If you have been reading this blog religiously (like you should be), you probably know that I have had my fair share of shoe woes. For the first year and a half of my running, I was wearing the wrong type of shoe. Although, I supinate like crazy, someone put me in a stability shoe. Fortunately, I remained injury-free.
Then, last spring ('09) I finally got properly fitted. I was put in the Asics Gel Cumulus 10. I love those shoes, but the more I ran in them, the more they bothered the pesky extra bone I have in my foot. And after 350 miles or so, they looked like this ...

And I ended up in a cast. So, after much trial and error, I ended up with my current love - Mizuno Wave Rider. I have worn my way through 4 pairs of these this year. But, on Monday, when I put on my newest pair (they have about 30 miles on them), they felt "off." I could feel the insole pushing weird on the bottom of my foot. But, I ran in them anyway.
Well, I kind of ran. I made it about a mile before I had to walk. My foot was seizing up to the point of pain. I instantly thought my marathon dreams were over. I walk/ran until I got home (3.1 miles). Then I iced my foot and left it at that.
I woke up the next morning for a 10 miler with G. I put on my old pair (they have about 400 miles or so on them) and prayed for the best. And I finished that run with ZERO PAIN OR CRAMPING. What is up with that?
Now I'm not sure what to do. I really don't think that there is anything wrong with my foot. Obviously, I ran 10 miles yesterday without issue. But, I'm not sure if it was a fluke with the new shoes. If they are defective or my feet were just beat from the triathlon the day before. I really don't want to ditch a pair of expensive shoes, but I'm a little afraid to test them again.
What would you do?
Same thing happened to me with my old pair of Saucony's. Had two pair of those (exact same shoes); one were great and felt light. The other pair was crappy from the first run I had them on. Timed it and I was actually slower on that pair! Maybe something went wrong in the process of getting the shoes together, I don't know. You could try going back to the store and asking if they could switch them for another pair.
i would maybe try one more short run and see how they feel and if things are still off, bring them back to the store and ask them what they think. its' not worth the pain you had to keep running in them.
I would try to bring them back. that same thing happened to me in a pair of Asics a couple of years ago and the running store was really cool about replacing them. you don't want to take any chances on your marathon.
I would a) try them one more time and see what happens or b) take them back and try to get another pair. You could wash the bottoms of the shoes to make them look like new. Some stores are picky about your running in the shoes and returning, some are not - just depends I guess.
That's insane! not sure what to tell you but good luck! Hope you get the new shoes working properly!
I would try taking them back for an exchange. Explain that your older pair with 400 miles doesn't bother you, but this new pair with just 30 miles does. Something has to be wrong with the shoe. It wouldn't hurt to try!
I'd take them back to where you bought them and see if they will exchange them out. I had to do this with my Kayano 16s and the store was super supportive of it.
RRS will let you take them back even if you've worn them. They are one of the few stores that I've seen do this which takes a lot of stress out of the equation.
There is a school of thought that, like barefoot running, old shoes are better because they have less cushioning and support, so you run more naturally. Also, since you've run so far in the old shoes, they've molded to your foot. Each pair of shoes has their own personality. For the new shoes, I'd probably try an easy run in them - if there is pain, get rid of them for running.
i say take them back! you could try a mile or so on your treadmill, but if you feel anything off they should go back to the store. i've been amazed at how willing the running stores are to return and/or exchange shoes until you are completely happy.
try them again (on a very short run, like around the block maybe?) and see if it was just weird that day (maybe something was in your sock or in the shoe?). If they suck again, wear your old ones if they dont' hurt. 400 miles isn't a 100% hard and fast rule, right?
If you don't mind a little drive, I would go to VARunner, have them look at them and possibly fit you again for new shoes, just to see what they suggest. They are the BEST to work with. I guess Fredericksburg would be the closest one to you. Worth the trip in my opinion. I love that store... and everyone who works there.
Maybe it's a dud pair?? I have had that happen. I am on my 6th or 7th pair of the SAME shoe, but at one time I got a pair that just didn't feel right and I had pains like PF whenever I wore them. Switched to a new pair of the same shoe and it was all good!
I too have had shoe drama - I feel your pain, literally! I supinate and have fallen in love with Pearl Izumi floats. Anyway, I have had a lot of issues with shoes and I have turned to contacting the manufacturer directly. I explain I love their shoes, but I then explain my problem/situation. On all 3 times, they have been amazing at replacing my shoe, or a specific part of my shoe such as an insole that was problematic. The running store where I buy shoes can only help if the shoes are barely used, so I suggest going online to the manufacturer directly and emailing them. Good luck!!!!!
Nothing new here - try them again and if they pain comes back take the shoe back. If no pain, it was probably from the Tri - good luck!
ditch em! ..both and run barefoot
I recently worked in a running store for a while. My advise is to do a short run and see if you still feel the problem. If you feel the problem, see if you can return them as defective. The store should take them back if the shoes look like they have minimal wear (i.e. they can't look like they have 200 miles in when you say it's only 30) and you are within the return policy (normally 60 days for defects,)bring them back and tell them they feel defective and explain where/how. Ask for a direct exchange or your money back. They won't lose out because the shoe company will take the shoe back and credit the store.
I agree, I would go with exchanging them out. Something is obviously not right! Bummer!
I'm with Marlene.
I've had that happen before too.
Mizuno may have changed something. I bought wave riders last summer and was able to go straight to long runs in them with no problems. Got new shoes last week and (ended up getting Saucony) the Mizuno's just didn't feel right. The arches felt off to me. Don't know, but I wouldn't take any chances. Get something different.
i would take them back as well, doesn't hurt to try.
Not sure where you buy them, but I hear this often about shoes bought on line...could have been irregular, sat in a warehouse for abit and started breaking down the insoles...if you didn't buy them in a shoe store, consider calling one of the reputable running stores and telling them and ask if they have a rep and if they could help you with an exchange.
You have the "belt", warm up walking in them, then try a light, slow jog...pain? Then get off and out of those shoes! Also, email the Witch Doctor for his opinion. Tell him where and when you bought then, what happened, etc...Good luck, let me know.
When I got fitted for shoes I got the Mizunos too! The running store I bought shoes at has a 30 day return policy if something goes wrong you can exchange them. They won't give you a refund but they will let you get another pair at their store.
Seems like it's time to experiment going barefoot, all this shoe drama is as good as excuse as any. Hope you find the answer.
Can you take them back and try another pair?? Good luck!
I don't know if you can take them back or not, but I wouldn't wear them again. Not worth getting injured.
I have the opposite problem. My New Balance had about 300 miles on them. Bought a new pair, different model. New ones felt great. Then I went back to the old pair (to alternate) and the old pair left me covered in blisters!
I wanted to wear the old pair a while longer but now they seem defunct.
I would take both pairs to the store where you got them and ask them. If they are a good running store they will want you to be a happy customer.
I would test them again on a short run or walk and see if it was just a fluke
Can you exchange the shoes for another pair of the same? Maybe there was a fluke in the manufacturing.
You've gotten tons of good advice. Hope you figure it out quickly!
Sometimes the injury just isn't worth it. I had to ditch some relativly new Nikes when I learned I was running with a size that was too small.
I would ditch them... there's just too many choices out there to be uncomfortable. Good luck!
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