On Mondays, I meet up with KT for 3-4 miles at 6:15 a.m. and on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, G (and whoever else we can trick into meeting us) run 8 miles at a time that starts with a 5 (otherwise known as WAY.TO.EARLY). This is our group from Tuesday. G and A (in the middle) are training for the same November race right now, and, well, M and I are not ...

It was hard to get out of bed. It was hard to lift my feet. It was hard to motivate myself to go. I had to will myself to keep moving the entire time. My pace was slower than usual. I couldn't find my groove. Maybe it was because I am kind of freaked out about running alone when no one else is up. Maybe it was because I was constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure I was alone. Maybe it was because my children have been so mentally draining the past few days. Maybe it was because I didn't eat breakfast before I left. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.
I'm not really sure what was up. I just kept telling myself that I would be happy that I kept going. That I was training myself for the tougher runs that lie ahead. That I would be proud that I stuck it out when I wanted to quit. And I was.
Totally know those runs and I hate them. Way to go on finishing it!! My kids have sucked me dry this week too and I. AM. DONE. My alarm went off at 430 this morning because my husband had to leave early at 6. Well, needless to say, I didn't get my run in. :( I'll live through your run!
awesome! way to go! I'm a morning workout girl for sure! I just love knowing it's 6-6:30a, and I have already done 8-14 miles. YAY!
I'm slightly [ok VERY] jealous of your running crew. [running friends]. Awesome photo!!
i have all of those same feelings with my morning runs and I only go 4 miles. As much as I like the peace of being by myself I find it very unnerving. Good for you for finishing. Sometimes it is all just in the brain.
p.s. I am dreading this week. it is my kids' last day of school and i am not looking forward to the mental drain. i may get up for a run and not come back.
Good job! Getting up in the morning is tough! Here's to easier days with your girls. We have all had those tough ones.
The getting out of bed part is the WORST...8 miles is easy peasy after that, eh?
I have this feeling on pretty much every run I have since I am all alone each time. But it does feel like more of an accomplishment when you're done - you got out there for YOU, you got out there and ran against all the voice in your head for YOU! Enjoy the solo run, it does a runner good :)
I love your running crew - I need to find one!
That's a long way to run alone at that hour - way to push through! That's some mental strength for ya.
Meeting people makes it SO MUCH EASIER!
I do a mix of solo and group runs each week. I think the solo runs teach you a lot and can be quite helpful in races, where you and your pals may not always be together.
BTW--we're on the same wavelength. I posted all about mental games today too.
Yup....I think it's these mentally draining runs, where every fiber is telling you to stopstopSTOP that helps keep us going on other runs. I think.
Great job on sticking with it though.
Nice job TMB! I really love company when I'm running so I know the whole mental game pretty well. I'm actually toying with the idea of getting out of bed at 5 a.m. to get my runs in (my evenings are crazy)...it's just so hard! Major kudos to you!
You're awesome. I lost the 5 am fight this morning and sleep prevailed. Temps around here are generally around 100 degrees all summer so I am going to have to start facing that mental challenge head on. Thanks for the mental game post.
Great job running at that hour and by yourself! I am not a morning person for any activity let alone running. I did run this morning though (at 7, not 5 yikes!) because it's going to be ridiculously hot today. I did feel good when I was done though, I had to keep telling myself that.
Keep up the good work!
Great job on getting out there and toughing through it!
I remember running during the winter mornings with just my head lamp. The hardest part was getting out of bed and out the door. The best part was at the end of the run and seeing the sun come up. Ahhh. It became an addiction for me, but I'll have to wait until fall because I can't get up early enough to see the sunrise in the summer.
I hope you guys know how lucky you are to have friends to run with! I've been running almost a year now and have never done a single run with anyone. Except for races. I'd give ANYTHING to have some company!
I am very very impressed! You might just inspire me to do this...maybe. :)
I have a run planned for tonight when kids are at bible school and swimming lessons and I am so excited. Dear Lord I am strange.
awesome job! I have been running more in the evenings but my Saturday runs are going to be early....it won't be easy but the payoff is worth it.
pat yourself on the back for a great effort, well done on pushing through.
good job pushing through the mental game! those games are hard to win, but you got the miles in and that means you came out on top!
I hate when I play mental games with myself while running. It just sucks. But way to go for getting it done!
P.S. Got a new giveaway up. :-)
i loooove my morning runs and have actually had to really work to go to group runs here because they are all at night, which i don't like. so funny.
way to go on pushing through
Congrats on your new early mornign routine and for sticking it out. You may have motivated me to get up early tomorrow on my day off?! Maybe?!
And congrats on your RLAM highlight today -- awesome! YOU ROCK!
great job!
I'm totally not a morning runner and am super impressed by anyone that gets out early.
Early morning runs are TOUGH. Period. It is much easier if you know that someone is waiting for you. You definitely should be proud of finishing this run! just think, now you have the rest of the day off, from running at least... now if only this same principle worked for the kids : )
Thanks for stopping my my blog. :)
And, yes. Seriously. Every. Last. One. SOLO. What can I say? None of my friends run. (Well, one, but she's a solid 600 miles away now.) And there aren't really any runners in this area to make friends with!
Oh, and as far as motivation goes... well now see that's where YOU GUYS come in!
I can't seem to find my morning mojo, so I am seriously impressed with you getting out there and getting so many miles in.
Great job on finishing this morning.
I am a little nervous about doing my runs in the morning, but it will be nice to have them done before the day even starts!
Great job getting through it!
I love my 5am runs as well!! :)
Way to get out there on your own, thats such a huge accomplishment to run by yourself especially at such an early time of the morning! I tried to get up this morning at 4:30am to go for a quick run by myself,, I ended up not hearing my alarm and had to go at 10am when it was sooo friggin hott outside! Running alone is definitely harder then being with others!!
Yay for you! Getting past the mental stuff is definately the hardest part. Bring on the run - it's the getting there mentally that's hard!
Getting up early to run is super tough! Way to go!
But, it is actually the best feeling that by the time people are getting out of bed, you've already ran for miles! Ha!
It does get easier - both the getting up and the running-on-your- own-in-the-dark part. And that feeling of moral superiority over mere mortals who choose to snooze is fantastic. A good way to impress people is with a sentence that starts "When I was out this morning about 5 am on my 20k run ..."
Getting up early to workout can be soooo hard. But, as much as I would love to stay under the covers, I know I'll feel much better if I get up and do my workout. And, I always do.
I haven't run by myself in the AM in awhile, but I need to start doing it b/c both of my boys are out of school and I need to get those miles in. I love running by myself, but I could see myself feeling the same way you did too.
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