Tuesday, May 10, 2011

totally awesome KEEN giveaway ...

Basically since they could walk, my kids have been wearing Keens. Dizzle, Doodle and Dilly have the Newports in blue and pink and purple and rainbow. We own so many pairs that we might as well own stock in the company. But, in our defense, Keen Footwear is amazing. Waterproof and comfortable, the Keen Newport is the perfect shoe for anyone looking for a rugged sandal.

J and I loved our daughters' Keens so much that last year, we finally got them for ourselves (well, I won mine in a giveaway from Run Like A Mother: The Book, but that's not the point.) Ultimately, I decided on these beauties (click photo for info)...

And I LOVE THEM. So much so, that when OnlineShoes.com (an awesome site that carries TONS of items, including running shoes and gear) offered up a pair to giveaway, I wanted to keep them for myself, especially when there are so many adorable varieties to choose from (Don't worry guys, there are plenty of options for you too).

Browsing the OnlineShoes.com website, I was instantly drawn to the Keen Harvest Mary Jane.Fun and functional, these shoes could easily find a place in my shoe rotation. But, like I said, this giveaway is not for me. It's for you.

Thanks to OnlineShoes.com, ONE winner will get their choice of a pair of Keens (valued up to $100). So, do you want to know how to enter? (Separate comments for each entry, please)

REQUIRED: Become a Follower of this blog and leave me a comment to let me know.

REQUIRED: Head over to the Keen page at OnlineShoes.com HERE , then come back and comment to let me know what pair you would choose.

  • "Like" OnlineShoes.com on Facebook HERE, come back and leave a comment.
  • "Like" Racing With Babes on Facebook HERE, come back and leave a comment.
  • Follow OnlineShoes.com on Twitter HERE, come back and leave a comment.
  • Follow Me on Twitter HERE, come back and leave a comment.
  • Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter (be sure to include @tmbrunnerfirst AND @OnlineShoes_com in your Tweet), come back and leave a comment.
Entries will be accepted until 11:59 EST on May 23rd. Winner will be randomly selected on May 24th.


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M said...

Kind of loving these: Keen Summer Golden Sandal Chocolate Chip (don't have to keep toenails painted - or keep toenails, period.)

christa said...

and I like online shoes on fb

M said...

Done :-)

christa said...

And If I can figure it out I will link it to my blog....

Elle said...

Following you !

Katie said...

I follow you!

Unknown said...

OK, so hard to decide which shoes I would pick! Buck I LOVE the Keen Naples Bison sandals

Katie said...

I would pick the Keen Venice in orion blue!

Unknown said...

I like Online SHoes on facebook

Katie said...

I like Onlineshoes on FB

Katie said...

I lkie you on FB

Unknown said...

I like Racing with Babes on facebook

Katie said...

I follow onlineshoes on twitter

Unknown said...

I follow Online SHoes on twitter as @stickyprints

Elle said...

I love the Toyah MJ in burgundy.

May 24th is my birthday... could I be so lucky?

Unknown said...

I follow you on twitter as @stickyprints

Katie said...

I follow you on twitter

Unknown said...

I posted on facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/christine.h.jensen/posts/108596955893460

Katie said...

I shared on FB!

Elle said...

I linked to your giveaway post on my Giveaway sidebar on my blog.

Pam @ herbieontherun.com said...

I like the Venice H2s.

Pam @ herbieontherun.com said...

I follow RWB on FB.

Pam @ herbieontherun.com said...

Putting the giveaway on my blog.

Stephanie said...

I'm following your blog.

Stephanie said...

I 'liked' you on FB.

Stephanie said...

I liked Onlineshoes.com on FB. :)

Stephanie said...

If I win, I'd love the Newport H2 shoes in the navy/dream color.

Stephanie said...

I posted about your giveaway.

Jess's Journey to the Land Of Skinny said...

I am a follower!

Jess's Journey to the Land Of Skinny said...

I love the Balboa in Dark Citron or Living Coral/neutral Gray.....or the Newport H2 in the same colors....hard decision!

Abbey's Parents said...

Following...and we love Keens in our house!

Mile Posts by Dorothy Beal said...

I follow :)

Mile Posts by Dorothy Beal said...

I follow you on twitter!

Mile Posts by Dorothy Beal said...

I follow onlineshoes on twitter now!

Mile Posts by Dorothy Beal said...

I would get the whisper slide or the newport :)

Megan said...

New follower!!

Mile Posts by Dorothy Beal said...

I like you on facebook!

Megan said...

I want those Harvest Mary Jane's!! They remind me of crossword puzzles.

Megan said...

Posted on my blog giveaway sidebar!

Megan said...

Like you "Racing with Babes" on FB!!

Erica said...

I follow you. Thanks for offering the giveaway.

Erica said...

I'd choose the golden ballerina in black. Perfect for commuting!

Erica said...

I like OnlineShoes.com on FB

Erica said...

I like RWB on FB

Erica said...

I follow OnlineShoes.com on Twitter

Erica said...

I follow you on Twitter

Unknown said...

WOW! Love these :) that mary jane is adorable!!

of course I follow you!!

Unknown said...

I'd get the Venice HZ!!

Unknown said...

Liked Onlineshoes.com on FB

Unknown said...

I already like you on FB, that is how I saw this!!

Anonymous said...

...will follow for shoes! Love the maryjane style!

Unknown said...

following them on twitter :D

Finallyfit2011 said...

I would choose the Keen A86 TR! SPIFFYYY!!!

Finallyfit2011 said...

I like online shoes on fb :)

Finallyfit2011 said...

I like racing w/ babes on fb!

Finallyfit2011 said...

I am following online shoes on Twitter!

Finallyfit2011 said...

I follow you on Twitter :)

Finallyfit2011 said...

I tweeted said comment to Twitter!

Finallyfit2011 said...

I posted giveaway to my blog!

Finallyfit2011 said...

I posted giveaway to fb!!!

Shelley said...

I follow your blog!

Shelley said...

I'd get the Whisper Slide in Nectarine/Drizzle - jazzy!

Earth Momma Mer said...

I am a follower.

Earth Momma Mer said...

Honestly, the fact that you are doing a Keen giveaway is making me drool. I would take any of them. But, if I could pick - I've been eyeing those rice paper ones ever since Beth Gray got them. *jealous* So, I'd take those.

Earth Momma Mer said...

Already "like" RWB.

Non Sequitur Chica said...

I'm a follower of your blog.

Non Sequitur Chica said...

I would use the money to get the Genoa Peak trail shoes.

AdventurerMom said...

I follow this blog

AdventurerMom said...

I would very much like the Keen Coronado Mary Jane Violet Quartz/Flower Print.
Look super cute and comfy! And I don't have anything that is both...

AdventurerMom said...

Liked onlineshoes.com on Facebook

AdventurerMom said...

Like Racing With Babes on Facebook (and in real life)

AdventurerMom said...

Posting this on my Facebook!

Molly said...

follower! : )

Molly said...

follow ya on twitter!

Molly said...

I should pick a dress up shoe, but I think I would get another pair of birkenstocks or a pair of Brooks Adrenaline, since that's all I really wear!

Molly said...

off to tweet!

Summer Brooke said...

I'm a follower.

Summer Brooke said...

I like the Keen Coronado in Blue.

Summer Brooke said...

I like Online Shoes on Facebook.

Summer Brooke said...

I like Racing with babes on FB!

S Club Mama said...

I'm a follower

S Club Mama said...

I would get Keen Venice H2 Azure Blue/Mimosa or the Harvest woven ones that you pictured

S Club Mama said...

I like Online shoes on FB (Randi S)

S Club Mama said...

I like Racing with Babes on FB (Randi S)

S Club Mama said...

I follow you on Twitter (@Sclubmama)

SupermomE13 said...

I LOVE Keens! I love the Newport H2's, and I also really like the new summer slipons

SupermomE13 said...

I liked them on facebook

SupermomE13 said...

I liked you on Facebook

SupermomE13 said...

I posted on my blog

runninglawyer said...

I'm a follower!

runninglawyer said...

I would love a pair of Keen Balboa's!

runninglawyer said...

I like OnlineShoes.com on Facebook!

runninglawyer said...

I Follow OnlineShoes.com on Twitter!

runninglawyer said...

I Follow you on Twitter!!

runninglawyer said...

I tweeted about this contest!

Allison said...

Keen Harvest Mary Jane Swirl

Allison said...

posted on my sidebar

Allison said...

i followe you on twitter (@allie0622)

Allison said...

follow Online shoes on twitter!

Teamarcia said...


Teamarcia said...

I like OS on FB

Teamarcia said...

I like RWB on FB

Teamarcia said...

I follow OS on Twitter

Teamarcia said...

I follow you on Twitter

Teamarcia said...

And I tweeted

Rose @ Eat, Drink, and Be Meiri said...

I'm a follower!

Katie said...

GAH! I have been trying on the paired you picked at REI for months but can't bring myself to buy them. pick me!

Katie said...

oh, and i'm a follower! duh.

Katie said...

aaaaand i follow you on twitter.

Rose @ Eat, Drink, and Be Meiri said...

Keen A86 TR Living Coral/Jester Red would be perfect for my trail running!

bobbi said...

I follow!

bobbi said...

I like them on fb and posted on their wall!

bobbi said...

I would love a new pair of maryjanes - I heart the harvest ones you have pictured...

bobbi said...

I like RWB on fb!

Jennifer Spadafora said...

Totally a follower!

Jennifer Spadafora said...

And I linked this giveaway in my blog sidebar.

Jennifer Spadafora said...

If I had to pick just one.....i'd go with the Coronado Mary Janes. Too cute!

Caroline said...


Caroline said...

Keen Summer Golden Slip-On Drizzle

Caroline said...

I Like OnlineShoes.com on Facebook

Caroline said...

I Like Racing With Babes on Facebook

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

I follow TMB

Caroline said...

I follow you on twitter

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

The Golden Sandals are speaking to me right now...but that is probably wishful thinking for summer too!

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

I like onlineshoes.com on FB

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

I like RWB on FB

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

I follow onlineshoes.com on twitter

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

tweeted! @blondeponytail

Jess @ Blonde Ponytail said...

sharing on FB

Kristen said...

I already like onlineshoes.com on fb.

Kristen said...

I already like rwb on fb.

Kristen said...

I follow onlineshoes.com on twitter.

Kristen said...

I posted the giveaway on my blog

Rachel Durazzani said...


Rachel Durazzani said...

Seriously? PIck one? I'd probably do the Paradise MJ. But the Venice would be by next pick.

Rachel Durazzani said...

Liked Online Shoes on FB.

Rachel Durazzani said...

Already "liked" you on FB a few months ago.

Rachel Durazzani said...

Follow OnlineShoes on Twitter

Rachel Durazzani said...

Already follow you on Twitter. Maybe my husband was right!

MCM Mama said...

I'm a follower!

MCM Mama said...

I love the "Golden" Mary Jane.

MCM Mama said...

I like Onlineshoes on facebook

MCM Mama said...

I like Racing With Babes on Facebook.

MCM Mama said...

I already follow you on twitter.

Rachel said...

And I just blogged about it at runningtodc.blogspot.com.

~K~ said...

i want more of these: Asics GEL-1150™

~K~ said...

i like online shoes on fb already

~K~ said...

already liked racing w/ babes on fb too!

Karen said...

I think I would get the emerald city sandals...hard to choose!

Anonymous said...

I already follow thru GFC!

Anonymous said...

I also follow your twitter! @rustbeltrunner

Anonymous said...

It's so hard to choose!

I am definitely in need of a brown work shoe, so maybe I would go for the Paradise Ballerina in a brown shade.

The Mary Janes all look cute!

Michelle said...


Michelle said...

I would get my hubby a pair since like you - I own all sorts of Keens for myself. Either the Newports or Siskayous for him! Awesome giveaway!

Michelle said...

RWB follower on FB

frazledmom5 said...

I follow your blog

frazledmom5 said...

i visited the website and like the Keen Venice H2 in Grape/Regal

frazledmom5 said...

liked Running with babies on Fb

frazledmom5 said...

i shared the giveaway on FB

ajh said...

I am a follower and a huge fan of Keens.

ajh said...

I want the purple running shoes that you see when you first get on the women's shoes for Keen.

Q said...

I am a follower! I hope I show up in your list, because mine is giving me problems.

Q said...

So much choice, that I can't narrow it down! But I think a pair of sandals.

My hikers are Keen and I've been really happy with them.

Q said...

I like online shoes on facebook!

Q said...

I like racing with babes on facebook.

DaphneB said...

I'm a blog follower!

Q said...

I follow online shoes on Twitter now.

Q said...

And I follow you on Twitter now!

Q said...

Tweeted about your contest now.

DaphneB said...

I like the Coronado Mary Janes, and the Emeral City 3 point, and ... I could keep going but I think that's just getting carried away. =o)

DaphneB said...

I Like you on Facebook!

shelb18 said...

I am a follower! Love all the different styles but would pick Keen Waimea H2 Raya White as my favorite!

Julia said...

i have always always wanted a pair of the Newport H2s!!! LOVE them!

Julia said...

i follow you on facebook!

Julia said...

I liked onlineshoes.com on facebook

Julia said...

i follow onlineshoes.com on twitter!

Julia said...

i follow you on twitter!

Julia said...

annnnd I know posted the giveaway to my blog!

Julia said...

ooops. and forgot to mention that I am a follower of your blog :)

RunHapi13 said...

I am a follower...

RunHapi13 said...

I, too, would choose the Keen Harvest Mary Jane!

RunHapi13 said...

I LIKE OnlineShoes.com

RunHapi13 said...

I already LIKE RWB on FB.

Jill said...

I follow.

blits said...

I "like" online shoes" on FB

Jill said...

I would choose the Keen Whisper Nile.

Jill said...

Like you on FB.

blits said...

went to the online page - definitely NEED the LaPaz, though I LOVE my newports!

Jill said...

Following you on Twitter, ohmmommy.

blits said...

I'm a follower!

Suzanne said...

I tweeted about it (cupcakequeen1)!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower.

Anonymous said...

I like you on facebook.

Anonymous said...

Too many choices to pick... probably something water-friendly (like the sandals)... I hate barefoot on the beach... but now I'm liking those Mary Janes you posted.

Laura Grace said...

Venice H2 are my favorite! <3

Aimee said...

I love the Keen A86 TR shoe!

Aimee said...

I'm a follower!

Kortni said...

I would get the summer golden sandal...super cute!

Kortni said...

I am already a follower

Kortni said...

I already liked you on FB

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