Yesterday, I posted a question on the Racing With Babes Facebook page. I was contemplating doing my long run of 16 miles on the treadmill last night and wanted to know which of the following options my readers would choose:
A. 16 miles on the treadmill with the television as distraction
B. 16 solo miles on Sunday out in the heat
25 people responded and there wasn't really a clear winner. 11 people said to hit up the treadmill. 10 people opted for outside. And 4 said that it would depend on whether or not there was a good show on.
I ultimately decided to hit up the treadmill. I had to run either way and I figured that if I felt good after eight, I would keep going. But first, I needed to say something to my treadmill. We've always been tight, but I've been avoiding him all summer. Choosing running with friends over him. So, I drafted this apology ...
Dear Treadmill,
I am sorry. I am so very sorry for abandoning you these past few months. For being pulled away buy the open road and early morning runs. For severing ties without thinking twice. I had forgotten how good you are to me. How you help me escape from the elements. How you give my joints a break. And how you make sure I hit my paces. I love you. Please take me back.
Yours in running,
Once that was taken care of, I got on my way. I decided to mix the run up a bit and ran the first 12 miles at long run pace (10:54) and the last 4 miles at half marathon pace (8:57). At times I thought it would never end, but 2:46:46 and three episodes of NCIS later, I was done.

And I was very happy about it ...
What would it have taken for you to stick out 16 on the 'mill?
A good movie or a Bones/NCIS/Frasier(yeah, I know)-marathon. And a box of cupcakes waiting for me when I'm done would also help... :)
I've got 12 on the mill today...thank you for posting me hope!
I've been reading some good things about treadmill runs lately...makes me almost wish mine wasn't in 50 pieces while it's being 'fixed'. Not having to get up at 4:30 AM to try to beat the heat sounds pretty good and I could catch up on some bad reality TV...hmmm...great job on sticking it out!
I finally finished reading all the Harry Potter books so I'm looking to watch the movies before the new one comes out so yeah a movie I haven't seen before should do it.
Great job on your run! I use the treadmill a lot in the winter (living in WI). I usually rent movies that I want to see (one the husband has no interest in). I like "chic" movies during my long runs. Worked great. Although, I have not been close to 16 miles...maybe 10 at the most. Again, great job on your run!
It would probably take a lot of determination, some really nasty weather and a Jersey Shore or Bethenny Getting Married? marathon.
PS--I have the same comforter set in my bedroom. <3 Target
i don't own a treadmill yet, but it would have to be good tv to stay on. you are definitely an inspiration.
Wow! I don't know how you do it. Your determination and perseverance is so impressive. I am starting to train for my first half marathon and some of my runs will likely be done on the treadmill to avoid this Richmond heat and humidity. I hope I can be inspired by you!
I began my running career on the treadmill. My gym has a cinema room, so you can run in the dark and watch movies on a HUGE screen. I LOVE it because with 2 kids I never get to watch movies without cartoons in them. :) I've been ditching it lately for outdoors....I might have to make it back in though.
Congrats on the 16 miles! So mental...and you rocked it!
I'm pretty sure Gibbs and Dinozzo could get me through a long run on the treadmill =)
16 on the treadmill? That's amazing. The longest I've done is 11, back a couple of winters ago when I was training for my first 1/2 marathon. I swore never again... we'll see how long that lasts :)
I think someone would have to pay me a good sum of money to do 16 miles on the treadmill. Then again, I've never run 16 miles, period. You ROCK.
I have no idea. I have never done more than 6 or so on a treadmill. I am not sure I could do it.
Way to go Tonia. The furthest I have run on my treadmill is 9 miles. I am impressed! Great job!!
Rad, sistahfriend.
I ran a marathon on a treadmill this winter, but never really in the summer (unless the gym is AC!).
Well, first of all... i have never run 16 miles before so that seems like an awful lot to me lol... 2nd of all... i would definitely have to put bones/ncis/or psych on the tube lol... and maybe some ice cream afterwards? lol ;) Great job!
I responded yesterday that you should go outside....I can't take the monotony of the treadmill. To stay on for 16 miles, I'd need a three hour movie! I've been meaning to re-watch Gone With the Wind ;-)
Great job!
It would take me more than 3 episodes of NCIS to finish 16 miles...more like 6 or 7 episodes. :)
it would take bad weather, maybe a snow day. Having done 20 on the tmill I know it's a task. Great job getting your miles in. You really are dedicated
Um... I'd have to be a lot faster than I am now! Only treadmill I have access to is at the gym and child care is capped at 2 hours :D
You're a rockstar!!
Nothing short of a miracle!
You are hardcore woman! I've done 20 a few times on the dreadmill, and a couple of 18 & 16's, too. I would not recommend it unless under serious conditions! LOL!
I always have to watch a movie while I run on them otherwise it is just death by dreadmill.
Happy Friday!
what fun to look forward this winter.
I like any kind of scifi stuff. I am still on season 2 of Lost so thats an option.
I don't mind the treadmill so much. Long run pace takes forever but its not hard really so a movie or something is nice. I have only done 15 on the mill though.
Great job! I have a feeling I will be doing that soon. The memories of 20 on the treadmill last year still haven't compeltely faded, so I might be reading this post again for inspiration!!
Great job, Tonia! It takes a lot of mental dedication. I like to watch the DVR and Biggest Loser episodes. That always motivates me. Great job on a midweek long run - wow!
SO awesome! Way to go. I think if I were lucky enough to own a treadmill I would want it near my TV so I could watch movies/shows while running. Some day...but for now my mill runs are done at the gym. The best way for me to get through them there is to 1)have really good tunes on my ipod and 2)mix up my pace so it stays interesting and keeps me from getting bored!
1. You are insane.
2. You are Bad @ss.
3. I will be channeling my inner TMB B.A. tomorrow... if you can slog it on the Dreadmill for 17 surely I can shake of these leg gremlins and make it at least 10.
You rock! Even with NCIS to enjoy I get so bored for that long on the TM.
awesome job! I literally think 6 is the furthest I've gone on a treadmill (it was without tv). I was so proud of those measly 6 because I DREAD the treadmill. Youre awesome!
Good job! I would have needed a marathon of Law and Order SVU or smoething.
I bow down to you!! I couldnt even imagine running for almost 3 hours on a treadmill! I maxed out at 5 yesterday. WTG!
wow great job. my max was 14 and that was hell. but there was 2 feet of snow on the ground, so not many options. I would've voted to run outside for as long as you could bear then to hit up the TM.
I bow to you, oh running goddess...
I cannot even imagine.
wow! 16 on a treadmill is impressive. I admire anyone who does their long runs on a treadmill. I don't have a treadmill so I haven't had that option but I will have one in time for the winter so I will have to get used to it. To do a long run on the treadmill I would definitely need a good movie or a string of good tv shows.
there is one thing i hate more than the heat, and that is the treadmill! WOW that took some serious willpower, but GREAT job! the longest i have done is 11 because i was sick and shouldn't be running in the dark and rain and that was complete torture.
Congrats!!! I'm so glad you survived. I have logged way too many of my runs on the treadmill. When I ran my 18 miles I only had my iPod to distract me. I also had my youngest playing out in the floor of the garage the whole time. It was a miracle I didn't have to stop for her.
Another thing to consider is doing half the mileage on the treadmill and half outside. I applaud you for going 16 on the 'mill; the longest I have managed is 12 :)
I would have to be extremely desperate to run that far on the treadmill... I'd run in a winter blizzard or torrential downpours or 100+ heat over the treadmill.
Then again, I don't OWN a treadmill in the privacy of my home with access to whatever TV/movies I want to watch... if I did, it might be different.
Good on ya! Must feel great to get it done!!
I got my long one in this morning. Awesome.
not so awesome ----- I So DID NOT look like you [pretty] when I finished.
Well, I am definitely learning to appreciate the 'mill. It helps me get runs in when the weather is nasty (which is often in AK) and I think I prefer it for starting out (as a beginner) - when I run outside I think I go out to fast and burn out quickly (which is saying a lot since my mileage is short). That being said I do get bored after a about 45 min so need good music!
I'm impressed you got 16 in- great job!!
Great job! I think the most I've done is 12. I'm fine until about 8 and then I start to lose it. ;o) Nice job on finishing fast.
Nice job. I don't know if I could do 16 on the treadmill - I like running alone for long runs (sometimes but not always). I think to pull that distance off, it would take an upbeat comedy movie. SOmething to make me laugh & dumb that doesn't require much concentration. Pineapple Express? Superbad? Or something of the sort... Either that or do part of the run outside, part on the treadmill.
Way to stick it out though. Very impressive!
It would take lots and lots of cupcakes.
Hmm, I don't know what it would take me. Definitely not NCIS. Probably not even 3 episodes of SVU (unless they were episodes where Benson and Stabler have those almost-romantic moments).
Maybe a 2:46 movie?
Go girl!
16 on the mill is no joke. For me to have made it, I would need:
- 8 episodes of Seinfeld
- a floating computer with a touchscreen hanging in front of me
- a catering service with an unlimited menu
Big ups for logging some serious miles.
I admire you...I would rather gouge my eyeballs out with a spork than do 16 miles on a dreadmill! I love that you have such a great relationship with your "belt"!
I have a complete set up: fan blowing directly on me. Water within reach. Several towels (for some reason I hate sweat dripping on me while i'm on the treadmill...). Friends DVD's. And Yummy gu.
16 on the dreadmill? I'd need sub 20 temperatures or a week of rain.
Great job.
I've never run 16 on the mil but I have run 6.5. I watched a fav tv show to get thru it.
Wow! Nice job! I ran 13 on a treadmill a few months ago with just music for a distraction but opted for the track at the gym (10 laps per mile) for an 18 miler this winter. Very impressive!
Wow! That's amazing. I've never run on a treadmill, but am debating about getting one since I am finding it hard to squeeze in time for outdoor running between kids and work. Any suggestions from anyone on a make/model?
Holy Smokes - 16 miles on the 'mill?!?!? Seriously impressive!
I've never done more than 3 and could not imagine what it would take for me to reach double digits, much less 16 miles!
Great job on the treadmill! I've done 22 a couple times, I just got to break it up into segments...but I love the convenience of water and gels and bathrooms RIGHT THERE!
I did 16 on the treadmill on Thursday, I actually have no problem using my treadmill, I have in my basement in front of the DVD, I can watch a movie, listen to music or podcast. I love doing long runs on the treadmill because I get to keep on the training pace and I don't have to miss a run because there is no excuse
16 miles on the TM is IMPRESSIVE! I don't know if I'll ever be able to run that far on a TM, but if I had to I would definitely have to have a good movie on!
Really, I'm glad I'm not crazy. I love the treadmill for the simple fact that it keeps me on pace...if I was on the road, there is more chance I'd give in to the desire to slow down!! Way to go. My husband is out of town for 2 weeks and the treadmill and I are going to become really good friends again too!!
hey, just came back to this post for some motivation because i have to run 16 tomorrow on the treadmill at the gym! yuck. if you can do it...i can...right?!
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