I have never met a runner who didn't want to "convert" others into runners. And usually, the people they work hardest in recruiting are their own family members. Case in point, me. I have already helped turn J into a half marathoner. And if I have my way, Dizzle, Doodle and Dilly will be runners too. I've already started the process.
This is the newest addition to both Dizzle and Doodle's bedrooms. Dizzle saw it at a running store and said, "Mom, I have to hang this up in my room. He is a runner!"

And on Sunday, I walked in the living room to find Dilly like this ...

Have you brainwashed your family today?
I've stopped trying to recruit and just get my fam to see that all the 'stuff' I do is good for me.
Love the Shay pic...
Too cute!
I keep trying to get my sister to run with me, but she is one tough cookie. I think I may have convinced her to run the Skirt Chaser 5K with me which serves two purposes: gets her running AND on the market. ;) I'm such a bossy older sister.
Oh yeah, my kids have no chance... my husband on the other hand is a different story, I think maybe his brain isn't as washable. :P
I've got my husband doing the half marathon with me. I think my older son enjoys the local track...mostly because it's dirt and he can play while I run. LOL
DH won't run....he is too much into his scuba diving which is fine. But my daughter is getting the running bug. She ran one race after one of mine and she kept asking when she gets to run another race. So now I try to find some races for me that have kiddie races also. She is running again on July 1st (its a Canada Day run....should be fun)
too cute
I'd love it if my wife would run but I learned long ago that pushing her in any direction will pretty much result in her heading in the exact opposite way... I did recruit my father though... he started running when I joined the track team in 7th grade and 18 year later he's still running now!
My six year old has completed 2 duathlons and will do her first triathlon in July! She definitely has the racing bug from me.
I think I have officially turned into the girl that people walk the other way when they see me. "oh shoot, there she is. Go, go, go, she's going to try to get us to run with her." LOL
I think I've recruited my mom back into the world of running (she had surgery over a year ago). Now she keeps asking to come to races with me, which is awesome. I just feel bad because I'm a lot faster so we can't really run together. :-)
I'm strickly going to procreate just so I will have a running partner in the future :)
I heart your girls!!!
SO cute!!!
Hubs is actually the one who recruited me, but only as a recreational runner. I'm the one who got us both into racing and pushing the distance!
i swear you capture the best pictures!
YAY for you MOM!!
I love, love, love this!
love the piccy!
never going to convert my family. they only run if they're being chased or there's a shoe sale at dillard's! converted a few friends though.
I'd love it if my hubbs pretended to like it simply because I LOVE it. As for the kids, I am still holding out hope that they will, Army son currently tolerates PT, S'ghetti girl doesn't like to sweat and LBM, well he is currently me biggest hope...but I shutter at the age I will be until he can run distances with me. I'll have to try harder on brainwashing Hubbs...maybe he'll take up biking?
My husband and I just convinced our non-running friends to train for a 10K (I'm hoping that will turn into a 1/2 M) this Sept. And my 8 year old son asked if he could run with me last week and with interval running, he ran all 4 miles without a complaint! Yep, brainwash, brainwash, brainwash! It's too good not to!
adorable <3
trying to get my sisters to run, i got one started..i would love to do a 5k with both sisters and my mom (she would walk) - i think it would be great
Hahaha! T Junior has told me, "Bye! Going running!" and also he does really love to run. He'll run, look at me and say, "Am running!" Or, he'll point runners out. It's really cute. I hope he wants to when he's older. Mr. T...not so much.
And yes, I've found one doesn't even have to do anything. My 9 year old wants to run races only because he has always seen me do it. I've never even had to push...freaking awesome!
HA! That is awesome!
i've tried to no avail to get my hubs and parents in to running... all I have left now are the cats
My hubby wants to run but he can't seem to find the time (he has the shoes though). I am doing a better job with my girls. My 4-year-old wanted shorts and a tank top instead of a leotard for gymnastics so that she could be a runner too.
I have seriously tried the brainwashing thing but my boys have all followed there on heart. I haven't given up though - at the moment there's an offer of a 'trip to Sydney if you'll just do the half marathon with Mummy, Josh'
That's so cute!
Running is so fun, it is hard NOT to try to recruit people!
my 2.5 year old son came down the stairs the other days with a big watch on his arms and told me he had to go run!
I was able to get Hubster to try cycling, but he won't give running a shot.
Your daughter looks absolutely precious :)
Way to make them drink the kool aid. ;o)
SO cute, I love that! I don't have a family yet, but am hoping to find some one to have FAST babies with! :)
I gave up on trying to convert my husband...but still have hope for my kiddos!
LOVE it!
I am definitely recruiting converts!
My 10 year old daughter recently ran her first 5K and my 8 year old son has run 3!
C hijacked my goal to run a marathon (and is better[faster] than me of course) since he trains with me - can't complain since he's lost 30lbs...
Yesterday as all 3 of us were stretching post-run M told me that when he's bigger he wants to run and push a stroller too. Not only that, but it's *ME* he wants to push! I'll take it, but I don't think his 3yr old brain understands that I can't revert to his size... :)
I converted my husband! He now runs faster than me haha!
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