Miles Planned/Miles Ran: 157.1/158.3
Rest Days Planned/Rest Days Taken: 7/7
Highest Mileage Week: 4/18-4/24: 41.3 miles
Long Runs Planned/Long Runs Completed: 4/4
Current Book: What? I can barely get myself dressed and you expect me to read? I think not.
Current Shame-Inducing Guilty Pleasure: Part-skim ricotta cheese, sliced strawberries and a dash of Splenda. Best.Dessert.Ever.
Current Colors: Pink and Turquoise
Current Drink: Dunkin Donuts French Vanilla Coffee. 100% yumtastic.
Current Song: Born This Way - Lady Gaga
Current Triumph: I am rocking "Sugar Detox 2011."
Current Goal: Recover as quickly as possible from my Bloody Buddy crash. In case, you didn't hear, I will be having surgery a week from today to repair this ...

Current Excitement: The doctor said that I could ride my bike trainer 7-10 days after surgery. Trust me, I will be counting down the days until I can get my sweat on.
2011 Goals - Status Update:
- Clean up my diet - I am tracking my food religiously at SparkPeople and I am rocking my sugar detox.
- Eat no more than 25 cupcakes - As of May 1st - 11 cupcakes eaten
- Pay off our consumer debt by the end of the year - We have paid off over half of our consumer debt and are on track to be credit card debt free in 10 months. Plus, we are on track to have our student loans eliminated by February 2013, five month ahead of our schedule. And 10 years faster than if we let it go to term.
- Spend $0 on clothing - As of May 1st - $0 spent.
- Run 2,000 miles - As of May 1st - 728.75 miles run.
- Run a sub 1:55 half marathon - Next race - 7/31, San Francisco Half
- Take 30+ minutes off my marathon - Completed - 3/26, National Marathon, 4:15:48, 33:50 PR.
Good luck with the surgery and recovery from the accident. That looked like one nasty crash.
Is it outpatient surgery?
Fingers crossed that it all goes well and you heal super quick and can hit that trainer on day 7!
Hang in there!
Just wanted to say that you are absolutely, positively INSPIRING to me.
You are actually one of my heroes.
And just for the record, i think you should sell your headbands on Amazon, so that when my family gives me giftcards to amazon i can buy five or ten or... you know... a lot.
Just sayin'.
yikes! your xray is so scary! Hang in there!!
I think the sugar detox is messing with your head. Ricotta and strawberries??
I hadn't heard about you having surgery! Yikes! :( That x-ray is scary!!!
HOLY OUCH!!!!!!!!
Maybe i'm an idiot, but how come you can't get on a stationary bike for some exercise? How would that hurt your shoulder?
Anyways, I am wishing you a speedy recovery!
Awesome month! Do you keep track of your run miles from your bike miles?
Do you have to do PT too?
Wish I could be present to help you... I am sure it is not an easy thing to schedule. I have basically no ACL in my right knee and the doctor said that when I had 6 weeks free to let him know... well, 3 years later, still have NOT had the time. Running doesn't bother it though, just all side-pivot sports (bball, soccer, vball... etc)
Praying for you.
Ouch! That makes my shoulder hurt. I hope surgery goes well and you have a quick recovery. Great job on making progress towards your other goals!
Born This Way - Glee Cast was my new fav song on my iPod at Eugene. I searched for it to come around again to get me through mile 11.
And, wait a minute, a PR in SF? I need to check the course elevation again to see if I can even attempt to keep up with you. I had planned on dilly dallying and taking lots of pictures at that one...
WOW, that xray!
Best of luck and wishes for a quick surgery recovery!
And best of luck on your cupcake goals...that is a tough are you combining no sugar with eating cupcakes? Do you have a good, sugar free recipe?
I feel so bad that you got hurt. I love that you are more focussed on the positive aspects though. Let your little girls nurture you during your healing and recovery. Will be praying for you!
HOLY CRAP!!!! that looks so painful! i'll be thinking of you and sending speedy recovery vibes your way. you poor thing.
My husband broke the same part as you from skiing a couple of years ago. He recovered pretty quickly and is in good health now. GOOD LUCK and I'll be thinking of ya!!
I am in AWE that you are sticking with the sugar detox through all of this. I would have dove (dived?) head first into the first box of cupcakes I could find. Good for you. Be strong!
Good luck with surgery! Glad to hear you're sticking to your sugar detoz. That's difficult!
How do you like SparkPeople? Is it better than the Daily Plate on Livestrong? Great job on the Sugar Detox! You are going strong, and I seriously admire you! I got about 5 days in and caved. were in my dreams last night. Yep. We have never met in real life, and I dreamed about you. I have officially reached creeper status. :) By the way, my dream was about you leaving a comment on my blog. Of course it had to be blogging related. Ha.
I knew that huge bump under your skin on your shoulder didn't look normal! Good luck with your surgery!
hope everything goes well with your surgery! will be thinking about you! you are doing amazing on all of your goals :)
Hey, good luck with the surgery, hope your back up and running as soon as can be.
With that injury, I think you earned an extra cupcake for the year! :)
Great month (until that last part)! Ouch.
I am a believer in the fact that when we need or ask for more of something, (i.e. praying for more time, energy, strength...). We are not given more of that thing/quality but more opportunity to practice using what we already have in that area. Thus we become better at it. I think there is some unseen blessing in what has happened. I know that you will be made so much stronger (as if you could get stronger). As you are, I am thankful that your injuries were not worse and you will be back in the saddle quickly.
I think surgery might call for one extra cupcake this year. They make them sugar free, right?
Ouch! I hope the surgery goes well.
OMG that x ray looks so scary! YIKES! I am so sorry you have to have surgery!
That x-ray made me cringe. I hope that the surgery goes smoothly and you are back on the trainer soon.
Just saw you are having surgery-boo! Hope the recovery goes smoothly and quickly.
Whoa, I haven't had access to the internet for a few days to I totally missed your accident. Good luck with the surgery and recovery!!
ewww, that xray gives me the heebies...and im a nurse, i cant handle ortho stuff!!!! so sorry you have to have surgery!
OUCH! Hope your surgery goes smoothly!
Yikes! Sending you good thoughts for your surgery and speedy recovery!
Good luck with your surgery. You will be a quick recoverer I am sure!
Thinking of you T!!
I am in awe of your organization and goal setting! You are dedicated and inspire me to focus on more areas than just running!
omg...i am a little behind on reading and i just saw this. i am so so sorry for your crash. hope all goes well for you. sendig prayers your way.
typical you though..if you are gonna do something, do it well. you really busted that shoulder up!! wow
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