Can we talk for one second about how I am notorious for horrendous racing? And how I rarely finish without being a victim of total crash and burn? Or how I almost always self-sabotage?
Well, for one second, let's just imagine what would happen if I didn't do any of that. What a perfect world that would be. Oh, wait. I don't have to imagine. Because, for once, I DIDN'T CHOKE. No, you didn't read that wrong. I ROCKED THIS RACE. I woke up at 6:30 this morning in total freak out mode. I knew how I wanted this race to go, but I was super afraid that I wouldn't be able to deliver. Again. So, I got dressed, ate some breakfast and tried to settle my nerves. I had decided that I was going to shoot for sub 24 minutes. McMillan said that based on my two mile time from a few weeks ago, I should be able to finish in 23:13. That's a 7:44 pace. I figured that if I averaged just under an eight minute pace, I would be happy.
At 7:30, I headed over to meet G and V to drive to the race. Here we are before heading out.

Shortly after 8, we registered and met up with D (our other Cheetahlicious friend). This is right before the start.

I was in complete freak out mode until the start. Seriously, I was shivering from the nerves. (I know, weird reaction). Once we started, it was a whole other ballgame. The course description said, "A fast out and back course with a few turns." To me, this meant that we were going to be running pretty much in a straight line turning here or there. So, about that. This course was treacherous. There were gumballs (you know, the ones from trees, not actual chewing gum) and like a zillion tight turns on a packed trail. At one point, D literally grabbed a tree like a pole and swung from it to make the turn. Oh, and that out and back part. Not really, more like out to a loop, run the loop twice and back to the start.
I tried to take it out slowly and really had no other choice as it was challenging to get around people on the trail. Finally, at around mile 1.5, the trails cleared up enough to maneuver freely. I decided that I was not going to look at my watch during the race. All I did was listen for the beep at each mile and try to pick it up a little. And shocker, shocker, it worked. I felt great the whole time and finished strong. And guess what I crossed the line in ... 23:13 (6th in my age group). Exactly the same time McMillan predicted. Creepy, right?
(And in case you were wondering, that finish predicts a 1:51 half ... perhaps I'll hit that sub-2hr goal I have at Disney?!?!)
This is my after picture, as requested by Shelly

Way to go speedy lady!! I was in Charlottesville this weekend (actually a little county called Fluvanna it is where I grew up) I am not sure where Hugeknot is but I am in no condition, have you ever been so stuffed up that you can't sip a drink because you don't know how to breathe when you swallow! Yeahh thats me today! You are a speedy lady though Great Job!
Holy cow! YOU ROCKED IT! Knew you would...great job!
YAY awesome job! Love the leopard skirt too
FANTASTIC, TMB!!! you totally kicked this race's arse! Congrats on your wicked fast time, too. :)
OMG- your race recap doesn't even come close to conveying your awesomeness. You deserve an "ode to TMB's awesomeness and attractiveness" (There is no charge for awesomeness... or attractiveness). You kicked booty. I'm so proud of you!!!
You owned that race! Congratulations! That is crazy that you finished in your predicted time too.
Great skirt and I still love the hair!
Awesome picture!!!
AMAZING! You totally rocked it. I can't believe your time. You are speedy! Way to go! So happy for you.
You can't have 3 look way to young in your pictures. It this really true?
Wow seriously amazing time!
Great Job!!! You are going to do just fine at Disney!
WOW -- congrats!!!! What was your PR before?? You really rocked this race -- I'm glad you are so happy. You look divalicious in that cheetahlicious skirt!! See you soon!!
Congrats on the PR! Love the matching skirts!!
Congrats! Great run!
Awesome job!!! That is impressive and how exciting for the half coming up! You are going to rock that one too!
Terrific job! You all look so cute in your skirts!
Great job. You'll do just fine at Disney by the sound of this.
Excellent!! Way to run strong!
Way to rock it...Congrats!!!
Nice job!!! Congrats on the fast time, you did it!
congrats on your run! i am so very proud of you. love the hair and the skirt!
HUGE congrats!! Way to rock it. sub 2 hour for sure.. Just follow the BEEP
Wow! Congrats girly! You are a rockstar! I totally see a sub 2 hour half in your VERY near future!!!
THERE YOU GO! See??? You CAN do it! Congrats!!!!
Awesome 3-miler! And it sounds like it was a scary trail too!
I love your cheetah skirts. I need something fun like that for racing in!
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