Monday, June 13, 2011

NYC Marathon Raffle ...

I'm sure you've heard (as I have mentioned it a zillion times), I will be running the NYC Marathon with Team Grassroot Soccer.

For those of you who don't know about Grassroot Soccer, here's a little information about their mission:

"Each day more than 7,000 people die of AIDS, and it is the leading cause of death of women globally.

At Grassroot Soccer, we see a world mobilized through soccer to create an AIDS-free generation. Our mission is to educate, inspire and mobilize youth to stop the spread of HIV. By 2014, GRS plans to reach 1 million youth with life-saving education. To date, we've graduated 393,225 girls and boys from our programs globally.

To achieve our mission, we continuously improve our innovative HIV prevention and life-skills curriculum, share our program and concept effectively, and utilize the popularity of soccer to increase our impact."

To learn more visit,

I am honored that I have been given the opportunity to use my running to give back and to raise money for such a worthy cause. For so long, running has play such an important role in my life. It has provided me with sanity, health, friendships, purpose and passion. And now, I am to use running to be an agent of change.

I have pledged to raise $3,000 for Grassroot Soccer and I know with your support, I can reach my goal. And to help with my fundraising, I will be hosting a raffle of some of my favorite products starting today and running through Friday, July 29th.


Allied Medal Displays: Winner's choice of ANY Medal Display from their online catalog HERE Won by Jill @ Running to Sanity

ViSalus - Body By Vi: The Balance Kit HERE - includes 1 bag of ViShape (30 servings) and 5 flavor mix-ins (1 each of banana, strawberry, chocolate, peach and orange). Won by Karen @ Working it out

Back Pocket Sports: Winner's choice of running/cycling top. Won by Rene @ The Amherst Shuffle

Jessica's Gifts (3 Winners):

GU Energy: (2 Winners) GU Energy Variety Pack - Includes 16 GUs (both original and Roctane), 4 GU Electrolyte Tabs (single serving), 1 GU Chomps, 1 GU Electrolyte Brew, Won by Kortni @ Today is the day ... and Jess @ Run with Jess

PartyLite: (2 Winners) $26.22 Gift Certificate

Raw Crunch Bar: Variety Box of Raw Crunch Bars HERE (4 Chocolate, 4 Goji Berry, 4 Blueberry, 4 Cranberry) Won by Lesley @ Racing It Off

RoadID: Gift Certificate for winner's choice of RoadID Won by Katie @ Blessed with Full Hands

See Jane Run (2 Winners):
TMB Endurance Bands: (2 Winners) 4-pack of non-slip headbands (2 thick headbands (1.5") and 2 thin headbands (7/8"-1")) Won by Courtney @ Run, Courtney, Run

Tough Chik: Winner's choice of any in-stock t-shirt HERE Won by Meredeth a.k.a Earth Momma Mer

Zensah: $50 gift certificate Won by Giraffy @ 365 days of Awesome


Become a follower of this blog (1 entry). Then leave a comment.

REQUIRED: You MUST make a donation HERE. The more you donate, the more entries you get. Then leave a comment. Please let me know how much you donated and if you fit the criteria below.

  • For every $5 you donate, you get one (1) entry.
  • If you donated prior to today (6/13), you get a five (5) bonus entries.
  • If you already donated AND you make a new donation, I will DOUBLE your entries, including the five bonus entries. (Example: a $25 donation before 6/13 (5 entries) + 5 bonus entries + a new $10 donation (2 entries) x 2 = 24 entries)
  • If you repost this raffle/giveaway, you get one (1) entry each time you repost. Then leave a comment.
  • If you become followers on Facebook or Twitter of any of my sponsors listed HERE (links to their Facebook and Twitter accounts included), you get one (1) entry for each follow. Then leave a comment for each "follow/like."
THREE winners will be selected at random every FRIDAY from June 24th to July 29th. Winners will select their prizes in the order in which they were drawn.


1 – 200 of 241   Newer›   Newest»
Jen said...

Of course I am a follower.

Jen said...

I donated... but I forgot how much.

Marlene said...


Marlene said...

Donated $10 PRIOR to today!

Marlene said...

Like Allied Medal on FB

Marlene said...

Like Back Pocket on FB

Marlene said...

Like Jessica's Gifts on FB

Marlene said...

Like Gu on FB

Marlene said...

Follow GU on Twitter

Marlene said...

Follow PartyLite on Twitter

Marlene said...

Like Raw Crunch on FB

Marlene said...

follow Raw Crunch on Twtter

Marlene said...

Like ROAD ID on FB

Marlene said...

Follow RoadID on Twitter

Marlene said...

Like See Jane Run on FB

Marlene said...

Follow See Jane Run on Twitter

Marlene said...

Like Tough Chik on FB

Marlene said...

Follow Tough Chik on Twitter

Marlene said...

Like Zensah on FB

Marlene said...

Follow Zensah on Twitter

misszippy said...

I follow

misszippy said...

Donated $25--been meaning to get around to it, so thanks for the kick in the pants to do it!

jamie@sweatyhugs said...

I'm already a follower!

jamie@sweatyhugs said...

I just donated $25 to you! :)

Katie said...

I donated $25!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower! Duh! ;)

jamie@sweatyhugs said...

Posted your giveaway to my blog!

Anonymous said...

I donated $10 before today (7 entries)

jamie@sweatyhugs said...

I already "Like" GU on FB!

Anonymous said...

I like Tough Chik on facebook

jamie@sweatyhugs said...

I already "Like" See Jane on FB!

Anonymous said...

I like Zensah on facebook

jamie@sweatyhugs said...

I already "Like" Road ID on FB!

Katie said...

I posted on Facebook.

jamie@sweatyhugs said...

I already "Like" Zensah on FB.

Anonymous said...

I like road id on facebook

Katie said...

I like zensah on FB

jamie@sweatyhugs said...

Just "Liked" Raw Crunch Bar on FB!

Anonymous said...

I follow Road ID on twitter

Anonymous said...

I like GU on facebook

Katie said...

I like roadID on FB

Anonymous said...

I follow GU on twitter

Anonymous said...

I like Jessica's gifts on facebook

jamie@sweatyhugs said...

Just "Liked" Tough Chik on FB!

Anonymous said...

I follow Zensah on twitter

Anonymous said...

I like Allied Medal Displays on Facebook

newsie15 said...

I follow your blog.

newsie15 said...

I donated $10 on June 12.

giraffy said...

I follow!

giraffy said...

I donated $10 previously!

giraffy said...

Donated $10 today

giraffy said...

Posted to my blog

giraffy said...

I like Allied Medal on FB

giraffy said...

Like BPS on FB

giraffy said...

Like GU on FB

giraffy said...

Follow GU on Twitter

giraffy said...

Like Road ID on FB

giraffy said...

Follow Road ID on Twitter

giraffy said...

Like Tough Chik on FB

giraffy said...

Follow Tough Chik on Twitter

giraffy said...

Like Zensah on FB

giraffy said...

Follow Zensah on Twitter

Rachel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel said...

I also follow you!

Rachel said...

I was actually going to donate today anyway, so this gave me that extra push! I donated $25. Hope it helps you reach your goal!

Running Ricig said...


Running Ricig said...

donated $10! Good luck reaching your goal :)

Running Ricig said...

posted on facebook

Running Ricig said...

I like allied medal displays, GU energy, road ID, and zensah on facebook :)

Marisa @ The Pace of my Life said...

tweeted your giveaway.

Marisa @ The Pace of my Life said...

donated $10. Good luck!!

Marisa @ The Pace of my Life said...

I follow Gu on twitter.

Marisa @ The Pace of my Life said...

I follow See Jane Run on Twitter.

Marisa @ The Pace of my Life said...

I follow Road ID on twitter.

Marisa @ The Pace of my Life said...

I follow Zensah on Twitter.

Katie said...

I like allied metals on FB

Katie said...

I like Back pocket sports on FB

Katie said...

I liked GU on FB

Katie said...

I like Raw Crunch on FB

Katie said...

I like See Jane Run on FB

Katie said...

I like tough chick on FB

Katie said...

I tweeted the raffle too.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower, of course.

Unknown said...

I finally donated, meant to do it last night, and now wish I had for those extra entries. Those darn Dallas Mavericks distracted me!
$25--5 raffle entries. Yippee!

Unknown said...

I'm working on my blog post now for tomorrow morning. Will be talking about you and Grassroots Soccer, and SF, and whatever else comes to mind after dinner.

Unknown said...

I like Allied Medal Hangers on FB.

Unknown said...

I like Road ID on FB.

MCM Mama said...

I'm s follower!

MCM Mama said...

I donated $35 prior to today. (12 entries)

MCM Mama said...

I already follow Allied Running Medal displays on FB

MCM Mama said...

I already follow gu on FB

Rene' said...

I am a follower:)

Rene' said...

I donated $25 today....

Rene' said...

I am sharing on my facebook.

Rene' said...

I already like Allied Medals on Facebook.

Rene' said...

already like Zensah on facebook.

Rene' said...

like see jane run on FB.

Rene' said...

already like road id on FB.

Stephanie Anne said...

Im a follower

Stephanie Anne said...

I donated $10

Stephanie Anne said...

Posting to my blog sidebar!

Stephanie Anne said...

I like Jessicas Gifts on facebook

Stephanie Anne said...

I like Gu on facebook

Stephanie Anne said...

I like Road ID on facebook

Stephanie Anne said...

I like tough chik on facebook

Stephanie Anne said...

I like Zensah on facebook!

Nicole said...

I am now a follower...I'm new to this blog thing. I also donated $50 a few weeks ago.

Kortni said...

Follower of course

Kortni said...

I donated $75 last week!

Kortni said...

Like Road ID on FB

Kortni said...

Like GU on FB

Kortni said...

Liked Toughchik on FB

Kortni said...

Liked Jessica's gifts on FB

Kortni said...

Liked See Jane Run on FB

Courtney @ I CAN DO THIS said...

I am a follower

Courtney @ I CAN DO THIS said...

Donted $10

Courtney @ I CAN DO THIS said...

I linked to your raffle on my blog

Michelle said...


Michelle said...

Donated - $10

Michelle said...

FB Follower - Allied Metal Hangers

Michelle said...

FB Follower - Road ID

Anonymous said...

I follow. Duh!

Anonymous said...

I donated $25 way before you posted this... then donated another $10 today... because I think you're that cool. But I fully expect you to rock the NYC Marathon! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Off to tweet tweet the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I like GU on facebook.

Anonymous said...

I like RoadID on facebook.

Anonymous said...

Like Raw Crunch Bar on facebook.

Rachelle Wardle said...


Rachelle Wardle said...

Like GU on fb.

Rachelle Wardle said...

Liked toughchick on fb.

Rachelle Wardle said...

Liked Jessicas gifts on fb.

Rachelle Wardle said...

Liked See Jane Run on fb.

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Facebook!

Anonymous said...

I follow you on Twitter!

Kortni said...

I donated $25 more dollars!

SupermomE13 said...

I am a follower (Sorry to be slow getting to this... I have been swamped with Ragnar!)

SupermomE13 said...

I donated $26 before (your first donation) and then just donated $10 more

SupermomE13 said...

I posted on my blog

SupermomE13 said...

I liked Allied Medal on Facebook

SupermomE13 said...

I liked Back Pocket sports on facebook

SupermomE13 said...

I liked Jessica's gifts on facebook

SupermomE13 said...

i liked Gu energy on facebook

SupermomE13 said...

I liked Raw crunch on facebook

SupermomE13 said...

I liked See Jane Run on facebook

SupermomE13 said...

I liked Tough Chik on facebook

SupermomE13 said...

I liked Zensah on facebook

Earth Momma Mer said...

I'm a follower.

Earth Momma Mer said...

Donated my first time $50 prior to 6/13.
Donated my 2nd time on 6/23 for $12.

Earth Momma Mer said...

Reposted raffle on FB.

Earth Momma Mer said...

Like Back Pocket Sports on FB

Earth Momma Mer said...

Like Tough Chik on FB

Earth Momma Mer said...

Like Jessica's Gifts on FB

Mustang Sally said...

Glen and I donated last night. Sadly...I never win...anything....:)

Anonymous said...

I donated

Anonymous said...

follower here!

Sally said...


Marisa @ The Pace of my Life said...

Posted your giveaway on my blog

ljsmanz said...

Donated $20 on 6/30 for 10 bonus entries.

Jill said...

I'm a follower!

Jill said...

Donated $50...oh yah!

Jill said...

Pushed over $1500 now go add my 20 raffles....woot-woot.

Jill said...

Like Allied Medal on FB

Jill said...

Liked Back Pocket on FB

Jill said...

Liked GU on FB

Jill said...

Liked Raw Crunch Bar on FB

Jill said...

Liked Road ID on FB

Jill said...

Liked See Jane Run on FB

Jill said...

Liked Tough Chik on FB

Jill said...

Liked Zensah on FB

Jill said...

10 entries for my $50...can i make 1 entry for all 10? Can you make that work...all righty then!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

Finally I found enough in the couch cushions to donate! Yeah! Wish it was more. ($12 w/tip)

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I follow your blog waaaay too closely!

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I like Allied Metal on FB.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I like GU Energy on FB.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I like Road Id on FB.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I like Zensah on FB.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I like Tough Chik on FB too.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I like Jessica's gifts on FB.

Shellyrm ~ just a country runner said...

I liked See Jane Run on FB.

Katie said...

I donated another $10 today. You were already past the $1500 mark. Congrats!

gba_gf said...

I'm a follower.

gba_gf said...

I donated 2 entries.

gba_gf said...

I've posted this on my NofSahm FB page, and will do so again ASAP.

gba_gf said...

I like Road ID

Anonymous said...

I donated $10 today. Wish it could be more.

Anonymous said...

Like Back Pocket on FB.

Anonymous said...

Like Allied Medal Displays on FB.

Anonymous said...

Like GU on FB.

Anonymous said...

Like RoadID on FB.

Anonymous said...

Like See Jane Run on FB.

Anonymous said...

Like Tough Chik on FB.

Anonymous said...

Like Zensah on FB.

Anonymous said...

And of course I'm a follower of this blog and on FB. Love reading all of your stories!

Erik Ammon said...

I am a follower of your blog!

Erik Ammon said...

I donated $10

Erik Ammon said...

Liked Allied Medal!

Erik Ammon said...

Already liked Gu!!

Erik Ammon said...

I like Back Pocket Sports

Erik Ammon said...

I liked See Jane Run

Erik Ammon said...

I liked Jessica's gifts!

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