Yesterday morning, G and I were all geared up for Muddy Buddy. We had a bike. We had throw away outfits, which we looked wicked cute in. And we were ready for mud.

At 8 a.m. we entered the corrals and looked around. Our competition (we started with just our age group), didn't really look like competition. We kind of thought a top 5 finish was in the bag. At 8:25ish, G headed out on the bike. Two minutes later, I followed her on foot. I ran strong and passed pretty much everyone else in our wave. Then, I hit the first obstacle - an 8 foot wall. I immediately thought, "I am never going to do this race again."
I climbed and jumped over the wall. Then, I spotted the bike that G had left for me when she started the second leg on foot. I walked to the mounting area and jumped on. I started pedaling on the downhill. But, I was going too fast. I tried to slow down. And then, before I knew it, the bike flipped. I tucked my head and landed directly on my right shoulder. Then I slid.
My first thoughts - Can I keep going? Are my legs OK? Can I train through this?
I got up and tried to get back on the bike. I couldn't move my arm. People passed and tried to help. I told them to keep racing. I walked back up the hill to the medic and couldn't help but think of G. She was going to freak when she didn't see me. Then I looked at my shoulder. I knew it was bad.
The medics decided to transport me to the hospital. I only saw G as they closed the doors to the ambulance. 30 minutes later she met me at the hospital.

She took some pictures of the damage. I didn't want to look.

The doctors gave me a shot of pain medicine and told me they would be back to take me to x-ray. That's when J arrived. G left at that point and took my girls with her. Shortly after they left, I went for the x-ray. SEPARATED AC JOINT. 4-8 weeks in a sling. 4-8 weeks without my right hand/arm. 4-8 weeks no running.
Ouch. That stung. I was ready to leave. They said I my wounds needed to be cleaned.

No biggie, right? Wrong. Pretty much the worst pain of my life. And I have gone through natural childbirth. I cried.

And cried.

It was rough. But with the torture session and three shots (two pain medicine, one tetanus) over, we left with my newest accessory.

Now, I can't do much. Showering and getting dressed took me over a half hour. I couldn't tie my own shoes. It's beyond frustrating. But, I'll survive and I should be thankful it wasn't worse (my helmet cracked). Plus, now my bike trainer and the 12% incline on my treadmill are going to get a lot of use ...
Oh, and Dizzle rocked her 5K on Saturday. Recap tomorrow.
Oh, man! I feel so bad for you. And I know it's not my fault, but I feel bad for giving you the entry. :o(
Hang in there and if there is anything at all I can do from up here, all you have to do is ask.
Hope everything heals super quick...
and this is the reason why i will never do one of these types of races until i am done doing the other stuff on my bucket list.
feel better soon
Oh no!!!! Take care of yourself and get better soon!
Oh man! I got a bit teary eyed looking at you all teary eyed! I know that "clean your wounds" pain. Hope the next 4-8 go quickly and you are feeling better soon!
You are one tough cookie. And with that attitude those 4-8 weeks will be nothing.
In 2 months I just know you will be ready for the Tour De France.
Keep won't be easy but you can do it.
So sorry this happened! Plus, I'm feeling bad that it happened to you: supermom! And seeing you, supermom, cry: well...the pain you must have been in. G must have been worrying sick!
My mom used to have severe shoulder/upper arm troubles and spent a lot of time with a separated AC joint: again and again. The thing just kept going. What I've learned from that: let it heal. And give it time to heal. So, hop on that bike and work on your uphill skills on the treadmill. You will get back to running in a couple of weeks, and you will be a stronger runner (because those uphills work!).
Sending 'cupcake induced coma' vibes your way. You deserve a cupcake! Heck, you deserve a monster load of cupcakes!
Oh no! I am crying for you.... Love that you were at least smiling in most of the hospital pictures. You are one tough girl! Four to eight weeks will be gone in no time. Hang in there, you can do this.
oh and let's not forget the fact that you typed a blog post complete with pictures with an arm in a sling. You are awesome!
I saw the very little post about it on dailymile, and have been waiting (kind of impatiently) to hear to details. So glad that it wasn't worse. SO sorry about the 4 - 8 weeks no running.
You'll get through it.
Praying for a much quicker than anticipated recovery!
OMGoodness, I should call you the running cowgirl cause that is usually what my daughter looks like at least a few times a season.
Heal fast!
oh man! that looks so painful!! I hope you're feeling better now. yikes!
as a side note, who else takes pictures like this of injuries other than bloggers?? you're hard core
I am still in a little bit of shock for you and can only imagine how you're feeling. Thank goodness you are "okay" although 4-8 weeks being incapacitated does not sound fun. :(
I hope you have a full, strong and speedy recovery! Sending you all kinds of get well vibes and big hugs.
yucky. so sorry to hear about your injury. hope you recover quickly and can find an alternative to running to keep the itchies at bay. heal fast!!!
I'm crying too. I am so sorry. I want pics of that cracked helmet... I might even bronze it!
You will be kicking serious A on that bike in 6 weeks. And I lost 20+ pounds simply walking on my treadmill at the highest incline (even put a board underneath of it when I wanted it to go even higher) for only 30 minutes a day. Of course I was really fat and it didn't bother me... but it did kick my A. Praying for a "easy" recovery... what ever that means and thanking God that your head is physically okay!
Oh ouch!!! I'm so sorry that happened! I hope you are in less pain soon!
So sorry! Hope your recovery is swift and goes well. Thinking of you.
Ouch! Hope you feel better soon!
Incredibly bummed about your downtime though so glad it wasn't worse!! Also selfishly bummed not to hear more about Muddy Buddy. ;) Though I am not nearly as interested now, so thanks for that, I think!! ;)
Oh no! I just started following your blog today.. what a first post to read! I'm sorry mama.. that's really rough.
I was so pumped for you and G to do this race. These "adventure" races are to be such a great experience. Well I guess it was an experience just not a great one. Praying that your recovery is fast and complete. I know you'll be able to keep your fitness level on your trainer and walking on the treadmill. Just focus on a complete recovery. Anyone can run an amazing race, it's the truly tough and dedicated who can come through a set back with grace and end up stronger for having gone through it.
so sad to see you sad. hang in there...recover, rest and HUGS!
I am sooo sorry, T!! It is going to be a long 4-8 weeks without you on the morning runs. Thank goodness for bikes during injuries. And Ouch to those pics!! Get better fast! Let me know what I can do for you.....
Oh Tonia, I'm so sorry for you! That second picture of you crying made me cry. This will be a tough one with littles and life and no right arm, but I know you can do it!
Side note: how did you type up this post???
OMG you poor thing! I am so sorry that happened, looks SO PAINFUL!
OH NO! I am sooo sorry! That totally sucks! But, I'm so glad you're alright. The wounds will heal and you'll be running again before you know it!
I'm sorry to hear about your accident! I'm glad you are okay! As someone who just ditched her sling last week...welcome to the one arm club...when it starts to feel a little better you can do things upside down (think washing hair and such)...that way you can still scrub! Good luck with recovery!
Man, I'm so sorry to hear what happened!! I have a feeling you're right handed. I hope the pain goes away soon!
Yikes! So sorry about your accident but thankful you're okay! Hoping the time flies by for you and you'll be back to running soon!
oh noooooo! so sorry to hear about your muddy fall! get better FAST!
How awful! Glad your injuries weren't worse, but I hope your recovery is on the shorter end of that range!
Ouch! That's terrible! I hope you have less pain soon.
Oh my goodness girl! That is so heart breaking to hear! I'm so very sorry and glad that you are ok despite everything! Muddy Buddy is a lot of fun but def has a lot of potential for injury. Here's to a speedy recovery!!!!
Holy cow - that looks BEYOND painful. You've just reminded me to s.l.o.w. down. It's not worth that.
The first pic of your tearful face totally brought tears to my eyes. :-(
No leg injury, though!!! HOORAY!
You poor girl. That looked nasty. Hope you heal fast. Take care of yourself.
Oh no... it looks and sounds so painful! You poor thing!!!! I'm glad that you are "alright", although those war wounds are fierce! Super big HUG to you and sending you quick healing vibes!
ouch :( I'm so sorry! That looks incredibly painful. You'll come back stronger than ever, I'm confident of that
Oh no! I'm so sorry to read this. Major bummer for sure but I'm glad it wasn't even worse. Take care girl.
OMG I'm so sorry to read this. I've had 4 surgers on my left elbow I feel for ya. Hang in there!!!
OUCH!! Hope you have a speedy recovery. I'm sticking to running. i have been thinking about you a lot and am praying for a speedy recovery for you. you are so strong - i know you can and will get through this! hang in there we are all pulling for you!!
Oh man! That looks painful and the crying picture totally made me cry. Hang in there and get better soon!
Wishing you a speedy recovery! After reading G's blog recap of the incident, you guys are so blessed to have each other as buddies. Supermom, heal fast!
Oh no!! That sounds terrible. You are a trooper, but man! What a story. I hope you are resting comfortably today.
Wow, what a horrific thing to happen during a race! I hope the 4-8 weeks goes by quickly. At least you didn't damage a leg, right? A slightly gimpy shoulder is no fun, sure, but doing that to your knee could have meant no more running ever. Silver lining?
SO sorry to hear about your injury! It looks painful. Sending you good thoughts for a super speedy recovery!
So sorry to hear about your shoulder, but I am sure this will make you stronger in the long run! Rest!!!
Oh my WORD! i can't believe it! ouch ouch ouch. so sorry that you are hurt. hope that you will have many many hands helping you with the girls and life in general.
heal soon!
I'm so sorry to hear about your shoulder, but I'm glad to hear that it wasn't worse, given the fact that your helmet cracked!
I hope that you are feeling better soon and that the next few weeks go by quickly so that you can be recovered and back to your regular routine.
I am so sorry to hear this happened to you! Looking at those pictures of you with tears is heart wrenching, especially since I see you as a totally bad a** mother runner! So glad that you had G with you at the hospital. Rest up and heal well!!
Oh my word! Honestly, so thankful that you are okay... I know, not okay in the sense that you are running today, but okay in that it wasn't worse! Enjoy that 12% incline :)
oh no! Hope you heal up fast!
Oh no! You poor thing. My fingers are crossed for a quick and hopefully easy recovery.
BTW- even injuried you rock the running skirt.
OMG! How scary! I am so glad you are ok and that it wasn't worse. I am sorry you can't run for 4-8 weeks. You are a very strong woman...hang in there T! The pics of you crying made me want to cry. :(
Ouch, you poor thing. :( Sorry for the time off and the inability to use your arm/hand for a while. Hoping you heal quickly. Good job being tough!
Totally sucks!!! Take it easy though and let your body heal. I know it sounds like a long time but it will be worth it, and maybe the rest will even do you good overall. I hope you are able to control the pain and are feeling better SOON. Wish I lived closer and could come help or hang out and distract you or something. :)
Sucks...but so hard core. Just a little bump in the road for you (pun not intended). I know you will come back from this with your usual fierceness!
PS: At least you looked super cute in your skirt in the hospital pictures. :)
Oh man, I'm so sorry! I hope you're feeling a little better by now. you are one tough chick!
gosh, you look so bad a*s in those pictures! So, so sorry!! totally sucks but so glad it wasn't worse....ya, a crack in the helmet is not a good thing. T, you'll rock that 12 percent incline and come back stronger than ever. hang in there.
I'm so glad you're okay! Holy crap!
Thank goodness for bike helmets, man.
OMG -THAT LOOKS REALLY REALLY PAINFUL!!! You ARE very lucky to have not had a head injury (thank God you were wearing a helmet). Definite you need to rest and recover a bit before you jump into the 12% and bike trainer. Thinking of you!!! ((hugs)) - those were hugs without touching the ouchy parts!!!!
Sending virtual hugs and get better wishes, all the way from England, wishing you a speedy recovery.
I am so sorry! Ouch ouch ouch! I have a feeling you are very tough so it you say it hurt man I would have been saying put me out. ANd no running! I can't believe you were trying to keep going with that injury. Heal fast. GEt all your family to wait on you - A LOT!
OK, you have taken this Badass thing to a new level.
OMG! I'm so glad you're OK. Well, you're not but you are! Take care of yourself and listen to the doctors.
Oh, and you're pictures are still cute even after the crash!
Get some rest!
Winks & Smiles,
Glad u are okay
Wow! Total bummer!
But glad you are OK and that you can still type.
Ouch! That is terrible! I am so sorry. I take x-rays for a living and that is a bad separation but you already know that. Thank heavens you were wearing a helmet. Good luck with the recovery and you are going to rock it on the Sleeper!
OMG!!!!! That looks SERIOUS!!! That so sucks!! I hope you feel better !!
WOW! That sucks bad. I hope you are doing okay and are able to do something. Not running for that long would drive me CRAZY!
holy cow.....just confirmed i will never do this race
Oh my gosh! I am so glad you are okay - especially when I read your helmet cracked! I am sad that you are in so much pain and I hope you feel better soon.
You'll be in my thoughts for a speedy recovery! :)
OMG, so glad you are okay but so scary. Sending you fast recovery vibes!
Yikes! I did the Muddy Buddy in Richmond 2 years ago, and it had stormed so much leading up to it, that EVERYTHING was muddy. I was the fastest bike, but people wouldn't let me pass (not because they were racing, but they were not comfortable on the bike). Because it was so much bottlenecking, I was stuck walking the bike uphill, since everyone would immediately jump off their bike as soon as the hill started, blocking my way, and with the mud, my bike had no grip after slowing down so much. Plus it was freezing.
Overall I had fun though, but if I did it again, I'd be lining up in front of my corral.
wow... just wow...
I am so sorry!! This seriously sucks! :( I know how you feel!!
I broke my collarbone clear through a few days before basketball season started so i was out half hte season..
I got so restless... I wanted to exercise, shoot a ball, run, something... even take just a normal shower and shave my armpit would have been amazing! haha... gross, i know!
hang in there!! You're right, it could have been a lot worse!! You were very lucky/blessed!! I will be praying for you to heal quickly and hopefully that sling comes off closer to 4 weeks than 8!! :)
I am so sorry! My hubs broke his left shoulder blade a couple of yrs ago in a training accident and it was not fun...especially when he is left handed! He healed up fine and faster than we thought but I was seriously yelling at him that not moving for the first few weeks were necessary...Kind of like trying to cage a lion. Heal up!
I REALLY hate this for you!! I know you are so strong and being disabled like this is terrible! I know it could have been worse, but it still stinks. The getting ready will get easier. Maybe you could train the girls to help?
Oh my goodness! Glad to hear things weren't worse. Guess it's time for some slip on shoes. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
I got choked up when I saw your hospital photos. I know what it's like to be sidelined for awhile...and pain on top of that just plain sucks! Hope your recovery goes as swiftly as possible. Take care!
I am so sorry! I will be sending you lots of positive vibes for a speedy and easy recovery.
OMG!! Feel better soon & heal up fast!
Oh that is aweful! I am so sorry, wish I could send my son over to kiss it better. He tries to kiss my stomach all the time to get the baby out so I will feel better and be able to play rough with him!
oh man i couldnt imagine how scary that must have been but for you to get up and your first thoughts to be on trying to finish...your bad a$$ with the wounds to prove it. feel better soon. :)
Yikes! I'm just catching up on this now. I'm so sorry to see that's how your race ended! No need to make up a crazy story to go with the battle wounds. In this case the truth is more than enough!
OMG. I am so sorry!!! I can't even believe that you are smiling in those pics! Or that you even let someone take a pic of you. I would have been a crazy grumpy woman, and wouldn't have wanted anyone looking or breathing on me! You are so tough! Seriously.
I hope they gave you something good for the pain. :) Feel better!!
Sorry you got injured. Nice that you had such a good friend there for you.
Pics say it all.
get better soon
I'm such a lurker - I always read your blog and never sorry and so wrong of me... but I had to comment today.
I'm so sorry to hear about your shoulder...I dislocated my shoulder and have torn my rotator cuff (on my dominate arm) so I totally understand what you are going through. The trainer is tougher than you will think - but it's good to keep the legs moving....the treadmill will be your BFF....
Get well soon and know we are thinking of you in blogland
Aug of last year my (then) 16yr old did the same thing playing High School football! So I know what you are going thru. it's painful! We elected to not have surgery and he rehabed it. Still has the "bump" from the collarbone but other than that he had full motion and rotation in his arm. Has to! He's a wide receiver geting ready to play in college in another year. Good luck with the surgery!!!! You'll do great!
I'm really behind in my blog reading and so am just now seeing this. I'm so sorry that you're sidelined for a bit but really happy that this was the worst of it. And I agree with your post today about things happening for a reason - you were jumping from big training cycle to big training cycle. Maybe your body really did want a break? I'm impressed with your perspective and amazing attitude. You'll heal up and be ready to go in no time!
Four years ago my neighbor's two pit bulls got out and I wound up missing a chunk of my leg. Had skin graft surgery and missed six weeks of training (leading up to my half marathon at Grandma's in Minn.) Couldn't shower for 17 days (this is when you find out who your true friends are :-) But I made it! Finished my first marathon in March. And I'm way older than you! So stay positive. You can do this! Blessings.
Oh my word! And I almost signed up for a Muddy Buddy. Yikes!
I hope you heal up fast!
THANKS for the pictures. I love a good photo blog - especially when documenting something crazy like a bloody torso and hurt shoulder. I promise to return the favor if/when I am in the hospital next!
Gah! HOw on earth did I miss this??? You poor poor thing. I am so sorry this happened and you have had to endure this pain. I hope you are healing ok.
How did I miss this? This looks rough. I'm glad to hear your surgery went well. Here is to wishing you a speedy recovery!
Ouch! I feel your pain (or should I say, felt). Last June I crashed my bike and fractured my shoulder (and my wrist). My shoulder had to be pinned and I spent 7 weeks on bedrest as it healed. I'm 11 months post accident and have run 2 halfs and 1 full marathon since then. I hope that's at least a little encouragement. I remember the days of not being able to shower, dress, or even wipe my own backside. You WILL get better and you'll be great again! I know you know that, but I know when I was healing I was looking for encouragement!
Whoah! Just saw think linked in your 1000th post and clicked through - everything post-ambulance looks very similar to my own! Though my bump from the collarbone displacement was nowhere near as raised as yours - ouch! Will completely agree with you on the pain levels though - they sent me home from the ER before I had my surgery and I had to shower by myself while I waited for my mom to get in town... I think my neighbor thought I was getting beaten as I tried to undress myself... ended up just cutting off my sports bra :) Glad to see you were able to bounce back so well - gives me hope for my own recovery!
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