Dear Weather Gods,
I know that the world is a BIG place and that you have tons of weather systems to regulate, but really, what is going on here? I mean, come on. Why all this "anti-knee high sock" weather? Are you hating on my style? Seriously. It was over 90 all last week with crazy humidity. That's August weather. Not June.
And really. Did you see G and me yesterday?

We were hot messes. There was so much salt on our faces after our run, that we could have either made margaritas or exfoliated our skin.
Now, don't get me wrong. I really appreciate the little break from the heat this week. I'll admit it. It's nice. I loved that it was only 60 degrees when I ran at 6 a.m., rather than 80 like yesterday. But, couldn't you have held off for a day or two? Didn't you get the memo that I have a race on Saturday? Apparently, not. Because if you had, I'm sure you wouldn't have planned a high temperature of 95 degrees for that day. I'm taking it you're not a runner?
Well, whatever. I guess I just wanted to say thanks for messing with my race strategy. Looks like racing at half marathon pace is going to be pushing it. Actually, it looks like "racing" at all is going to be pushing it. So, thanks for the fun run! At least there is one aspect of my race plan that you can't mess with - my running mates. (G, Katye and MCM Mama) We are going to have a blast even if you try to threaten us with heat stroke.
oh great! i am running the Worcester half on Sunday. i hope that it is not that hot up here. i know what you mean by hot. i ran 5 on Saturday and even my shins were sweating. now that is hot.
The weather has been psycho in Canada as well. Boiling on Sat...windy, rain and cool yesterday.
I know how you feel feel. I hope that race day brings cooler than forcasted temperatures!
"Anti High Sock weather"?! I love it. I'm so with you. My race on saturday am was way too hot and it started at 7! We're in for a lonnggg summer!
I'm with you. I love summer and heat... but not when I'm running!!
That's some serious sweat! It's killing us here, too.
Fun run? If it's as hot as they say, I may be doing a really long walk LOL.
I wanted to run yesterday, but a mid-afternoon hot run while already dehydrated didn't sound like a good idea. This morning's run at 6am was a lovely 67 degrees! woot!
That was so funny! I agree that the weather gods must not be runners. (The only good part of not going to VA is weekend was staying away for the 90 degree weather!!)
You guys are going to have a blast at your race!
haha Atleast you got a little break! It's been 85 plus with no break for quite a bit here.
It just cooled down for us today. I left the house and it was only 63!
I don't know... as much as I feel for you, its been feeling like February in Portland, Oregon. Raining constantly with no break. And its June! Although I do not want it as hot as you have it, maybe we could share your sunshine and even it out for everyone? Good luck on Saturday!
Okay, your 95 degrees puts my 85 degrees in perspective...I'll stop complainin'. I never considered exfoliating with all the salt on my skin, good idea!
Don't MELT buddy.. Gosh I feel bad for complaining about 70's... of course I was running a STINKIN MARATHON ON THE HOTTEST DAY OF THE YEAR SO FAR!! REally Mother Nature?? What did I ever do to you?
I feel the same! It went from the 50s to the 90s in a week. I have a half Saturday and am actually happy the race starts at 5:30!
Glad you are determined to have fun in spite of it!
What race are you running?
It was nice on Saturday before 8am.
Holy hot!! Hopefully it cools down before your race.
it's been hot here too :( yuck I need to buy tank tops
This June weather is nutso. I hope the weather reports are wrong and it cools off for you!
Ugh, hot weather is bad, bad, bad! Makes me wish I wasn't such a complainer back in December! LOL!
Glad you got out there, and I'm sure the weather gods will take note, you need a great race day!!!
Nothing is better than a hot mess!!! ;)
Hey it's 111 here today - wanna trade?! ;) I know, I'll be honest it's a cool 77 in my "treadmill" house.
sorry about the heat! it's been in the mid 90's here since beginning of May. It SUCKS! won't cool off till october at the earliest. boo! Love the margarita comment!
Hope the weather works for you. You have properly chastised the weather gods so they may make things go your way!
Thank you for that blog. It makes me really appreciate getting out of bed in the cold and dark. I vow I will enjoy every brisk early morning run for the next few months - until I have to suffer through what you're now in.
As much as I LOVE the heat, running in it is not fun! Keep cool!
I could come along and hose you ladies off if you would like!
Yikes...that is hot!!! It has been crazy hot here lately (NY), but now it is nice and cool. Hope some cooler weather heads your way!
The non-running weather gods have been giving us cooler weather up here. Really, we would appreciate more than a few days of hot. So, if I fold my hands together the right way, maybe we can get them to switch direction.
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