Go!
too cute! That is indeed awesome!!! Great memory to have!
So cute! :) Makes me want to have kids... hubby has said something about it but I told him to be rational and let us both finish school and then we'll think about starting a family in 1-2 years ;) Your kids are the cutest!
Way to go DILLY!!! :)
I haven't tried NUUN yet, but want to! I just dont want to buy a 4 pack and find out I hate it lol...
So cute!!! My 3 yr old likes to hold my hand when she runs with me too. I love it. :)
too cute! My boys all love nuun too :)
Don't forget to drink nuun when the girls start brining home the winter bugs. Nuun is awesome for when you are sick.
super cute. i think its awesome that your girls have someone amazing like your for running inspiration :)
yay for NUUN too :)
LOVE this!!
This IS awesome :)
Bwahahahaha! T Junior loves it, too. He especially loves drinking out of the blue bottle. Goofballs.
LOVE!! I sooooo NEED a daughter.. cute and cute!
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