So, I am kind of ADD today. Very scattered, which is so unlike me. I think I am starting to feel the pressure of being a single parent this week and needing to prep for our Disney trip (only six days away) and the need to plan Doodle's 3rd birthday party and the self-imposed pressure to kick tushy at the Princess Half and well, really, a lot of things.
And because of my temporary ADD, I bestow upon you a mish-mash of a post.
1. I bought a pair of Newtons yesterday. I didn't tell J (surprise, honey. Remember when you said you'd make up for not cleaning the office by getting me something ... well, you just did. Thanks!). I am super excited to try them. Expect a full review after my vacation ...
2. After yesterday's post, where I showed off all of my pregnant running glory, I got several requests for more information and tips on running for two (or three). A post is in the works. And if you have any specific questions you'd like answered, shoot me an email or leave me a comment.
3. Look what I made for G to commemorate her first marathon. Super cute, right?
4. I am super popular. Seriously, I jumped to 90 followers in like half a second. Thanks for joining me on this crazy journey. You are all awesome and I am really super awesome (no one ever said I was modest ...) And since, I'm close to both 100 followers and my 300th post, there might just be a pretty sweet giveaway in the near future ...
5. I can prove my super awesomeness. This morning, my girl G presented me with this:

That's right, a Gorgeous Blogger Award (and she would know, she's seen me in person ... oh, wait. She meant on the inside, didn't she?) To accept this award, I am to share 6 random facts about me. So here it goes:
- I am not an animal person. And I will never have a cat or a dog (I did have both as a child, though). I really can't stand fur and I don't think that animals should live in your house. I just don't like the idea of it. I have told my children that I am allergic to cats and dogs, to prevent them from asking anymore. (which isn't entirely false - my eyes itch like crazy around them). Maybe one day we'll get a fish.
- I am mildly addicted to hot sauce. I put it on everything. Eggs. Macaroni and Cheese. Popcorn. Everything. I love spicy food and I always ask if my food can be made spicier. This was even true when I was pregnant. Fortunately, I never had heartburn.
- I once had the lead in a school play. It was in the sixth grade and I was a superhero. The best part of the role was that I got to wear my inline skates and skate around the school. And no one every tried to stop me.
- My 10 year reunion is this year. I am beyond excited to go. Mainly because I am a completely different person (both inside and out) and I am 100 percent positive that not a single person would have expected me to turn out the way I did. Plus, I love my life and am totally planning to brag about it.
- I have never smoked or experimented with any kind of drugs, but I do have two tattoos, pink hair and have had more piercings than I can count. I guess we all rebel in our own ways.
- I married my first guy I brought home to meet my mom (I dated one other guy for less than two months). I knew J was the one, pretty much from the first time he kissed me. Had he asked me to marry him while we were in England (we started dating while on a trip there), I probably would have said yes. Even though that would have been completely nuts. We did get engaged 10 months later, in case you were wondering.
And now to pass on this award. I am going to choose only one person, just for the fun of it. And the winner is ...
Robyn at Ramblings of A Wannabe Writer and Runner
This girl is super funny (read her letter to her scale) and does most of her races in my old stomping ground, the Jersey Shore (yes, that Jersey Shore). So stop by and give her some bloggy love ...
Love all the random facts about you! ;) My BFF is another hot sauce crazy. She puts Siracha (sp?) on EVERYTHING!
OMG- I wish I was a hugger, I totally should have hugged you when you gave me that gift. AND I was going to put that AWESOME gift up in my room, where it perfectly matched the decor, but it's on my mantle instead. H is going to LOVE it, I just KNOW. :)
So funny, I'm reading this and then all of a sudden re-read the last part and in my head go, wait is that me?? hehe thanks for the award, can't wait to post about it:)
Sounds like lots going on this week... good luck tackling that to-do list!
Also, exciting news on the Newtons. Hope you love 'em!
A.D.D. makes for the best random posts! :)
I am not much of an animal person either, I mean I love yours but don't want one of my own.
It's your 10 year this year! Mine was last year and my craptastic school didn't even hold one! Can't wait to hear how you go and flaunt that hot runner bod! :)
Good luck with the Newtons! Did you get the originals or the Lady Isaacs? As you probably know I have a love/hate thing going on with them.
Funny post! Have fun at the Disney Half. I am jealous!
I think at my 10 year, everyone was surprised to find out I was a runner... Except for another friend of mine who had just qualified for Boston... LOL
i wish i would have thought of the pet allergy we have two dogs that I dont' to much care for. And i really like the album you made it is super cute and so sweet.
its my 10 year reunion this year too!! i dont know if i want to go though :-/ lol
i want newtons...i am going to wait until it is time to reward my hard effort. i am so glad that i visit your blog regularly because you really are awesome and it is great getting to know the real you.
Sheesh, my 20th was two years ago and I missed it because I was running a marathon LOL.
You crack me up!
Fun post, I love hot sauce too! I love your quiet rebellion too, very funny :) !
I LOVE love LOVE hot sauce! YUM! Ok. so here's a prego runner question for ya, what was your running schedule like? Did it change once you got prego? Did you run every day? How often did you race? thats more than one question..but I'm CURIOUS! :)
Congrats on being popular! You are inspiring and that is what it's all about, helping others become as obsessed with running/fitness as we all are!
Good Luck holding it together while playing 'single parent.' It's not easy! I know.
Is that a photo album? Or picture? that you made. Nice.
I will look forward to reading all about your preggo running. It will be interesting for me to compare notes. While doing it I never really thought it was any thing special. I was a runner and then I was a preggo runner. I guess may think they have to stop...I wonder if that stems from the doctors advice??? My first doctor did not encourage it at all. My second thought I was doing what everyone should be!
Great list and what a lovely gift! Awesome!
Enjoy Disney!
Sounds like lots going on this week... good luck tackling that to-do list!
Work From Home
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