Christina from Lazy Bones Running asked the following question this morning: "How or when did you know you caught the running bug?"
At first, I considered commenting. But then I realized that I can be kind of long winded (shocker, I know) and this question really deserved a post. So, here it goes.
I first started running when Doodle was four months old. I saw it as a way to drop the baby weight without obsessing over the scale. I knew that running would help me fit into my old clothes and if that happened, the number on the scale didn't really matter. And you know what? It worked. I dropped every last pound I had put on during my pregnancy and was actually wearing a size smaller than I did before having children (two years and another kid later, I'm even smaller than that.) But (and this is a big but) I pretty much HATED every minute of it. Running was not something I enjoyed. It was something I did. I ran to fight the "fat demons." I trained for my first marathon with this mentality. Whenever I was asked my opinion on running, I would reply with a big resounding "I run, but I still hate it."
I was in a negative running place. I couldn't see the joy in just running. It was a constant competition for me. I hated that I wasn't faster. I hated that I wasn't able to beat my friends. I hated how I trained and trained and didn't get the results that I wanted (I think all of this has contributed to my horrible racing techniques). But then something changed. I found out I was pregnant with Dilly. Instantly, I could run without worrying who I was faster than or hitting another PR. No one expected a pregnant woman to run. And they definitely didn't expect a pregnant woman to run fast. I started to take pride in the fact that I was a runner. A runner who was determined to show people that you can be strong and fit and pregnant at the same time.
Speed began to matter less to me. Beating my friends lost it's importance. I learned to love running for what it is. I began to enjoy the run, not just the satisfaction of finishing. Sure, I'm still competitive (we all know that) and it's fun to go against my teammates, but now I focus on beating me. The me I used to be. I'm constantly striving to become a stronger runner. To go longer and faster. And I know that with time and training that will happen.
How did you catch the bug?
And in case you wanted to see what a pregnant runner who has caught the bug looks like. Here you go:
17 weeks at Rock and Roll Half Marathon

34 weeks after a 4 mile training run (yeah, I was huge)
35 weeks before the New Year's Day 10K

heckfireandshoot you are a HOT mama!!!
I love it! I hope I can run when I get pregnant with a second. I remember at the 10K I ran last year, there were a few adorable preggos running and I was so impressed.
I *love* the pregoo running photos! You look wonderful and so happy!
What an amazing thing that taught you to enjoy running.
I LOVE the fact that you ran through your pregnancy!!!!! When/if I get pregnant (next year?), I want to do the same thing. Nothing better than a fit momma!
I ADORE that last photo! You look like you're gunna pop, yet you still look so athletic! And the cheetah print really adds to the whole affect. I hope I'm at fit as you are when I'm pregnant (NOT ANYTIME SOON!)
When you take out all of your fears, running becomes fun. Thanks for sharing your story and your belly.
You're gonna have to do a post all about being a prego runner, with tips and all that jazz, cause come July I'm gonna be one and I really want to run the whole way though.
You're very inspiring! :)
I love that you were able to enjoy running so much during your pregnancy! I caught the running bug when I joined my high school cross-country team. How could I not love an active that gave me uninterrupted socializing time with my best friends every day after school. I think I’ve kept the bug into adulthood because I still love the way running helps me connect with my friends.
As you know from my post, the running bug has temporarily left my life. But I know it will be back. When I realized I had been bit by the bug the first time was when I dropped a few pounds and then saw my times improve. I'm sort of competitive, mostly with myself, so I like to see good times.
And let me think of my best tri tips and then I'll either make a post of it or email them to you. :-)
Loved this, thanks for sharing.
Oh, And did you sign up for my latest running skirt giveaway? :)
Ooooo! Thanks for sharing! And I hope I look half as good as you do when I'm prego someday!!! :)
Loved this post. I can so relate.
You look so cute with that baby belly -- wow!!
Love this post! Funny timing, too. During my 2.5 mile traning run today with my 5-month preggo belly, I thought about how proud I was of myself for doing this while pregnant (especially as I'm finding pregnant running is much harder than non-pregnant running). I can't wait for the 10K on 3/27 and running in all my big-belly glory! Thanks for being an inspiration!
In answer to your question: when they set up the code they said it would be 15% of the ORDER so it should work for anything. :) It is refunded after checkout and if you have any issues just shoot Cindy an email. She is very helpful.
Such a hot preggo runner...and an inspiration!
I'm from NYC but I have a Jersey Shore summer house with friends hence all the shore races. Okay body glide on the bra line. I'll try that :)
Oh my gosh really...34 weeks and you ran a 10k! You rock my friend! I loved, loved reading your story. I can so relate. I ran in in school a little, but nothing major. I was never fast and running always came hard to me so when I did it I felt like I achieved Something each time! I had my first baby boy and ran to lose the weight and swore I would never gain that weight again but with #2 I did. After he was bornn I got really serious about running and registered for my 1st HALF marathon.
I started running to lose weight and now I do it for so many other reasons...To stay have ME time and to now worry about anything or anyone for the course of my run.
I tell people the same thing...just because you run doesn't mean you LOVE it all the time.
Love your look amazing. What a great example you are for your kids. Thanks again for sharing...I love reading storys like this.
Great post!
You are not huge! I have preggo running pictures that would scare away every last follower I have! I AM NOT JOKING! Second kiddo I gained 60+ pounds and ran. (I have fluid issues all the time) 30+ with the last kiddo not quite as scary. I know that running helped me through the struggle of allowing myself to "look" and feel a way that did not make happy. Allowing my body to help those little lives start created a sense of a lose of control, running gave me that control back. Granted I had been running for years before my babies but continuing to run while pregnant (not everyone was thrilled about it) gave me exactly what I needed and it still does today.
Gee this could be a post. Sorry.
Thanks for sharing your story. I love the pictures. You're so cute and rocking the skirts!
Come on, those running while preggers photos are fantastic. I didn't see where you mentioned it, but how late into your pregnancy did you run?
I wish I would have known that I could have ran when pregnant. I don't know why I always thought it was a bad idea. Somebody planted that notion in my head anyways. It almost makes me want to be pregnant again just to experience running though it. I love to run and I love to be pregnant!
You look great btw!
You were an incredible running preggo, I can't believe you did that and I'm SO impressed! I love the pictures, you looked so happy!
You are awesome. My kids were old old old before I started running. I am so impressed with your running pregnant! Great pics.
I love the honesty of this post and your story motivates me. I havent totally caught the bug but I think I am on my way.
That's a great story! So glad you found the love for such a great sport. And go prego running lady!
I'm so impressed with your pregnant running! I really wish I'd managed it with my boys.
totally impressed! I cannot find your email!
That is the coolest post. I'm surprised you kept at running even if you disliked it so much.
I love the pregnant pictures too. And everyone wearing the same skirt is so neat.
wow, fantastic photos!
I started running 15 years ago to lose weight after being on my own for the first time after college, and I haven't stopped!
you always continue to inspire me! thank you.
What an amazing thing that taught you to enjoy running.
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